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2450 results found.

245 pages of results.
111. Letters [Journals] [SIS Review]
... , Wales What's in a name?I own a strange little book published in London in 1927, The Mythological Astronomy, in Three Parts' by S.A .Mackey. It consists of 20 pages of dreadful heroic couplets ... Venus Tablets, because the date of Year 1 will not fit. It may be that a revision of the astronomical tables will remove this anomaly. John D. Weir, Edinburgh Dead Sea Pyramids?On a visit to Israel ... has long appeared that the Dresden Codex is essentially only a ready reckoner for the use of astrologers, not an astronomer's almanac. Eric Aitchison's hypothesis of a neat' year of 365 days, whether sidereal as he claims or tropical ...
Terms matched: 3  -  Score: 1722  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/review/v1996n2/56letts.htm
... regularity was recognised. We must not in these questions forget to put ourselves in the place of these pioneers of astronomy and civilisation; if we do this, we shall soon see how many difficulties were involved in determining the true ... . Maspero [1 ] states: "Des observations nouvelles, faites sur le cours du soleil, décidèrent les astronomes à intercaler chaqae année, après le douzième mois, et avant ie premier jour de l'année suivante, cinq jours ... we can hardly share this view." However this knotty point may subsequently be settled by Egyptologists, from the astronomer's point of view the words of Ideler [3 ]- "Had ignorance led to the establishment of a year ...
Terms matched: 3  -  Score: 1717  -  25 Mar 2001  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/dawn/dawn24.htm
113. Redshift! [Journals] [Aeon]
... a nominal meterstick measurement to 3C273 at a mere 6500 lightyears! Arp strikes again. Either a new kind of astronomy is being taught in our schools or some new measurement techniques are being used which haven't as yet reached the textbook ... lately of Caltech and the Palomar Observatory, who is now astronomer-in-exile in West Germany. Once a stellar light in astronomical circles, Arp's career was eclipsed because of his unconventional views that defied Conventional Wisdom- an attitude which was not ... of this narrative is Halton "Chip" Arp, lately of Caltech and the Palomar Observatory, who is now astronomer-in-exile in West Germany. Once a stellar light in astronomical circles, Arp's career was eclipsed because of his unconventional views ...
Terms matched: 3  -  Score: 1717  -  30 Jul 2008  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/aeon/vol0205/073shift.htm
114. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... . Shannon of Edinburgh pointed out, any variations in solar size during historical times has extremely significant implications for megalithic astronomy. The debate continues, and, despite several recent publications on the subject, the matter is far from being ... has long been wondered if the numerous dates recorded by the Maya on their buildings and on pillars might have some astronomical significance. Floyd Lounsbury of Yale University, a calendar expert, has studied some of these dates and has concluded ... In the mode and time-scale of his "catastrophic punctuations" Gould is but a step away from catastrophic evolution. Astronomy's Follies source: New Scientist 7.1 .82, p. 22; 14.1 .82, ...
Terms matched: 3  -  Score: 1712  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/workshop/vol0404/08monit.htm
... to know how the mistake' was made. W.H .Feldman, in his "Rabbinical Mathematics and Astronomy"(1931), p.215 gives the following table of periodic times: Periodic Time Planet Midrash Calculation ... as it is today. On WIC p.333, V writes "As the various systems recorded in the astronomical tablets of Nineveh show, the world order changed repeatedly in the course of a single century. Hence, the ... - nine and thirty days in use at Babylon in the era of the Seleucidae, see Epping and Strassmaier "Astronomiches aus Babylon', p.179. In a nutshell, then, far from providing any firm evidence for ...
Terms matched: 3  -  Score: 1712  -  26 Mar 2007  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/vel-sources/source-4.htm
... snowballs.] In order to explain the fact that some comets have actually survived for 4 billion years, conventional astronomy has had to invent an imaginary Oort cloud way out beyond Pluto where these fragile bodies live safely out of reach ... similar phenomenon but not using the term that Rob used- melted because by using that term Rob assumes two other mainstream astronomical concept that I disagree with: 1) that comet's tails are caused by solar winds melting their fragile icy structure ... the "children" of the comet- goddess). And while the people slept, it was the priest astronomer's duty to monitor the heavens at dusk, midnight and dawn, to "divine the course of events." ...
Terms matched: 3  -  Score: 1712  -  19 Mar 2004  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/thoth/thoth1-26.htm
117. The Solar Eclipse of Mursilis II [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... actual time. An asterisk denotes occurrences at sunrise or sunset respectively. Data taken from Kudlek and Mickler, and Astronomy, 14:11:67-70. In the eleventh century eclipse data we find that no eclipse was visible in ... widely assumed date of 1346 for the death of Suppiluliumas I. As Lehmann noted, however, [2 ] astronomers later found that the 13 March eclipse "would have been only partially visible in Hattusa, whereas five years earlier ... III 724-693 Wayne A. Mitchell Bound Brook, N.J . 1. E. Forrer, "Die astronomische Festlegung." Forschungen II, Berlin: 1926, 2; cf. I. Velikovsky, Ramses II. ...
Terms matched: 3  -  Score: 1709  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/cat-anc/vol1002/100solar.htm
... . Thus, with respect to the comets portrayed in the Codex Vaticanus and Codex Telleriano-Remensis, an authority on Mexican astronomy writes: "Comets (citlalimpopoca, or the stars that smoke) are represented frequently by the surviving historical documents ... transformation in an overwhelming disaster- an event endlessly repeated in sacrificial rites and supplying the cornerstone of Aztec calendar rituals and astronomical symbolism. In a pervasive version of the myth, at the death of Quetzalcoatl the god's heart or soul rose ... the sky as a great spark or ember, trailing smoke and fire- a "star" whose fiery train the Aztecs portrayed as the streaming tail of a quetzal-bird. Was this flaming star a "comet"? One notes that ...
Terms matched: 3  -  Score: 1709  -  26 Mar 2007  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/ginenthal/gould/08bob.htm
119. Catastrophism and Anthropology [Journals] [SIS Review]
... scientific neo-catastrophism, it is necessary to re-evaluate the historicity and the possible effects of the ancient flood catastrophes. Since astronomy, geology and biology have finally accepted the catastrophic history of planet Earth and its inhabitants, it is time for ... which re-enacted or commemorated natural catastrophes have been paid relatively little attention [5 ]. In the light of new astronomical discoveries and the emergence of scientific neo-catastrophism, it is necessary to re-evaluate the historicity and the possible effects of the ... reached the hill, they waited in terror for the final catastrophe which would mark the world's end. The Aztec astronomer-priests observed the heavenly bodies and when they saw that the stars had not changed their usual motion: "they knew ...
Terms matched: 3  -  Score: 1705  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/review/v1993cam/130cat.htm
120. Editorial [Journals] [SIS Review]
... its readers papers by both specialists and laymen, dealing with interplanetary electrical processes, the approach to Myth, historical astronomy and the chemistry of Manna; articles refuting objections to Velikovsky's reordering of ancient history and questioning the concept of a ... that the publications and meetings of the Society shall continue to reflect this aim. THE EDITOR COVER ILLUSTRATION: An astronomer and a philosopher engaged in discussion below a diagram of the geocentric universe (frontispiece of a 1490 Venetian edition of ... de Alliarco (1350-1420): De concordio astronomiae... ); and a selection of the periodic comets (from Amédée Guillemin's 19th century work, "The Heavens"). JOURNALS Journals referred to by abbreviations in this ...
Terms matched: 3  -  Score: 1704  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/review/v0103/01edit.htm
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