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1726 results found.
173 pages of results. 21. Hazor and the anachronisms in the chronology of the Ancient Near East [Journals] [SIS Review]
... being - after the death of Aharon Kempinsky - Amnon Ben-Tor (Hebrew University, Jerusalem) is in charge of archaeological work in Hazor. Kempinsky was especially interested to find Iron Age archives from the time of the Kingdom of Israel ... deeper down - and there was no consolation. The 1st millennium strata did not reveal any other texts which the archaeologists could keep for these Iron Age strata. They took pride in Hazor's extremely high age but felt somewhat embarrassed about ... Us Lies and Phantasies about all the Major Empires, Nations and Events of Antiquity? Or: How to Reconcile Archaeologically-missing historical Periods with Historically-unexpected Archaeological Strata of the Ancient World', paper read before the Society of Historical Research, ...
22. Egyptian Influence Upon Early Israelite Literature [Journals] [Aeon]
... people known as Israel will also be specifically addressed. The opinions of experts will be explored, as well as archaeological evidence, in order to determine the historicity of Israel as a nation. An attempt will be made to determine ... the early Israelites. Ancient Israelite culture and society has been the topic of study for countless writers, historians, archaeologists, and anthropologists. This has been due in part to the impact Israelite traditions and writings have had upon the ... I. Finkelstein & N. A. Silberman, "The Conquest of Canaan." The Bible Unearthed: Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts (N . Y., 2001), ...
23. "America B.C." and the Revised Chronology [Journals] [Kronos]
... EBLA AND "EARTH IN UPHEAVAL"To the Editor of KRONOS: In the March 1978 issue of the Biblical Archaeology Review (Vol. IV, No. 1), there is an article- "Assessing Ebla" - ... in northern Syria". To review: In 1964, excavation of Tell Mardikh was begun by a team of archaeologists from the University of Rome. In 1968, they uncovered a statue which to their satisfaction identified the site as ... Revelation in Archaeology (N . Y., 1979), p. 41; G. Pettinato, Missione Archaeologica Italiana in Siria 2.1 .1 and 2.2 .1 . 2. Ebla, Ibid. ...
24. Velikovsky and the El-Amarna period [Journals] [SIS Review]
... conventional history, the founding of Carthage should be placed in the last quarter of the 9th century BC, however archaeology of this place does not confirm this statements, but place it in the last quarter of the 8th century' ... belong in the 7th century BC. 32. G. McMahon, The History of the Hittites', Biblical Archaeologist, June/Sept. 1989, p. 64. 33. Velikovsky, op. cit. [19 ... Us Lies and Phantasies about all the Major Empires, Nations and Events of Antiquity? Or: How to Reconcile Archaeologically-missing historical Periods with Historically-unexpected Archaeological Strata of the Ancient World', paper read to the Society of Historical Research, ...
25. Assuruballit [Journals] [Kronos]
... that do not possess an absolute chronology of their own are built on the chronology of Egypt by the strength of archaeologically discovered contacts. A SHORT SUMMARY Assuruballit was a common name, still in use 750 years later. Assuruballit of ... in Iraq". The report carried news of the finds of the British School of Archaeology's Nimrud Expedition: When archaeologists dug into the ancient Assyrian city of Nimrud in Iraq earlier this year, they were surprised to find not Assyrian ... "Egyptian" carvings. . . . The explanation given . . . by David Oates, director of the British School of Archaeology's Nimrud Expedition, is that the archaeologists had dug into an ancient Assyrian antique shop. The " ...
26. Skara Brae: A Time Capsule of Catastrophism? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Review and editorial articles to the SIS Review. Peter James has a B.A . in Ancient History and Archaeology and is a postgraduate student at London univerisity. He has contributed articles on prehistoric archaeology to Current Archaeology and New ... 1980, pp. 249-51).* In this review, A. F. Rainey, a well-known biblical archaeologist, cavalierly dismisses Bimson's thesis that the fall of Middle Bronze II cities in Palestine should be dated c. 1400 ... and seen as the work of the Israelites invading Canaan under Joshua. Rainey devotes much of the review to criticising D. Livingston's suggestion that biblical Ai should be located at the little-known site of Khirbet Nisya, near modem Ramallah, ...
27. A Test of Time: Volume I the Bible - From Myth to History by David M. Rohl [Journals] [SIS Review]
... which Peter James, in collaboration with Nick Thorpe, Nikos Kokkinos, Robert Morkot and John Frankish, examined the archaeological record of Western Asia, the Mediterranean basin and prehistoric Europe in the Late Bronze and early Iron Ages and concluded ... the Dark Age', which a majority of archaeologists and ancient historians had identified between the early 12th and late 8th centuries BC, did not in fact exist. They argued convincingly that it was a false construct, arising from ... in favour of Ramesses III. The case for Ramesses III depends to a large extent on its agreement with the archaeologically-derived scheme which James and his colleagues have developed for Old World chronology as a whole in the Late Bronze and early ...
28. Were Abraham, Joseph, and Moses Located in the Old Kingdom? (Letter) [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... during the reign of Ramses II, when Pithom and Per-Ramesses were built (2 Moses 1:11). Archaeological and historical evidence clearly indicates that these sites were built during the reign of Ramses II (Magall, op. ... Bible assigns the work to him. Joshua erected an altar on Mount Ebal (Joshua 8:30). Archaeologist Adam Zertel of the University of Haifa excavated the altar in 1984 and dates it to the time of settlement, ... Hyksos ruled Egypt or parts of it (c . 1750-1550 B.C .) ; see Miriam Magall, Archaeologie und Bibel, Köln: DuMont, 1986. In my opinion Ramses II (1290-1224 B.C .) ...
29. Question Session 1: Chairman - Brian Moore [Journals] [SIS Review]
... | Issue Contents Question Session 1: Chairman - Brian Moore Q1. David Roth asked John Bimson whether he approached archaeology by looking just at the stratigraphy, or by relating this to either Egyptian or Biblical history, each of which ... give different dates. Can an archaeologist avoid being influenced by preconceptions and can he separate these three completely when excavating or studying the findings? John replied that stratigraphy by itself only provides relative dates, lower strata being generally earlier than ... Palestinian and Aegean strata, the main dating criteria which archaeologists use are those which come from Egypt. So the archaeologist's absolute chronology depends on Egyptian chronology being correct. At some sites, like Tell el Kheleifeh, you might get ...
30. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... David Rohl, Random House, 2002, £18 99 David Rohl produces yet another best seller, presenting new archaeological material and literary evidence to authenticate biblical events previously dismissed as mythical. From Eden to the Babylonian exile, biblical ... years of work at a North American rock shelter which have indicated that man arrived thousands of years earlier than establishment archaeologists believe. Bye Bye Big Bang: Hello Reality by W. C. Mitchell, $19 95 A massive ... of cosmological anomalies. Acquiring Genomes: a Theory of the Origins of Species by L. Margulis and D. Sagan, $25 95 The authors argue that natural selection is only of marginal importance in evolution. More important is ...
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