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1726 results found.
173 pages of results. 31. The Homeric Question [Journals] [SIS Review]
... four centuries on this issue is too much to digest. The number of essays, studies and books on the archaeology of the Homeric Age is also excessive. I do not intend to provide an answer to the unsolvable question of ... Homer and the Trojan War', Journal of Hellenic Studies 84 (1964), 17f. 2. Most archaeologists and historians agree that the origins of the major religious festivals of Greece date to the early 6th century BC ( ... . Heubeck op. cit. [9 ], p. 235; also Alfred Heubeck: Schrift [= Archaeologia Homerica], Göttingen, 1979 passim. 23. Erich Bethe, Troia, Mykene, Agamemnon und sein Großkönigtum ...
32. Recent Developments In Near Eastern Archaeology [Journals] [SIS Review]
... 2004:2 Incorporating Workshop 2004:3 (August 2004) Home | Issue Contents Recent Developments In Near Eastern Archaeology R. M. Porter In the last Recent Developments' I speculated that an expert forger was operating in Israel ... lack of publication should be a glaring omission, but there seems no way to get the world of historians and archaeologists to realise the omission. The publication of ice core data is much better and is available on CD-ROM or at ... .1628 BC (corresponding to an unusual event detected in tree rings) and there was a move towards an archaeological-historical based date of about a century later. However, it was found by comparison with other Greenland ice cores ( ...
33. The Lion Gate At Mycenae Revisited [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the pottery specimens excavated at Gurob and other Delta sites were fragmentary and spotty. Petrie's account and interpretation of his archaeological activity was also frequently disjointed and highly conjectural; and the material he collected was collated and dated at a time ... plain [1 ]. In 1876 Heinrich Schliemann [2 ], a successful German businessman, entrepreneur and self-made archaeologist, became the first person to excavate the site in modern times. Utilising the accounts of Classical authors such as ... East, NY, 1965, pp. 53-55, also see U.B . Alkim, Anatolia I (Archaeologia Mundi), NY, 1968, pp. 150-177; A. Moortgat, Mesopotamia', Encyclopedia of World ...
34. The Future of the Past, and, Atlas of Ancient History (Book reviews) [Journals] [SIS Review]
... , and, Atlas of Ancient History (Book reviews)Reviewed by Paul Standring The Future of the Past: Archaeology in the 21st Century Phoenix, 2001. (Translation by S. Dunlop of geo-archaeologist Eberhard Zangger's 1998 book) ... inner, steep coast of the island, and the deposits at these sites imply that the caldera already existed. Archaeologists have discovered both Minoan buildings and graves right on the edge of the caldera, and not one of these remains ... any signs of movement. ' This erroneous linkage of the caldera collapse to the volcanic eruption the author traces back, from Spyridon Marinatos via Jan Schoo and Hans Reck, to Ferdinand Fouque in 1879. Zangger tentatively suggests that of ...
35. The Ruins Of The East. Ch.12 The Ruins Of The East (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... borderland also shows that there was no continuity between the Middle Bronze and Late Bronze. In the Caucasus not an archaeological vestige was found of the centuries between these two ages. A sea tide broke onto the land, as on ... time.4The vase found in lava proves volcanic activity there "in historical times." The verdict of the archaeologists is that the vase "dates from the fifteenth century before the present era," and thus the eruption must ... . 75; A. Lods, Israel (1932), p. 31; I. Benzinger, Hebrdische Archaeologie (3rd ed.; 1927). 6. Schaeffer, Stratigraphie comparde, P. 565. 7. ...
36. On the Orientation of Ancient Temples and Other Anomalies [Journals] [Aeon]
... work, Kaufman(2 ), a member of the physics faculty of Hebrew University in Jerusalem whose hobby was archaeology, finally established the location of the first (Solomon's) and second (Herod s) temples and calculated the ... earthquakes may have caused the change in azimuth. Although this might be suggested, there is no mention by the archaeologists of breaks in the foundations that would serve to support this theory. Moreover, almost all orientation earthquakes produce up-and-down ... (p . 54, #1 ). J. Anderson, "The Ancient Fortifications of Scotland," Archaeologia (1777), Vol.6 , pp.241-266. 7. (p . 54, #2 ...
37. Avebury: The Biography of a Landscape, by Joshua Pollard and Andrew Reynolds (Book review) [Journals] [SIS Review]
... associated with death and the ancestors. This is the whole gist of this book, a modern book of modern archaeological theory, yet, by linking tribal practices in remote parts of the modern world to unknown practices 6,000 ... migrated there from Africa (rather than the Malays of the northern part of the island). It seems that archaeologists in Britain are attracted by the idea that cattle are associated with funerals in Madagascar on the basis that over here ... around the famous Avebury stone circle on the chalk downs of Wessex. It's a thoroughly modern book, full of archaeological-speak, inwhich obscure words are used to describe mundane functions and features uncovered by the trowel. Nevertheless, when you ...
38. Sinking and Rising Lands [Books] [de Grazia books]
... inquired of geologist Yuri Reshetov concerning this myth and received the following in reply: Geological, geophysical, paleontological, archaeological and anthropological studies have shown that up until at least the middle of the last Ice Age the Japanese Islands and ... and impacted. The Caribbean area generally is rife with myths of disaster and immigration. The timetable is chaotic. Archaeologist Cyrus Gordon has described convincingly Mediterranean materials that originated between Phoenecian and Roman times and that were uncovered in spots so ... legend is typical. It is translated by Kondratov from Easter Island writings brought back by Thor Heyerdahl, the Norwegian archaeologist-explorer: The Youth Teea Waka said: Our country was once a big land, a very big land. ' ...
39. Problems of Early Anatolian History Part I [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... of KRONOS. He has been published in such magazines as BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGIST, the GRIFFITH OBSERVER, and the BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGICAL REVIEW. ...
40. Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning [Books]
... hardly be said demands for its exploration the best efforts, long continued, of the scientist and scholar accomplished in archaeology, astronomy, literature, and philology. None such, however, has appeared since Ideler's day, nearly a ... of the figure as Norma Nilotica, a suggestion of the ancient Nilometer. Brown, in the 47th volume of Archaeologia, has these interesting remarks on the symbols of the signs Respecting these Mr. C. W. King observes ... Although the planets are often expressed by their emblems, yet neither they nor the signs are ever to be seen represented on antique works by those symbols so familiar to the eye in our almanacs. Wherever such occur upon a stone ...
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