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245 pages of results. 91. Velikovsky and the Heat of Venus [Journals] [Kronos]
... F? Following an intensive microwave study of Venus, M. A. Janssen and several colleagues at the Radio Astronomy Laboratory of the University of California at Berkeley reported (Science 179, 994, 9 March 1973) that they ... receives from the Sun would have practically no influence on its surface temperature. Although this suggestion confounded nearly everything professional astronomers then thought they knew of conditions on the Earth's nearest solar-system neighbor, scarcely half a dozen years were to pass ... turn to Velikovsky's own writings to see what he means by "hot." But in this context, the astronomer's remarks are seen to be distracting at best. Velikovsky's term, "hot," turns out to be a ...
... 1887, 1882, and 1889, as two separate comets only. Those particular years stand out not only in astronomy but in meteorism for some peculiar happenings. In 1883 was the Krakatoa "Eruption," accompanied by amazing " ... 200,000 miles per hour. It continued on its return path with speed little abated and according to the astronomers is expected return in the middle of the 27th century, that is a "periodic of some 768 years. ... earth (so said the Daily Express expert) than any comet has dared to come in the memory of living astronomers-such is the futile nonsense with which the popular Press feed its readers. At all events the superficiality of astronomical methods ...
93. Rehabilitation Of Censorinus [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Wissenschaften, Berlin, 1817 <1816?>), pp.163-214. 9. PTOLEMAUS, HANDBUCH DER ASTRONOMIE, Deutsche Ubersetzung und erlauternde Anmerkungen von K.Manitius, (Teubner, Leipzig, 1963); or PTOLEMY ... 1987) Home | Issue Contents Rehabilitation Of Censorinus by G.W . van Oosterhout Courville's paper "Limitations of astronomical dating methods"(1 ) only recently came to my attention. The author's conclusion that Censorinus' text on ... CHRONOLOGY OF ANCIENT EGYPT, (London, 1851). 11. L. Ideler, HISTORISCHE UNTERSUCHUNGEN UBER DIE ASTRONOMISCHEN BEOBACHTUNGEN DER ALTEN, (C .Quien, Berlin, 1806). 12. L. Ideler, HANDBUCH ...
... , the fault had to rest with us, not with Polynesian myth. Still, I did not then try astronomy for a change' -there was a strict determination on my part to avoid this field. I looked into the ... once used to do. If we come to think of it, we have been living in the age of Astronomical Myth until yesterday. The careful and rigorous edifice of Ptolemy's Almagest is only window dressing for Plato's theology, disguised ... has been led by its modern evolutionary and psychological bent to forget about the main source of myth, which was astronomy- the Royal Science. This obliviousness is itself a recent turn of events- barely a century old. Today expert philologists ...
... along with Leon N. Cooper (physics), Bruno J. Giletti (geology), Charles Smiley (astronomy), and Abraham J. Sachs (mathematics). It had been Velikovsky's hope to confront his old foe ... was still deadlocked. So Corner was directed to seek advice from three other Society members: a sociologist, an astronomer, and a historian of science. E. G. Boring, who had been with Corner at the Society's ... . 14. 14Ibid., pp. 52-53; D.Menzel, "The Debate over Velikovsky: An Astronomer's Rejoinder," Harper's 227 (Dec., 1963), pp. 83-86; Larrabee, op. cit ...
96. Thoth Vol IV, No 10: June 15, 2000 [Journals] [Thoth]
... other planets that provides the most powerful inspiration for building such telescopes. Designs are being drawn up at the UK Astronomy Technology Centre in Edinburgh But Britain's astronomers are not driven only by lofty ideals. In the past few years there ... . . . . .by Dave Talbott- From the article: Britons Open Eye on Dawn of Universe BRITISH astronomers are designing the world's ultimate telescope so large it will be able to make direct observations of lifebearing planets in other ... his involvement is obviously emotional rather than scientific. Article: A telescope capable of such feats has long seemed an astronomer's fantasy. The crucial part of any telescope is its reflector, essentially a mirror, which focuses light into cameras ...
97. Zetetic Scholar Nos. 3 & 4 April 1979 [Articles]
... least so by Carl Sagan, although perhaps it should be allowed in extenuation for the difficulty of being objective about astronomy when one is himself a star. ' See Donald Goldsmith (ed.), Scientists Confront Velikovsky, Ithaca ... clocks and water clocks from ancient times which do not keep time the way we observe it today.15 The astronomical records of Babylonia, the Venus Tablets of Ammizaduga, which are neither myths nor legends but precise scientific observations, ... is the Assistant Deputy Director of the Lunar and Planetary Programs at NASA Headquarters and staff member of the Institute for Astronomy-at the University of Hawaii at Maroa. [3 /4 ] JOHN PALMER is an Associate Professor of Psychology at ...
98. The Night of the Gods Vol II [Books]
... Kronos and Hellos, which last is as certain as it is strange, ' for in a r6sum6 of the astronomy of Eudoxus in a papyrus at the Louvre Saturn clearly is called o zoir 77'Xiou jo-r?l'p. Here Hellos ... the " 'nail," the motionless centre of the printunt mobile, of the supreme sphere of the old astronomers ; the " point quiescent " of Bacon and Aristotle.'" 'The sailors and shepherds of the Teutons ... Creuzer (ii, 399, 511) recognises the "complete analogy of the dances of the Salii with the astronomico-mimic dances of the priests of Anterior Asia, Samothrace and Crete," to which I refer under the headings of ...
99. Towards an astronomical dating of the pyramids [Journals] [SIS Review]
... drawn to the supplement to Velikovsky's Peoples of the Sea (Sidgwick & Jackson, London, 1977), headed Astronomy & Chronology', especially the third chapter headed Venus'. Dr. Velikovsky interpreted the Canopus decree of 239 ... From: SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review 1996:2 (May 1997) Home | Issue Contents Towards an astronomical dating of the pyramids by Michael G. Reade Michael G. Reade DSC has contributed several astronomical' articles to ... The 1950 positions of the stars, together with data on their known independent motions, were obtained from a Swiss Astronomer's manual (Der Sternenhimmel, by Robert E. Naef, assisted by Paul Wild of the University of Berne, ...
100. Heretics, Dogmatists and Science's Reception of New Ideas [Journals] [Kronos]
... science into departments. This is an artificial division between crystallography and geology and paleontology and climatology . . . and astronomy and celestial mechanics. They are all combined . . . The same problems repeat themselves from one place to another ... our understanding . . . of nature and the world around us. ''(14) At least one astronomer of no mean repute is consciously aware of the thrust of Hackerman's admonition. In a book review of P. ... pp. 12 & 14. L. Motz had a clarification. D. H. Menzel, "An Astronomer's Rejoinder," (December 1963), pp. 83-86; E. Larrabee, "A Coment on Dr ...
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