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1726 results found.
173 pages of results. 101. Geology And Archaeology. Ch.13 Collapsing Schemes (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... From "Earth in Upheaval" © 1955 by Immanuel Velikovsky | FULL TEXT NOT AVAILABLE Contents Geology And Archaeology MEASURED by anthropological and archaeological evidence, the age of many finds is recent; measured by the prevailing geological and paleontological schemes, the dates of the same finds are many times more remote. This conflict was very sharp in the ... repeated itself in a great many places. A. S. Romer brought together a wealth of material to show the late survival of Pleistocene fauna and was widely quoted by archaeologists. A. L. Kroeber sees no easy way to avoid the conclusion that "some of the associations of human artifacts with extinct animals may be no more than ...
102. The Kintraw Stone Platform [Journals] [Kronos]
... consequently provoked considered opposition from various quarters.(1 ) A fundamental criticism which is often levelled at his work concerns the absence of independent evidence, anthropological as well as archaeological, which would necessarily underpin his theories. This dilemma seemed to have been resolved in 1969 when Thom stated that a small ledge had been cut into the steep hillside ... Kintraw for use as an observation platform.(2 ) An archaeologist, Dr. Euan MacKie, reasoned that the ledge provided a crucial test for the veracity of Thom's ideas; for if the ledge was artificial, or if traces of prehistoric activity were to be found there, this would constitute archaeological proof of the astronomical theories.( ...
103. Chapter 13 Scythian Princes in the Royal Tombs of Ur [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... other on these questions, the scientific evidence being fundamental to the answers. Cardona states: "The graves in question are those discovered by Woolley in the 1920s. The archaeological treasures that were retrieved from them astonished the world and were fast in becoming internationally famous. Comparable in quality, if not in quantity, to Tutankhamon's funerary equipment, ... particular side was dug about two-thirds of the way toward the center. Near that point and to one side of the excavation an impressive vault of stone was discovered. The archaeologists carefully removed many of these stone blocks from one side of the vault but, in the interest of showing the building's structure, they left a sufficient number of them ...
104. Petrofabric Analysis: An Unreliable Archaeological Tool [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. VIII No. 3 (Spring 1983) Home | Issue Contents Petrofabric Analysis: An Unreliable Archaeological Tool Thomas McCreery [This article should be read in conjunction with McCreery's reply to Bibby in the Forum section that follows. - LMG] It is not uncommon for archaeology to borrow the techniques of other disciplines. ... the past needs the fullest exploitation and the most careful evaluation."(1 ) Thus the employment of the soil scientist, J. S. Bibby, by the archaeologist, E. W. MacKie, follows standard archaeological procedure. The subsequent claims that Bibby's analysis showed the Kintraw stone layer to be man made,(2 ) ...
105. Master Of Fieldwork: Come See For Yourself. File III (Stargazers and Gravediggers) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Stargazers]
... in Upheaval. I took it with me to the South where at the Mediterranean shore I find some time for reading and writing before I shall go out again to further archaeological and stratigraphical research in Syria (Ras Shamra) and Cyprus (Enkomi-Alasia), in September. I finished reading your book with the greatest interest and much profit. ... . This may make us sometimes impatient. But it will stir us to more work and more research. SO ENDED THE ten-page handwritten letter of one of the most eminent archaeologists of our time, Claude F. A. Schaeffer, member of the Institut, professor at the Collège de France. He wrote it from the Côte d'Azur on ...
106. Stiebing, BAR, and the Revised Chronology [Journals] [Kronos]
... Kronos Vol. VII No. 3 (Spring 1982) Home | Issue Contents KRONIKLES Stiebing, BAR, and the Revised Chronology In the December 1976 issue of the Biblical Archaeology Review (p . 43), a Mr. Howard A. Denis inquired about certain aspects of Immanuel Velikovsky's Ages in Chaos. (Curiously, Mr. Denis ... Biblical texts. He also provides extensive documentation for his claims which must seem very impressive to a layman. Why, then, haven't ancient historians, Biblical scholars, and archaeologists accepted his arguments? The first reason is that Velikovsky's use of ancient textual material and his documentation are frustrating (sometimes even infuriating!) rather than convincing to the ...
107. The 1552 Exodus [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... find help. The scriptural search for the Exodus gets stuck in a plethora of numbers, usually leading back to the fifteenth century. That time period fails for lack of archaeological support and still does not resolve the biblical accounts. There is a solution, however, that supports the inerrancy of Scripture and satisfies accepted archaeology and established history. ... 1552 Exodus Kenneth F. Doig The search for an historical Exodus has been stuck between the proverbial rock and a hard place. The evidence dug from the rocks has led archaeologists to date the event from the thirteenth century B.C .E . to no Exodus at all. The evidence from Egypt provides almost no support for such dating ...
108. Review: A Bronze Age Disaster. Exodus to Arthur: Catastrophic encounters with comets, by M.G.L. Baillie [Journals] [SIS Review]
... to pique the interest of archaeologists with its laboured speculations on Stonehenge. Mike Baillie's Exodus to Arthur is a different matter. It is written by a dendrochronologist who works in archaeology (rather than an astronomer) and, further, one who has been acquainted with the SIS for several years. With his broad ranging contacts Baillie has access to ... There is an urgent need for an authoritative volume presenting the scientific evidence for recent global catastrophes in a straightforward, uncluttered, manner - for the benefit of ancient historians and archaeologists, who still remain largely unaware of recent developments in catastrophism. Victor Clube and Bill Napier's Cosmic Serpent (1982), brilliant for the breakthroughs it made in astronomy ...
109. Ras Shamra (Ages in Chaos) [Velikovsky]
... at which dwellings were dug up are numbered from I to V starting at the surface. The first or uppermost layer is the most explored, but in the first nine archaeological seasons only about one eighth of this level had been unearthed. Digging in deeper strata has been confined to very small areas. The second layer yielded a few objects ... the surface, was established before the inscriptions were read. The material, design, and workmanship of pottery are held to be a reliable calendar in the hands of the archaeologists. The ceramics of the necropolis of Minet el Beida (the harbor of Ras Shamra) and of the acropolis of Ras Shamra were found to be of Cyprian origin ...
110. The Genesis of Israel and Egypt by Emmett Sweeney [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Abraham, Joseph and Moses, are now considered either to be legendary characters, or to be too insignificant to warrant a mention in extant Egyptian annals. Attempts to find archaeological proof' for the existence of such characters receives short shrift from the Establishment of conventional archaeologists and historians. In their opinion, if you're looking for the lunatic fringe ... start here. Sweeney goes on to say that this situation has arisen for two reasons: firstly, because of a failure to understand properly the events as described in the Bible and secondly, the conventional time frame for ancient Middle Eastern history adopted by the Victorians, with a little help from Manetho and the Bible, makes any such cross ...
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