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245 pages of results. 101. Solar System Studies [Journals] [Aeon]
... the planet. Uranus can barely be seen by eye if one knows exactly where to look. Prior to telescopic astronomy it is almost certain that Uranus the planet was unknown. This does not, however, exclude the possibility that ... against the idea. Despite its apparent shortcomings the rampant greenhouse theory remains the favorite of Carl Sagan and other contemporary astronomers. Venus has little or no magnetic field despite its size and molten interior, but does emit a lot of ... of planetary catastrophes, Venus can provide us with many tests as to how well mythical evidence may be synchronized with astronomer's speculations and space age discoveries. Venus is almost the same size and density as Earth. Its orbital plane is ...
102. Prelude to Creation [Journals] [Aeon]
... . Maran, "Astronomy's Top 10," Astronomy's Explore the Universe, 9th Edition 2003 (special edition of Astronomy- December 31, 2002), p. 16 (emphasis added). [8 ] See for instance ... The Proto-saturnian Background In order to better understand what I am about to describe, a brief synopsis of Earth's primordial astronomical condition as reconstructed from the mytho-historical record is hereby presented. According to this record, which is supported by Earth ... " Discover (August 2001), p. 11. [7 ] S. P. Maran, "Astronomy's Top 10," Astronomy's Explore the Universe, 9th Edition 2003 (special edition of Astronomy- December 31, ...
103. A Re-examination of the Sothic Chronology of Egypt [Journals] [Kronos]
... Sesostris III was chosen because of similarity of hieratic handwriting. Technically, as we shall see, palaeography, not astronomy, is the foundation of this Sothic date. Certain fragmentary pieces of papyri were uncovered in the same temple at ... (Nova Series - 1974), pp. 261-274. For many years now we have accepted and incorporated the astronomical chronology of Egypt into our histories of the ancient Near East. It is wise, however, to be aware ... chapter 18. 37. Ibid., chapter 21. 38. Theon, in Commentaire sur les tables manuelles astronomiques de Ptolemee, ed. by Abbe Halma, Paris 1822,1 . 30. 39. Albiruni, The ...
104. Response to Critique by Leroy Ellenberger [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... wish to express appreciation to my support group. My expertise is primarily in geography, and secondarily in history and astronomy. However, even in the realm of the planets and in history I think like a geographer, with a ... orbit to the Sun) is at the 130 degree celestial longitude. This is according to a system of longitudes astronomers have adopted, with Degree No. 1 falling on September 21, the first day of fall, the autumnal ... , whose manuscript was never published. Velikovsky cited (among others) the Canopus Decree, wherein a committee of astronomer-priests in Egypt met in the 4th century B.C . for the precise purpose of establishing a new satisfactory calendar ...
... order to meet the expected overflow. (11) At Princeton, after reviewing his perception of the development of astronomy since 1950, he went on to claim that "psychology will soon lift the barrier separating it from the natural ... Velikovsky session; program chairman Howard Greyber approved the recommendation and assigned the organizational tasks to University of California at Berkeley astronomer Ivan King, the chairman of the 1973 AAAS astronomy section. Ring persuaded Harvard astronomer Owen Gingerich, the current ... (3 ) On the other hand, though, on that same July day, Walter Orr Roberts, an astronomer-atmospheric scientist who had previously been the president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, wrote Talbott with the ...
... gases and spreads, perhaps, over an area of millions of miles. If geologists would study this aspect of astronomy they would, perhaps, revise their estimates of the origin of the sandstone and chalk hills in various parts. ... of these strange orbits of both periodic and long-distance comets to be examined. The three types of orbit defined by astronomers, namely, the ellipse, parabola and hyperbola are, on the face of it, entirely opposed to the ... or of small meteors about the size of peas as Neison thinks- both these views being the generality of opinion among astronomers- for we have an overwhelming amount of evidence to the effect that individual meteors may project rocks and stones of enormous ...
107. Venus -- A Youthful Planet [Journals] [Kronos]
... the Chaldeans described the planet Venus as having "a beard," a technical expression still in use in modern astronomy.(9 ) The Arabs called Venus Zebbaj, "one with hair," and the Mexicans used for ... the nova in Cassiopeia observed by de Brahe in 1572 to 1574 or even the one which was recorded by Chinese astronomers in the year 1054, then, consistently, we are dependent also on the observations of the entire recorded history ... Comets," in Astrophysics, ed. Hynek (New York: McGraw-Hill, 195 1). 15. Astronomichesky Journal, Academy of Sciences, SSSR, Vol. XXXIX, 1962. 16. Pettit, E., ...
... The AAAS was "unable to accept this proposal, but they did accept a similar one submitted by the AAAS Astronomy Committee. Ivan King, who teaches astronomy at The University of California, Berkeley, visited Velikovsky and discussed the ... for topics to be discussed during the February 1974 AAAS meeting. The year before, Walter Orr Roberts, an astronomer, atmospheric scientist and a past-president of the AAAS, had publicly suggested that a symposium on Velikovsky's works be held ... orbit lying totally inside that of the Earth, as it does today. Evidently Huber was not familiar with modern astronomy's most recent spectacular triumph, Comet Kohoutek. This object made much of the public aware that a body need not ...
109. Trisms and Planetary Iconography [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... Typhon. These narratives may help us determine what planets spawned, then slew, the monster. In his Poetic Astronomy, Hygenius writes that, when Typhon appeared in Greece, the gods fled, all disguised as beasts. Hygenius ... of St. Louis which is found in the Arsenal Library in Paris, France. This miniature apparently depicts an astronomical observation. An observer is using an astrolabe to take measurements of the objects apparently represented by celestial asterisks. Though ... appeared in the heavens. Thus, the famed Renaissance astrologer and alchemist, John Dee, called alchemy the "astronomia inferior," or "the astronomy that is practiced on earth." (27) Alchemy's fascination with symbolism ...
110. Skara Brae: A Time Capsule of Catastrophism? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... a special caste of "astronomer-priests", an upper class who were trained in the special skills of mathematics, astronomy and engineering. Certainly the work of Alexander Thom, whether one agrees with its detailed conclusions or not, has ... also reinforces another aspect of Mandelkehr's thesis, i.e . the proposed link between the archaeological destructions and an astronomical disturbance. Orkney "Mainland" [1 ] is exceptionally rich in prehistoric remains, including the prodigious passage-grave of ... their intact stone dwellings of sand properly and having to subsist on hunted venison and shellfish." [12] Astronomer-priests? The Bay of Skaill, Orkney, showing the location of Skara Brae, with the present and eighteenth-century shorelines ...
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