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1726 results found.
173 pages of results. 141. Some Detailed Evidence from Egypt Against Velikovsky's Revised Chronology [Journals] [SIS Review]
... 1982) "The 1978 Glasgow Conference Proceedings" Home | Issue Contents Some Detailed Evidence from Egypt Against Velikovsky's Revised Chronology Michael Jones IT IS A TRUTH VERY WIDELY RECOGNISED in Archaeology that the most useful sources of information are often those whose appearance is the most unprepossessing. In Egypt the standing remains have been subjected to exhaustive but selective scrutiny with ... are presented with the fragmented remains of a busy government which was scribbling away for over three thousand years. The task of the Egyptologist is, then, that of an archaeologist, a linguist and a historian all rolled into one. It is imperative that he not only understands the methods of these disciplines, but that he can apply one ...
142. The Israelite Conquest of Canaan [Journals] [Aeon]
... From: Aeon I:4 (Jul 1988) Home | Issue Contents The Israelite Conquest of Canaan Gunnar Heinsohn Abstract: Archaeological sites in the land of Israel, exhibiting some of the finest stratigraphies in the world, were expected to yield four major groups of strata following the Chalcolithic and prior to the Hellenistic Age: for the period ... the 7th century B.C .E ., everything else falls into line. Despite the impressive stratigraphic completeness of Megiddo and its sister sites, however, historians and archaeologists dealing with them have always suffered from the lack of credible strata for the Israelite period between -930 and -730/ -720. What had to be assigned to these ...
143. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... BRIAN MOORE THE REVIEWERS: BRIAN MOORE IS A CHARTERED LIBRARIAN, A FOUNDER OR THE SOCIETY AND ITS INFORMATION OFFICER . PETER JAMES HAS AN HONOURS DEGREE IN ANCIENT HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY FROM BIRMINGHAM UNIVERSITY, WHERE HE SPECIALISED IN MESOPOTAMIAN STUDIES AND WON THE JOHN HUMPHREYS MEMORIAL PRIZE IN ARCHAEOLOGY. PROFESSOR TERASMAE IS CHAIRMAN OF THE DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES AT ... . On their obverse, the tiles betray Persian influence. The chapter concludes with an interesting account of the protracted argument between the British excavators Naville and Griffith, both eminent archaeologists of their day, over the date of the cemetery near Tell el-Yahudiya. Naville presented a strong case that the coffins and grave-goods dated from Greek times; Griffith, ...
144. A Concluding Retort [Journals] [Pensee]
... 1974-75) "Immanuel Velikovsky Reconsidered X" Home | Issue Contents A Concluding Retort Immanuel Velikovsky Dr. Stiebing (Pensee, Fall, 1973) raised the evidence of stratigraphic archaeology as an argument against my reconstruction of ancient history. In my "Reply to Stiebing" (Pensee, Winter, 1973-74) I made it clear that the finds ... , Iron Age and its subdivisions). In "Reply to Stiebing" I referred to almost every site mentioned in his article, only to show that in each place archaeologists came upon the same imbroglio of 500 - 600 years. In each instance the archaeologists responsible for the work tried to resolve the unresolvable chronological contradiction by one or another ...
145. The Avebury Cycle by Michael Dames [Journals] [SIS Review]
... ) Home | Issue Contents The Avebury Cycle by Michael Dames (Thames & Hudson, 1977, reprinted 1996) Reviewed by Phillip Clapham Michael Dames graduated in geography and British archaeology but became an artist and a senior lecturer in the history of Art at Birmingham Polytechnic. Being cynical it might be suggested that he is also a bit of a ... as his love affair with the British neolithic period was influenced by the fertility cult promulgated by the famous archaeologist and writer, Marija Gimbutas. Dames has produced three highly readable, but not always plausible, books - and this is the second of them. He has the habit of introducing little pockets of dense information and these are informative to ...
146. The Battle Of Kadesh-carchemish. Ch. 1. (Ramses II and his Time) [Velikovsky]
... other activities are described with the help of information gleaned from Herodotus.3 Egyptian inscriptions have been searched for mention of a pharaoh named Necho and of his campaigns. Egyptian archaeology could not supply the story of the long war. The only extant inscription of any historical value that is related to Pharaoh Necho is supposed to be the Serapeum stele ... a great empire. Several Greek authors also wrote about him. He erected grandiose buildings, some of which have been unearthed. His prayers and building inscriptions are read by archaeologists, and "If in the field of Irak [Iraq] you find a brick with cuneiform signs, most probably it contains the name of Nebuchadnezzar."2 ...
147. Assyria and the End of the Late Bronze Age [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... the same time. The Hittite archives from Boghazköi appear to describe defence preparations, as if an invasion was imminent, and then are silent. In Greece, too, archaeology has revealed widespread siege preparations at this time. What was happening? Dated at 1200 BC on the conventional chronology, this period comes down to the eighth century in ... But, if this were the case, the arc of disaster across the Levant would still lack a credible unifying cause. It is important to remember why ancient historians and archaeologists invoked the spectre of "Sea Peoples" in the first place. They were faced with the stratigraphic evidence of the Late Bronze Age civilisations of the Eastern Mediterranean being ...
148. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Workshop Vol 5 No 4 (1983) Home | Issue Contents Monitor Ahhiyawa Problem Reconsidered source: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY 87:2 , April 1983, pp. 133-43 The identification of the "Ahhtyawa" and their country of origin has been a bone of contention between rival groups of archaeologists ever since Forrer in 1924 ... the "Land of Ahhiyawa" as Greece. Now Hans Guterbock reviews the textual evidence, and there is a great deal from Hittite sources, and comes out in favour of the old identification: Ahhiyawa = Achaian Greeks. (The "Ekwesh" of the Sea Peoples referred to by Ramesses III are considered by many to be one and ...
... cite several anonymous distinguished professors from several anonymous leading universities and state that they are world famous figures of Assyriology, Egyptology, Biblical and the Talmud and Midrash as well as archaeology and that they rather contradict Carl Sagan's anonymous distinguished professor from an anonymous leading university. Then one might just add, "but let me not be swayed by the ... . Schaeffer whose archaeological work will be cited in later chapters. Schaeffer was a member of the institute at the College of France. He is considered one of the greatest archaeologists of our time, and he wrote in a published letter dated July 23, 1956 after having read Worlds in Collision, Earth in Upheaval and Ages in Chaos, ...
150. Focus [Journals] [SIS Review]
... also found it "striking" that "the strictly scientific assessment by chemical investigation of artefacts is quite rigorous in its control, but the actual assessment of the relation of archaeological data to history is sloppy and old-fashioned." Dr Meynell agreed; and pointed out that what he found striking in this field was the ease with which clear descriptions ... who are struck by the parallels on which he bases the revised chronology. The answer suggested Mr James, must lie - if anywhere - in the complacency of historians and archaeologists, who seemed to consider the ancient history of Egypt and its neighbours no less firmly fixed than history AD: with no inclination to experiment with different chronological models, ...
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