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... An Interview With Einstein, (in French 1979), p. 41 [Question] "Why do you think people [scientists] resisted [this new concept in astronomy?]" [Answer: Gerald D. Vaucouleursj "Number one, it did not come from a member of the establishment. As one of them told me ... If it doesn't come from us, I don't believe it, ' There is only one true church." [Question] "Do you think that if [the astronomer] Oort had [offered this new concept] people [scientists] would have believed it?" [G .D . Vaucouleurs] "Yes, of course ...
172. The Astronomical Basis of Egyptian Chronology [Journals] [SIS Review]
... as it is revealed by astronomical records in Egyptology. I am no Egyptologist. I have no detailed knowledge in that field, so I will confine my attention to the astronomy. There are several concepts that some people find elementary and others seem to find rather difficult. One of these is what is meant by a heliacal rising. We ... From: SIS Review Vol VI No 1-3 (1982) "The 1978 Glasgow Conference Proceedings" Home | Issue Contents The Astronomical Basis of Egyptian Chronology Prof. A. E. Roy I have been asked to speak on the astronomical chronology, the basis for the Egyptian chronology as it is revealed by astronomical records in Egyptology. I ...
173. Stairway to Heaven [Journals] [Aeon]
... scholars are arriving at similar opinions. Linda Schele, arguably the most important Mayanist working in the field today, wrote as follows of the intimate link between Maya religion and astronomy: "It seems that the interaction of astronomy and mythology was common in other cultures as well [as it was among the Maya]. Scholars working in South ... Lie" behind the Saturnist research agenda. It is true that, in the earliest Egyptian, Vedic, and Greek mythological traditions, the planets are rarely mentioned by their astronomical name. Why, then, do we insist that the respective planets were important players in these cultures? Well, for one thing, we are not alone in ...
174. Thoth Vol III, No. 9: June 15, 1999 [Journals] [Thoth]
... ; d) complex systems observable in nature, hardly so in the laboratory." Ricci-Lucchi mentioned but didn't elaborate an interesting similarity: "Geology has much in common with Astronomy. The objects in the sky are fossils, too, and their light talks about past events. But Astronomy is more appealing to the layman. Maybe he has ... respect or fear for the skies than for Mother Earth!" And maybe the stars don't disagree as forcefully as stones when astronomers foist reductionist theories from mathematical physics onto them. (Until now: quantised redshifts among undeniably- connected quasars and galaxies speak an indefeasible "NO" to the Big Bang.) Astronomy would have done better to ...
175. Erratic Events in the Solar System [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Sc., FIEE, FRAS, [26, St David's Drive, Broxbourne, Herts EN10 7LS (UK)] is a freelance writer, mostly on electricity in astronomy and related computer programs. His articles have previously appeared in many journals including SIS Review and Kronos. (Summary of Talk given on 10th April, 1988, to ... Studies) Introduction By erratic events I refer mainly to the consequences of intruders into the Solar System with orbits which do not conform to the present apparently stable pattern. Professional astronomers like to think that this pattern has existed for millions of years, but admit they have no mathematical justification for this view [1 ]. The idea that there ...
176. PREFACE [Books]
... , entirely dependent upon the introduction of the methods of inquiry to which I refer. While this is generally recognised, it is often forgotten that a knowledge of even elementary astronomy may be of very great assistance to students of other branches of science, in other words, that astronomy is well able to pay her debt. Amongst those branches ... PREFACE THE enormous advance which, has been recently made in our astronomical knowledge, and in our power of investigating the various bodies which people space, is to a very great extent due to the introduction of methods of work and ideas from other branches of science. Much of the recent progress has been, we may indeed say, ...
177. Orbits of Core Material Ejected from Gaseous Planets [Journals] [Kronos]
... that he suspects the solar system orbits have been stable over millions of years, he writes: "I therefore, summarising, would say that the situation in orthodox informed astronomy is that there is no evidence that we need go beyond Newton's Law of Gravitation in explaining the observed movements of the planets, moons, satellites, interplanetary spacecraft and ... the SIS Conference "Ages in Chaos?" at Glasgow, U.K . in April 1978.(2 ) The same report contains a statement by a professional astronomer who took part in the conference, and who also happens to be interested in the Velikovsky scenario, indicating that these claims are not convincing to him as a specialist ...
178. The Domination of Astronomy Over Other Disciplines ... [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. II No. 4 (Summer 1977) Home | Issue Contents The Domination of Astronomy Over Other Disciplines...Lynn E. Rose First published in PSA 1974; R. S. Cohen et al. (eds.), PSA 1974, 469-476. All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 1976 by ... science', has many levels of applicability. It could refer to the manoeverings of an individual seeking increased status and success within the scientific community (such as the way astronomers need to be team players' in order to gain access to the telescopes or other instruments required for their research). Or it could refer to the manoeverings of ...
179. Physics, Astronomy and Chronology [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Review Vol V No 3 (1980/81) Home | Issue Contents Focus Physics, Astronomy and Chronology At a special meeting of the Society at the Library Association in London, on 17th October 1981, Dr Earl Milton addressed the members present on the complex problems of "Physics, Astronomy and Chronology". Dr ... to find. While offering no solutions, Milton outlined the serious problems inherent in three distinct dating systems, (a ) the radioactive decay method, (b ) the astronomical method, and (c ) the dating of strata or geological method. Dr Earl Milton: "Everybody who gets involved with the Velikovsky synthesis, or resynthesis, ...
180. Reviewing Velikovsky'S Venus And Mars Theories [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... Velikovsky Worlds in Collision.1 In this work, he presented two theories, each of which required paradigm (model) shifts for ancient history, Earth history, and astronomy. The first new paradigm was on pages 39 -206. There, he advocated that Venus, after being expelled by Jupiter, began to make close flybys of the ... from ancient literature and occasionally from archaeology and natural history. Chief among his sources of ancient literature was the Bible. Unfortunately for his two new paradigms, he presented no astronomical tables, no graphs, no orbital sketches or diagrams, and no theory for celestial mechanics to support his hypotheses. Velikovsky didn't think in these terms, nor, ...
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