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173 pages of results. 51. Ice Cores and Chronology [Journals] [SIS Review]
... my study of ancient technology I found similar gaps with, for example, tin bronzes in Mesopotamia a thousand years before they reached next door Syria. Since the beginnings of archaeology some two hundred years ago, the dating of the sites and the objects found in them has presented a problem. The problem is still with us. A mere ... years ago only three aids were available to the archaeologist: the Bible, the works of Herodotus, and Egyptian King Lists, especially a list compiled by an Egyptian scribe Manetho for the newly arrived Ptolomaic Dynasty. Many of Manetho's Dynasties were imaginary, while others overlap between Upper and Lower Egypt, yet as Sir Alan Gardiner remarks Egyptologists accepted ...
52. The Still-Lost City of Avaris: The Capital and Stronghold of the Hebrew Pharaohs (Hyksos) [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... some time to an earnest and remarkable archaeologist, Sir William Mathew Flinders Petrie. Modern Egyptology was really his creation, and he was called by Egyptologists "The Father of Archaeology." He was one of the most precise men in the field. He went to Egypt in 1880, and worked there on and off for 46 years. ... been much puzzlement, mystery, and scholarly debate during the last 150 years over the location of Avaris. Many proposals have been brought forth for the site of Avaris by archaeologists and linguists who interpreted the hieroglyphics. This has led to many a painstaking argument and a few retractions, but the search still persists. The leading contenders both past ...
53. Abraham to Hezekiah: An Archaeological Revision Part I [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... From: Catastrophism and Ancient History V:2 (July 1983) Home | Issue Contents Abraham to Hezekiah: An Archaeological Revision Part I Stan F. Vaninger Introduction In his reconstruction of ancient times Immanuel Velikovsky has concentrated primarily on synchronizing the history of Israel with that of the major empires of the Ancient Near East using historical sources. ... usually employed in pointing out the inadequacies of ancient history's conventional chronology. Velikovsky is most convincing, it seems, when he is dredging up old and forgotten enigmas produced by archaeologists trying to reconcile the results of their excavations with conventional history of ancient times as written by modern historians. Velikovsky's own reconstruction of ancient history has been challenged at a ...
54. The present state of Radiocarbon Dating [Articles]
... actually get in them, all sorts of different ways of dividing up the space have been used. One of the interesting things is a lot of discussion in the current archaeological literature as to what this might actually mean. Another famous site, Scara Brae, which you can see on the coast, revealed in the 1860's when a big ... Megalithic Tour, and his talk on Radiocarbon Dating Peter James, introducing Nick Thorpe: He is in the Department of Anthropology at University College, although he is basically an archaeologist. He is working largely on the Late Bronze Age prehistoric cultures of Great Britain such as the Wessex Culture, and through that has become interested in questions of radiocarbon ...
55. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... mystic; but over recent years they have also become the centre of heated controversy between astronomers and archaeologists. The conflict has been aggravated by the astronomers' misuse of the archaeological data and the archaeologists' anxiety to avoid contamination by the "lunatic fringe" (i .e . those who claimed that the monuments had any significance not approved ... states of ruin. For centuries they have fascinated the tourist and inspired the mystic; but over recent years they have also become the centre of heated controversy between astronomers and archaeologists. The conflict has been aggravated by the astronomers' misuse of the archaeological data and the archaeologists' anxiety to avoid contamination by the "lunatic fringe" (i ...
56. Carbon 14 Dates and Velikovsky's Revision of Ancient History [Journals] [Pensee]
... Gordion: The author is engaged in studies of the ancient Eastern Mediterranean and Near East. He has performed research for Velikovsky on topics suggested by the latter, including the archaeology of Pylos and Gordion and the C14 tests on samples from the two sites. We are constantly assured that the chronology of Egypt from the time of the 18th Dynasty ... the star Sothis during different reigns, the latter giving the precision of mathematics and science to the scheme. Since Egypt's dates are regarded as sound they are seized upon by archaeologists dealing with cultures in contact with Egypt which were either non-literate or whose writing is non-historical or still undeciphered. The absolute dates attached to finds in Greece for the Late ...
57. In Passing [Journals] [SIS Review]
... BC for the end of the XIIth Dynasty has been calculated. A few years ago it might have sounded over-optimistic to suggest that the British journal Antiquity, stronghold of conventional archaeological thinking, would publish an article recommending the abandonment of the precious Sothic date 1872 BC by a leading Near Eastern archaeologist. But such is the argument of an article ... but of the entire Middle East. Readers of the Review will already be familiar with this quotation from the eminent Egyptologist SIR ALAN GARDINER, typifying the dilemma of Near Eastern archaeologists over Sothic dating. Despite the manifest weaknesses of the Sothic dating theory, and although it is almost impossible to find an Egyptologist who will actually defend it, Sothic ...
... PART SIXTH. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF OUR RESULTS. CHAPTER I. THEIR BEARING UPON THE STUDY OF BIOLOGY AND TERRESTRIAL PHYSICS. The sciences immediately affected The services of biology to archaeology The services of archaeology to biology Narrowness of many biologists Evils thereof The true corrective The latest generalization of paleontology Anticipated in two Persian myths Terrestrial life-gamut of the Hindus Its ... exigent has grown the necessity of finding a valid solution. Men are feeling as never before that until the starting-point of human history can be determined, the historian, the archaeologist, and the paleontological anthropologist are all working in the dark. It is seen that without this desideratum the ethnologist, the philologist, the mythographer, the theologian, ...
59. Site Stratification: is it a Sound Methodology? [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... I also suggested that there are other fundamental methodological errors that have caused chronological distortions. Specifically, I questioned the twin concepts, so central to the relative dating' of archaeological sites, of a bronze/iron age progression in civilizations and site stratification [2 ]. Regarding site stratification', I argued that it is difficult to believe ... postulates that the ancients regularly built over earlier ruins to explain the supposed layers' identified at various digs. The concept of site stratification is regularly employed not only by conventional archaeologists and chronologists, but by those who have offered alternative chronologies in this journal or other non-conventional journals such as Catastrophism and Ancient History. While the conventional and less conventional ...
60. The Exodus Symposium April 23-25, 1987 [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... and Ancient History IX:2 (July 1987) Home | Issue Contents SPECIAL REPORT The Exodus Symposium April 23-25, 1987 Memphis, Tennessee, sponsored by The Near East Archaeological Society Reported by Stan F. Vaninger The 1987 Exodus Symposium, subtitled "Who was the Pharaoh of the Exodus?" actually addressed a somewhat wider range of issues ... Exodus and the forty-year period of wandering; evidence from Palestine regarding the placement of the conquest of Canaan in the archaeological record. The symposium featured a number of highly regarded archaeologists and biblical scholars; in addition to those who will be mentioned below, they included Edwin Yamauchi, James Hoffmeier, David Ussishkin, and Cyrus Gordon. In addition ...
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