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1726 results found.
173 pages of results. 41. Finding the Limits of Chronological Revision [Journals] [SIS Review]
... in Centuries of Darkness [50]. Notes and references 1. John J. Bimson, A Survey of Archaeological Evidence for a Revised Chronology', since published in the Proceedings, C&CR 2000:1 , pp ... latest, as scarabs can hang around for centuries before being deposited in the tomb or occupation level where a modern archaeologist may find them. An unusual illustration of this came to light recently when a seal issued for the funeral of ... its earliest days He is the author of Redating the Exodus and Conquest, based on his PhD research into the archaeologicai setting of the Israelite entry into Canaan. Introduction At the start of my paper to the SIS Silver Jubilee Conference ...
... Text to be formatted | Images to be added [ CD-Rom Home ] Full PDF online at Google American Archaeological Researches. No. 1. The Serpent Symbol, and the Worship of the Reciprocal Principles of Nature in America By ... derive through the medium of the Alexandrines, and especially through their successors, the Gnostics, must, by the Archaeologists be received with suspicion. "Alexandrie," observes the accurate Ampere, "ful trey Grecque, assez Juive ... ," of which Fig. 63, Nos. 1 and 2 are plans, says a writer in the Archaeologia, "furnish us with an interesting variety of Dracontia. Their peculiarity is, that the avenues are straight, ...
43. Night of the Gods: Polar Myths. The North [Books]
... Egyptian empire into North and South is one of the most leading historical, ritualistic, and symbolical facts in the archaeology of the country. This is very generally misunderstood or debased into a mere geographical expression, but there can be ... likely connexion is, of course, as already stated, with the Umbrian augur's templum shown above. The Roman archaeologist De Rossi55, says these oblique diagonals correspond to the lines which the Roman surveyors first traced on the lands they ... 213. 54. English Heraldry (4th. ed. 1879) p. 261. 55. Bulletino di archaeologia Christiana, 1881, p, 190. 56. Origines du culte Chretien, 1889, P- 402. ...
44. Did Thutmose III Despoil the Temple in Jerusalem? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... of Esdraelon well known from the Old Testament. At the time when this identification was suggested and accepted, Palestinian archaeology was still in its infancy. Since then, however, an evergrowing number of Canaanite cities of that period have ... first reading, it has almost become an axiom, and is treated as such by all concerned - historians, archaeologists and scholars of ancillary disciplines - a self-evident truth which needs no scientific investigation. At the time when the first ... in the Land of Benjamin, 1968, Ras at-Tahuna was settled by Israelites in the 10th century BC (Hadashoth archaeologioth, April 1968, p. 22 - in Hebrew). 108. Ibid., plate 44, inserted ...
45. Ancient History Revisions: the Last 25 years - a Perspective [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Revisionists - The Shishak Equation redefined 6.5 Significant Others' The Revisionist Outlook for the Next Quarter of a Century 7.1 Revisionists Are Still Needed 7.2 Archaeology to the Rescue? 7.3 Scientific and Astronomical Dating Methods 7.4 Catastrophic Dating 7.5 Vested Interests and the Deaf Establishment Concluding Comments 8.1 ... the Egyptian rulers Shishak and Zerah. However, no clear reference to any of these events can be found in Egyptian history. Since late Victorian times, ancient historians and archaeologists have assumed, from an amalgam of early sources, that Egyptian chronology is relatively secure. Therefore Egyptian artefacts, which were found in many places outside Egypt, were ...
46. Chronological Problems in the Archaeology of the Hittites [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Review Vol VI No 1-3 (1982) "The 1978 Glasgow Conference Proceedings" Home | Issue Contents Saturday afternoon CHAIRMAN: HAROLD TRESMAN Chronological Problems in the Archaeology of the Hittites Peter J. James A revised chronology of the sort proposed by Immanuel Velikovsky's Ages in Chaos, if applied to the history of ancient Anatolia and Syria ... Euphrates to the Black Sea and Aegean coasts of Turkey - that the Hittite peoples had constituted one of the most important forces of ancient Near Eastern civilisation. Towards 1900, archaeologists became increasingly interested in these curious relics, particularly in the monuments inscribed with the script known today as "Hieroglyphic Hittite", and the work of recording and excavating ...
47. Forum [Journals] [SIS Review]
... have briefly outlined a case for shortening the SIP in an appendix. Also, I have shown elsewhere that some of the incidents in the Judges Period match well with the archaeology of Middle Bronze Age Palestine (Porter, 1992A). Other Advocates of an EB Exodus As stated in an earlier article where I outlined the sources of my overall ... actually lengthened it and then removed centuries by partially overlapping the Old and Middle Kingdoms. I do not believe such an overlap is possible either historically or archaeologically. Two conventional archaeologists, Rudolph Cohen and Emmanuel Anati, both recognised experts in the archaeology of the Sinai and Negev, have linked the Exodus story to the end of the Early Bronze ...
48. An Integrated Model for an Earthwide Event at 2300 BC. Part I: The Archaeological Evidence [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Review Vol V No 3 (1980/81) Home | Issue Contents An Integrated Model for an Earthwide Event at 2300 BC. Part I: The Archaeological Evidence M. M. MANDELKEHR (c ) M. M. Mandelkehr 1983 M. M. Mandelkehr holds a B.Sc. and M.Sc. ... . In most cases, continuous site occupancy and cultural stability existed for hundreds of years both preceding and following the discontinuities. The evidence is impressive. Schaeffer, a renowned archaeologist, has reported continuing earthquake destruction after 2300 BC in many areas for at least a couple of hundred years. I have included his findings together with supporting evidence from ...
49. Thera: Chronology at a Crossroads? [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Minoan IA period has thus been dated to 1550-1500 BC, and the eruption of Thera dated to 1500 BC. This dating, it must be stressed, is purely an archaeological one. As its basis we find the dating of Mycenaean pottery in Egyptian New Kingdom contexts, and through the dating of Mycenaean wares the pottery style chronologies of the ... Mediterranean, the Aegean region, and on the island of Crete. Pottery of a type known as Late Minoan IA was found straddling the lava deposits on Thera, and archaeologists have used this pottery as a means for dating the major second millennium BC eruption. The Late Minoan IA period has thus been dated to 1550-1500 BC, and the ...
50. Forum: Did Jews Fabricate Their History Between 500 and 1099AD? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... nothing but devious propaganda utilized to make the whole world drunk. In the same vein, Arabs and Jews who remember the European carnage only too well, stand accused, archaeologically speaking, of telling lies: you were never there to be massacred in the first place', they are told with archaeological expertise' [5 ]. For ... If the Jews remain obstinate, however, and hold on to the accounts of their historians, Heinsohn scares them with the spectre of an anti-semitic backlash: According to the archaeologists, the grandiose actions of the first Crusades (1096-1099) are nothing but devious propaganda utilized to make the whole world drunk. In the same vein, Arabs and ...
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