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245 pages of results.
151. Some Notes on Senmut's Ceiling [Journals] [SIS Review]
... in the particular examples dealt with here. A later paper in this issue offers a detailed interpretation of these, which I hope will stimulate the close collaboration between specialists in astronomy and Egyptology which Pogo sees as necessary. A number of threads are ravelled up in Velikovsky's brief references, and a study of the Isis article reveals a fascinating and ... 1977) Home | Issue Contents Some Notes on Senmut's Ceiling Malcolm Lowery Editor, S.I .S . Review The ceiling of the tombs of Senmut, decorated with astronomical charts, is characterised by "irrational orientation", which Velikovsky takes as support for a historical interchange of the poles. The background to this is outlined here as ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 1168  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/review/v0201/07notes.htm
... upon them as a pure effort of the unassisted imagination, or believe them to have been composed without regard to opinions and theories founded on the observation of Nature. In astronomy, for instance, it is declared that, at the North Pole, the year was divided into a long day and night, and that their long day was ... of change brought about by such never-ending fluctuations. Had this been the case, we might have been called upon to admire so extraordinary an anticipation with no less interest than astronomers, when they endeavor to define by what means the Samian philosopher came to the knowledge of the Copernican system. Let us now examine the celebrated passages to which we ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 1165  -  20 Jul 2007  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/lyell/geology.htm
... From: Kronos Vol. VI No. 2 (Winter 1981) Home | Issue Contents "In Search of Ancient Astronomies": A Review Thomas Mccreery Thomas McCreery lectures in physics at Cardonald College Glasgow. The past two decades have witnessed an ever increasing interest in archaeoastronomy, resulting in the inevitable boom in subject literature. As a ... different reason. The most recent archaeological and scientific research has demonstrated that the Thomist hypotheses comprising the megalithic yard, the convoluted geometries of the stone rings, and the various astronomical alignments, are nothing more than the products of a massive misinterpretation by the Thoms of their own survey work.(2 ) Aveni's chapter on Mesoamerican astronomy, based ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 1165  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/kronos/vol0602/062searc.htm
154. The Saturn Thesis (Part 3) [Journals] [Aeon]
... history, based on a universal memory. In an epoch remembered as the Age of the Gods, the Earth participated dynamically in an unusual planetary system never imagined by modern astronomy. The first layers of the historical argument for the Saturn theory rest on certain principles everyone can agree on. We know that ancient sky gazers incessantly drew pictures of ... . (Illustration by David Talbott) AEON: Could you, once again, explain the images in question? Talbott: The theory identifies the components by reference to early astronomical traditions. The primeval sun (Unity, formless god) is Saturn, hanging huge and motionless in the sky. The central orb (or ovoid form on the ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 1159  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/aeon/vol0406/039satrn.htm
155. Sacred Science Institute [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... ; Modern Calendar Tropical; Constellation Aries; Solstice In Aries 6000 BC; Stars Recede From Seasons; Equinox In Aries 200 BC; Aries, Leader Of Signs; Antediluvian Astronomy; "Knowing Good & Evil"; Aries Not Conspicuous & Widely Honored; Market A Season; Two Calendars In Egypt; Amen's Ram-Headed Symbols; Amen & Egyptian ... Plunket: 1903 263p. With 26 Plates Of Calendars & Constellations. A Rare & Important Work On The Classification & Analysis Of The Ancient Calendar Systems & Their Relation To Astronomical Phenomena. Contents: Accadian Calendar: 200 BC, 2000 BC, 3800 BC, Ancient Calendar Siderial; Modern Calendar Tropical; Constellation Aries; Solstice In Aries 6000 ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 1148  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/i-digest/2002-1/05sacred.htm
156. Forum [Journals] [SIS Review]
... and Napier's ideas. For nowadays if one is to espouse the cause of a uniformitarian past one has also to reject their thesis, a thesis which is soundly based in astronomy. Dick Atkinson, in his critical review of Clube & Napier's The Cosmic Winter, concluded that they had a promising theory' but proffered the advice that they should ... Venus on a cometary orbit, the planet Mars on an erratic orbit, and Venus, Mars, the Earth and the Moon having near-miss contacts with each other. Mainstream astronomers have repeatedly rejected these ideas and in the strongest possible terms. They have described his scenarios as wildly impossible' and have felt justified in doing so because they have ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 1146  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/review/v1992/35forum.htm
157. On Morrison: Some Final Remarks (Forum) [Journals] [Kronos]
... To the Editors of KRONOS: In two recent issues of KRONOS you have printed papers by Ralph E. Juergens entitled "On Morrison," criticizing my paper "Planetary Astronomy and Velikovsky's Catastrophism" (in Scientists Confront Velikovsky). Mr. Juergens raises a great many issues in these two papers, and in some cases he has badly ... References are to volume [III:2 or IV:2 ] and page number of his two papers. Because Venus and the Moon appear to offer the most clear-cut astronomical opportunity to test Velikovsky's theories, I will limit my discussion to these two objects. Let me begin with the "Coup de Grāce" issue of surface relief on ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 1136  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/kronos/vol0502/066forum.htm
... . There was, of course, a very important and coherent sub-group in American science in 1950, the astronomical club. America had by then become the center of world astronomy, Harvard was the center of American astronomy and Harlow Shapley was the heart of Harvard astronomy. When Velikovsky launched what was felt to be an assault on this bastion ... a gang in which support without question is the price of adherence. There was, of course, a very important and coherent sub-group in American science in 1950, the astronomical club. America had by then become the center of world astronomy, Harvard was the center of American astronomy and Harlow Shapley was the heart of Harvard astronomy. When ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 1131  -  26 Mar 2007  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/ginenthal/gould/12rage.htm
159. The Electro-gravitic Theory Of Cosmology [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... not relate, in a verifiable, practical way, to the everyday world .. .. Big-bang cosmology refers to an epoch that cannot be reached by any form of astronomy, and, in more than three decades, it has not produced a single successful prediction. "67 Cause and effect is one of the most basic and well-established ... of galaxies, nor problems in stellar evolution and solar system formation, although it will touch on these at times. Much has been written on these problems, of which astronomers, astrophysicists, and planetary scientists are fully cognizant. The approach I follow is that of the fissioning theory concept. Rather than taking as the starting point that masses ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 1130  -  27 May 2007  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/velikov/vol0403/02electro.htm
... "Venus alone is not found there."] The Brahmans of the early period did not know the fiveplanet system. [This according to G. Thibaut, "Astronomie, Astrologie and Mathematik" in Grundriss der indoarischen Philol and Altertumskunde, III (1899). Babylonian astronomy, too, had a four-planet system. In ancient prayers ... II THE SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE Sagan's first problem: The ejection of Venus by Jupiter Ancient observations Sagan states, "Velikovsky's hypothesis begins with an event that has never been observed by astronomers and that is inconsistent with much that we know about planetary and cometary physics, namely the ejection of an object of planetary dimensions from Jupiter." 1 Although modern ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 1130  -  26 Mar 2007  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/ginenthal/sagan/s01-first.htm
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