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99 pages of results. 141. Worship Of The Morning Star, Part 1 Venus Ch.9 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... was most probably the image of the pillar of cloud and fire which appeared as a moving serpent to all peoples of the world. St. Jerome apparently had this image in view when he interpreted the star mentioned by Amos as Lucifer. Or was it the "star of David," the six-pointed star? The Egyptian Venus-Isis, the Babylonian Venus-Ishtar, the Greek Venus-Athene were goddesses pictured with serpents, and sometimes represented as dragons. "Ishtar, the fearful dragon," wrote Assurbanipal.(43) The Morning Star of the Toltecs, Quetzal-cohuatl (Quetzalcoatl), also is represented as a great dragon or serpent: "cohuatl" in Nahuatl is "serpent", ...
142. Bob Forrest and Venus As A Comet In World Mythology [Books]
... a recurring association of Venus with celestial "hair" and with a celestial "beard," two of the most common terms for "comet" in the ancient world. Yet another popular term for "comet" was "serpent-star," a form taken by the planet Venus in several lands. And the same planet, among the Babylonians and other peoples, was called the "flame," or "torch of heaven," a widespread symbol of comets among ancient peoples. According to Velikovsky, the history of the Venus-comet inspired some of the most powerful themes of ancient myth and speaks for a collective memory of global upheaval, featuring earthshaking battles in the sky, ...
143. Letters [Journals] [Pensee]
... , whether this bibliographic effort will include a rechecking and/or renovation of some of the footnote references, e.g . in Worlds in Collision, because some discrepancies do remain there throughout all its editions. With these discrepancies in mind I would like to offer two comments in connection with the Lynn E. Rose article, (" Babylonian Observations on Venus," winter, 1973). (1 ) Rose gives full recognition of the fact that the Venus Ammizaduga tablets contain a good share of internal contradictions and errors-above and beyond the idea that irregularities of the path of Venus may be recorded in them. Scribal errors, for example, are common in both mathematical and ...
144. Temple, Crown, Vase, Eye, and Circular Serpent [Books]
... The cosmic dwelling becomes the "Good temple built on a good place .. . floating in the sky .. . heaven's midst." (5 ) It is said to "float like a cloud in the midst of the sky." (6 ) In constructing the earthbound copy of the temple above, states Jastrow, the Babylonians strove to make both the exterior and interior "resplendent with brilliant colouring- brilliant as the sun. ' (7 ) " The purpose is clear: to imbue the local temple with a lustre matching that of the prototype. Symbolically, the local temple takes on the radiance of the celestial, becoming the "house of light, ...
145. "Nemesis" -- A New Idea as Old as the Bible? [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... issue into the realm of my own studies and writings, for in 1976 in my book, The Twelfth Planet, I had concluded that the ancient Sumerians knew, 6000 years ago, all the members of our Solar System known to us today- plus one more large planet. They called this "celestial lord" NIBIRU (and the Babylonians, "Marduk," in honor of their national god). In their cosmogony the Sumerians attributed to that intruder into the Solar System a celestial collision that broke up an early planet to create Earth, the Asteroid Belt, and the comets; they stated that its comet-like, elliptical orbit takes it far out and brings it to ...
146. The Third Degree. File II (Stargazers and Gravediggers) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Stargazers]
... this latter aspect which may justify the waste of space in a scientific journal." As evidence to support this grave and generalized statement, Neugebauer immediately gave an example. He quoted from page 349 of my book and confronted me with my source, Franz Xaver Kugler, a Jesuit priest. Kugler wrote in German a series of books on Babylonian astronomy, from each of which I quote in several places in Worlds in Collision. One of Kugler's books is The Babylonian Moon Computation: Two Chaldean Systems Concerning the Movement of the Moon and the Sun.(1 ) As the title indicates, a certain collection of Babylonian astronomical tablets contains two (and in part even three) ...
147. Akkadian language (Babylonian and Assyrian cuneiform texts) [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 1996:1 Home | Issue Contents Akkadian language (Babylonian and Assyrian cuneiform texts)http://ruurq2.sron.ruu.nl/akkadian/index.html Home page on Akkadian, an introduction collected by John Heise. Akkadian is a great cultural language of world history. These pages are about the cuneiform writing system on clay tablets, the language, the grammar. Some texts examples with transliteration and explanation are presented. ...
148. In Search of the Exodus [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... rites in Palestine (much as Christianity absorbed pagan festivals and saints). In addition, the Deuteronomist has interpreted the material in terms of punishment and reward, using forty-year units to reinforce the ideology that Yahweh interfered directly in the affairs of his people- and has invariably omitted more than he has included. Beth-Shemesh (a dialectal variant of Babylonian Shamash, probably Amorite) may be connected with the Samson cycle and in turn with the Labors of Heracles. [21] We may note the long hair of Samson (Shemesh) has cometary parallels, and the twelve labors of Hercules is sky oriented through the Zodiac. Samson in addition is associated with the tribe of Dan and ...
149. Assuruballit [Journals] [Kronos]
... , were placed in the 14th century, the Assyrian king Assuruballit was looked for in the then available king lists. Thus, the desire to find the names mentioned in his letters in the king lists was already there. This required quite a bit of stretching. In 1917 Weidner admitted: The dates we have established for the Assyrian and Babylonian kings do not fit those established by Egyptian historians for the dates of the Egyptian kings.(7 ) In order to make the reign of Assuruballit and the time of these pharaohs contemporaneous, it was necessary to shift both chronologies, the Egyptian and the Assyrian. The Amarna Period, in order to meet the the earlier found king ...
150. The Reforming Of The Calendar, Part 2 Mars Ch.8 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... shows. In Tablet No. 32, the movement of the sun along the zodiac is precisely calculated in degrees, and the station of the sun at the beginning of each lunar month is determined exactly; but it is "a perplexing presentation of the ununiform movement of the sun . The question is insistent: Why is it that the Babylonians formulated the nonuniformity of the solar movement precisely in this way?"7 As the various systems recorded in the astronomical tablets of Nineveh show, the world order changed repeatedly in the course of a single century. Hence, the Chaldean astronomers had the task of repeatedly readjusting the calendar. "From certain passage s in the astrological tablets ...
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