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54 results found.
6 pages of results. 31. Index of Titles
... Andrew Collins: The Truth of the Past - Finding Historical Reality in the Alternative Field of Research Andrew Collins Website, The Angel & Catastrophism Part II Angels & Catastrophism - Some Theological Implications - Part I Anhydride Theory: A New Theory of How Petroleum and Coal are Generated Animal that Changed the Course of World History: The Mammoth, The Ankh, The Ankylosis in the Chronology of Reconstructed History? Ankylosis in the Chronology of Reconstructed History? Annals of Sennacherib- Anstey was Mistaken, The Annotated Bibliography for Catastrophism Annotated Bibliography for Catastrophism Announcement Announcements Annual General Meeting Anomalistics - a New Field of Interdisciplinary Studies Anomalous Condition of Venus and the Origin of the Solar System, The Anomalous Foucault ...
... at right angles found on Assyrian and Persian monuments and tablets, Greek coins and statues. St, Andrew's cross, Crux decussata, (fig. 3) is the same as the Greek cross, but turned to stand on two legs. Fig. 4. The Crux ansata (fig. 4) according to Egyptian mythology, was Ankh, the emblem of Egyptian CrossKa, the spiritual double of man, It was also said to indicate a union of Osiris and Isis (Crux Ansata) and was regarded as a symbol of the generative principle of nature. The Key of Life. The Tau cross (fig, 5), so called from its rememblance to the ...
33. Jerusalem -- City of Venus [Journals] [Kronos]
... Latin rendering of the Greek Koppa , adopted from the Semitic Kof (Qoph) , is a legacy of Venus since it "is a rudimentary relic of the tail of the [Venus] comet, which the Greek Koppa once depicted."(115) Indeed, Rix even compared the letter symbol of the Greek Koppa with the Egyptian Ankh , itself a possible symbol for Venus when it was in a cometary state.(116) From the above evidence, there is the excellent likelihood that the name Jerusalem-Qadesh was deliberately chosen to emphasize doubly the importance of Venus relative to the site. This may have been the result of extraterrestrial planetary debris from Venus which fell in the ...
34. Mythic Mountains by Isaac Vail [Books]
... , entered Nirvana which was infinity (infinite space or uppermost heaven) or extinction. In Egypt and India this conception was carried out completely. The land of light was the land of extinction, or death, and of eternal life. Thus in Egypt when the Paradise chief conferred eternal life on the newly arrived soul he handed it the ankh, the symbol of Paradise, or Men the polar opening and the cross. This sign of the opening and the cross became the soul's passport and a permit to cross the boundary into Paradise. Thus while the polar opening was a visible manifestation of the death of all ephemeral things it was at the same time a visible display of ...
35. The Celestial Ship of North Vol. I [Books]
... accepted as an abbreviated name for Christ, or conveyed that meaning, but was not of Christian origin. Forty years before the Christian Era it was found on the coins of the Ptolemies and also on those of Herod. Chi and Ro are the circle and the cross. The Ru is an oval, found on the top of the Ankh Cross, which we find as the symbol of the planet Venus. In Egyptian Chr or Kher or Kheru signifies a Word, a Voice, and later became the solar Logos. Ker is a circle and identified with the Ark, Kr and Ark are symbols of the cross and the circle. The ark was the circle made by ...
36. Index of Titles
... Concept of Deity Cardona, Dwardu: Planetary Identities: II The Mythology of Homer Cardona, Dwardu: Planetary Worship Cardona, Dwardu: Saturn As King Cardona, Dwardu: SATURN: IN MYTH AND RELIGION Cardona, Dwardu: Saturn's Flare-ups Cardona, Dwardu: Shamash and Sin Cardona, Dwardu: Tektites and China's Dragon Cardona, Dwardu: The Ankh Cardona, Dwardu: The Archangels Cardona, Dwardu: The Baalim Cardona, Dwardu: The Beginning of Time Cardona, Dwardu: The Cairns Of Kintraw Cardona, Dwardu: The Cosmic Origin of the Swastika Cardona, Dwardu: The Demands of the Saturnian Configuration Theory Cardona, Dwardu: The Demands of the Saturnian Configuration Theory Cardona, Dwardu ...
37. Chapter 17 Corroboration, Convergence, Analysis [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... Successors, AEON, vol. V, no. 4 (July 1999) Cardona, Dwardu: The Two Sargons and Their Successors, AEON; part I: vol. I, no. 5 (September 1988); part II vol. I, no. 6 (1988) Carter, Howard: The Tomb of Tut.ankh.Amen: The Annex and Treasury, reprint of the 1933 ed. (Bath, England 2000) Censorinus, Liber de Die Natali, XVIII, quoted in I. Velikovsky, Peoples of the Sea Ceram, C.W .: Hands on the Past (NY 1966) Ceram, C.W .: The Secret ...
38. The Polar Sun [Books]
... like the Lord of Life." (42) It is also futile to interpret Osiris' "rest" or "motionless heart" as mere symbols of death. The state of rest, one must remember, belongs to the living or resurrected Osiris, for the texts apply the term hetep, "rest," to Osiris em ankh, "as a living being." (43) It should be clear to all who consider the language of the hymns that the unmoving heart means the unmoving god, for the heart is the god (as when the texts describe the heart "upon its seat"). (44) Osiris, the motionless heart, ...
39. The Revelation of John (Moons, Myths and Man) [Books]
... of the world, the sky, is supported by four strong pillars (with struts for more efficient distribution of the thrust on the king-posts) (No. 2), at the four cardinal points. A development was the Tau-cross (No. 3), which did the same trick much better, especially in the form of the Ankh (No. 4), or crux ansata, with the firmament balanced on top, an idea expressed in many parts of the world. A Christianized form is No. 5, usually said to be made up of the Greek letters XP(ICTOC). The crucified serpent' of the Jews which they used prophylactically at a ...
40. The British Connection [Books] [de Grazia books]
... science. Kronos remained essentially and in many details under V. s thumb until his death, performing very much the function of Imago for Freud. This is not to say that the directors of Kronos were uncritical; in the very first issue, Zvi Rix ventured ominously upon weak points in an article upon the origins of anti-semitism and the Ankh. They simply had to acknowledge V. s power, his help, his thesaurus of notes and materials, even on occasion his financial aid, and above all-what men such as Stecchini, Motz, Jastrow, Sagan, Hadas, Gordon, and Deg, especially, had in their own way to bow to- his ...
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