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245 pages of results. 181. Limitations of Astronomical Dating Methods* [Journals] [Kronos]
... arriving at the traditional structure of ancient chronology is the dating of events by means of coincident astronomical phenomena. While most of us are not sufficiently versed in the science of astronomy to understand how the calculations are made, we accept the predictions of astronomers when we are told that on such a date and at such an exact time of day ... From: Kronos Vol. I No. 2 (Summer 1975) Home | Issue Contents Limitations of Astronomical Dating Methods*Donovan A. Courville [* This article has been reprinted with the gracious permission of Dr. Donovan A. Courville from his two-volume work The Exodus Problem and its Ramifications (Crest Challenge Books, Loma Linda, ...
182. Electricity in Astronomy (4) [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Review Vol II No 1 (Autumn 1977) Home | Issue Contents Electricity in Astronomy (4 )Eric Crew B.Sc., F.I .E .E ., F.R .A .S .; contributor to Nature and numerous astronomical journals. Although the charge on a single electron is ... , there are such immense numbers of electrons that forces due to accumulated electrical charges are often far more significant than gravitational and all other forces. It can be shown how vast electrical charges can accumulate in astronomical space: the process is here described in detail. Electrical forces One of the most striking and yet most neglected aspects of electricity in ...
... even from the most varied literature; the Indians especially give us a most striking proof of this. But a chronology which is well arranged and established must always proceed from astronomy." DR. RICHARD LEPSIUS. HERMES was credited with the invention of astronomy, and, it was said, "mapped out the heavens", which really ... From: The Riddle of Prehistoric Britain by Comyns Beaumont CD Home | Contents Part One: Britain's Great Antiquity Chapter IX The Astronomical Doctrine Of Hermes "Without chronology we should obtain no history even from the most varied literature; the Indians especially give us a most striking proof of this. But a chronology which is well arranged and established ...
... there which had not been previously drawn into the equatorial ring. So that the polar heavens became clear of primitive vapors and all other matter associated there- * Robinson's " Astronomy," page 69. 36 The Earth's Annular System. with before the equatorial matter could possibly descend upon the earth. Then it is plain that we have arrived ... it not a reasonable claim? It is conceded that Jupiter's belts are aqueous vapors. These make a complete revolution in about ten hours, and it is claimed by eminent astronomers that they are held away from the planet by his own native heat. Well, suppose this heat were suddenly removed? The Jovine atmosphere would contract and what would ...
... Chapter XXXV The Origin of Egyptian Astronomy (Continued)- The Thebes School THE next question which arises now that we have considered the facts relating to the astronomy of Northern Egypt is one connected with the cults which we have proved to come down the Nile. Were they indigenous or imported? Although I have put it forward with all ... is that the almost entire absence of Set temples and east and west pyramids up the river indicates that, so far as these structures go, we lack the links which astronomically and mythologically connect the Delta with Babylonia either directly or by common origin. From Prof. Sayce it is to be gathered that the most ancient people yet glimpsed there ...
186. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... and disrespectful attitude of Nick Saunders in reviewing David Rohl's book The Test of Time - but was it a Freudian error which caused the latter's name to be spelt incorrectly? ASTRONOMY Mystery X-rays Scientific American March 1996, p. 17, Baltimore Evening Sun 16.9 .94, New Scientist 2.3 .96, p. 16 ... group of Japanese astronomers has discovered a form of X-ray emission which seems to come from high speed electrons racing through a magnetic field at the edge of the shock wave of a nearby supernova, confirming theories that cosmic rays originate in supernova explosions. Meanwhile a large burst of X-rays from a bright star which normally gives out an unvarying stream of ...
187. A Personal Reminiscence [Journals] [Aeon]
... No wonder the book became an overnight bestseller. That it was first published by Macmillan, perhaps the most famous publisher at that time of the outstanding authors of physics and astronomy, was considered an affront by many prestigious scientists, and a violent campaign, led by the late famous Harvard astronomer, Harlow Shapley, was directed against Macmillan, ... ) Lloyd Motz In 1950 Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky, an M.D . (psychiatrist) from Moscow University, biblical scholar, Egyptologist, papyrologist, selftaught physicist and astronomer (with many gaps in this phase of his education), linguist, writer, lecturer, and a most stubborn opponent in a debate, published Worlds in Collision ...
188. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Workshop Vol 5 No 3 (Sep 1983) Home | Issue Contents Monitor Saturn's Recent Rings source: Astronomy May 1982, p. 32 Few modern scientists would have contested the statement that Saturn's rings have been in existence for millions of years, unchanged, before the Voyager project. Immanuel Velikovsky challenged that statement, as ... The release of comets from the Oort cloud would result in a "comet shower" in which as many as 7000 comets could pass within 2 A.U . (astronomical units) of the Earth. He estimates that an Earth-comet collision (not just a near miss) would have occurred between 10 and 200 times in the history of ...
189. An Introduction to the Evidence of the Panchasiddhantika [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Saturn, as seen from Earth. A preliminary study of the work reveals possible evidence for a 360-day year sometime in the past. The Panchasiddhantika is a Hindu manual of astronomy compiled by Varaha Mihira in about 550 AD. It is generally believed to employ an "epoch" (base date for astronomical calculations) of 505 AD. A ... Reade Michael Reade, D.S .C ., a confectionery technologist, is also a specialist in marine navigation. His earlier contributions to the Review have dealt with astronomical records from Egypt. This sixth-century Hindu astronomical manual gives anomalous synodic periods for the planets Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn, as seen from Earth. A preliminary ...
190. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... most of their peers believe .. .. Much of what makes a scientific argument convincing, in the end, has to do with things other than science'. ASTRONOMY Asteroids unlimited Science Frontiers No. 94, Jul-Aug 94, p. 2, New Scientist 27.8 .94, pp. 27-29, 16.7 . ... Daly, Gallant (see below) and Velikovsky were not so much wrong as simply before their time. The recent impacts of a broken up comet on Jupiter have led astronomers to suggest that a chain of 23 craters on the Moon might have been caused by a similar event. Impacts are also thought responsible for the uneven density of the ...
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