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245 pages of results. 31. Fingerprints of the Gods: do ancient relicts point to an advanced civilisation 15,000 years ago? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... really does look to me like some sort of representation of a piece of technology, perhaps something to do with astronomy, though this cannot be said with certainty. The figure of Chacmol at Chichen Itza in Mexico was the last ... disposed of too glibly by orthodox scholarship. It is a mystery that deserves very thorough investigation. Ancient Artists and Astronomers Figure 7 The principal figures of the Nazca plateau Were the mapmakers linemakers too? Examining the famous Nazca lines of ... past or future. They could calculate the day and place of particular ceremonies. This was a highly mathematically-minded, astronomically-minded, calendrically-minded people and it is to the Mayans, who I think inherited their system from the so-called Olmecs ( ...
32. The Calendar [Journals] [Aeon]
... many regions under the control of his own city, Ur, and created a cultural renaissance under which mathematics and astronomy could blossom. "The Babylonian interest in the sky originated as a belief in the influence of the heavens on ... the Egyptian Calendar [2 ] and that in most cultures these days were considered unlucky. When conventional historians or astronomers write about the calendar situations in ancient times they invariably denigrate the observational and mathematical skills of whatever nation is under ... was expended. Yet even today there is no consensus on who was right. "About 80 years ago an astronomer-historian by the name of Fotheringham produced a list of 11 solar eclipses from 1063 BC to 364 AD that he regarded ...
33. Forum [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the fate of thesis IV, Velikovsky, I predict, will prove to have given, through thesis II to astronomy and the earth sciences, and through thesis III to humanistic disciplines, a distinctive new orientation." We now ... sort of synthesis is possible we may see modern catastrophism diverge into two quite separate camps; one with a sound astronomical theory which does not fit the myths, and the other with a myth-based theory with little credibility among professional astronomers ... be anonymous here. Those reservations lead me to question the value of seeking at this stage for any synthesis between astronomy-based and myth-based theories of Earth's past history. I believe it will be more useful constantly to test the two types ...
34. Babylonian Observations of Venus [Journals] [Pensee]
... , the text of which was finally published in 1927, posthumously, in the collection of Schiaparelli's works on ancient astronomy (Scritti Sulla Storia della Astronomia Antica, Bologna, Nicola Zanichelli Editore, 3 vols). In that collection ... have been the earliest to adopt with specific reference to the Venus tablets the attitude that might be called the "astronomers' dogma," which I will explain in a moment. But before we consider any more of the literature ... finally published in 1927, posthumously, in the collection of Schiaparelli's works on ancient astronomy (Scritti Sulla Storia della Astronomia Antica, Bologna, Nicola Zanichelli Editore, 3 vols). In that collection the monograph on the Venus tablets ...
35. Formation of Chondritic Meteorites and the Solar System [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Australian Government. The holder of a degree in Physics at Melbourne University, he has had a lifelong interest in astronomy and Velikovsky's theories. The Talk he gave at the AGM of the Society in April 1988 was based upon this ... : an earlier version of this paper was also presented at the 13th National Australian Convention of Amateur Astronomers in Sydney during Easter 1988. It is the thunderbolt that steers the Universe' - Heraclitus, c.500 BC Introduction This ... Whipple seems to have recognised this situation when he wrote: Alfven's theory has great bearing on all hot plasmas in astronomy-stars, black holes, and even interstellar gases - but the theory is almost unmanageable in practice. It is a ...
36. "We Are Shaking In Our Shoes". File III (Stargazers and Gravediggers) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Stargazers]
... , followed by "Retort to Velikovsky" in Science News Letter and Science Digest and a longer article in Popular Astronomy (June 1950). Once more she tried to show that I was wrong in quoting my sources. She ... many angels could stand on the head of a pin. In such an assembly I would have thought that the astronomical, physical, archaeological, and geological problems of my theory would come to the fore. With regard to these ... He placed the catastrophic events too close in time- in a historical age. The reason for the acceptance of an astronomer's theory of catastrophes in the solar system was that it is "based on known facts- careful measurements of the motions ...
37. The Velikovsky Affair [Books] [de Grazia books]
... of the public. It continues to increase. Velikovsky has managed to talk to people about mythology, archaeology, astronomy, and geology, without doing injustice to those disciplines, in an amazing and unprecedented manner. Socrates, Aristotle ... Exposure, by Ralph E. Juergens 3. The Inconstant Heavens, by Livio C. Stecchini 4. Cuneiform Astronomical Records and Celestial Instability, by Livio C. Stecchini 5. Astronomical Theory and Historical Data, by Livio C ... . ' Velikovsky, in a letter published in The Spectator on October 27, 1950 called attention to the Royal Astronomer's error; the last catastrophe took place not between Mars and Venus, but between Mars and earth. He also ...
38. Thoth Vol II, No. 10: June 15, 1998 [Journals] [Thoth]
... an empty, lifeless universe with a historical, lightning-filled one. There are things to do: The physics and astronomy of isolated, static particles need to be exchanged for a science of interconnected bodies adapting to a changing, energy-driven ... observed: "It has been clear to all serious students of Mesoamerican culture that there was an intimate relationship between astronomical knowledge, the calendar, and religious beliefs and rituals." Much the same point could be made with respect ... agents. Nearly twenty years of research has convinced me that Velikovsky was on the right track and that the modern astronomer's refusal to acquaint himself with the message of ancient myth will prove to be a most glaring omission. Velikovsky posed ...
39. The Empire Strikes Back [Books] [de Grazia books]
... writing a book of sociology, history, ethnology, and political analysis, not to mention meteorology, geology, astronomy, etc.? Does he regard himself as a greater polymath than any of us? Then again, he ... an undesired line of ancestors, such as V. Stecchini in the 1970's pointed out that Schiaparelli was a leading astronomer but could not get acceptance of his idea that Venus was scarcely rotating in relation to the Sun, showing an ... read into history and science. Finally take the word of the author himself (p . 366) that an astronomer's statement that "Velikovsky's scenario was impossible on grounds of celestial mechanics was just not so." That is worth ...
40. Minds in Chaos [Books] [de Grazia books]
... harmony and imperceptible evolution, is but an illusion. Velikovsky's reappraisal of world history ravages established doctrine in disciplines from astronomy to psychology: universal gravitation of masses is not the only force governing celestial motions-electromagnetic force must also play ... with a peculiar emotion that Newsweek termed a highly unacademic fury. ' Even if Velikovsky's books were, as one astronomer put it, the most amazing example of a shattering of accepted concepts on record, ' the violence of the ... . ' Velikovsky, in a letter published in The Spectator on October 27, 1950 called attention to the Royal Astronomer's error; the last catastrophe took place not between Mars and Venus, but between Mars and earth. He also ...
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