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36 pages of results. 81. Did the Sumerians and the Akkadians Ever Exist? [Journals] [Aeon]
... the eucharistic deicide of Jesus Christ/Morning Star (Revelation 22:16) is reinstated as a central ritual that brings discipline and psychological release. Kassite kings (like Burnaburiash and Kadashman-Enlil) corresponding with el-Amarna indicate- as does the rule of Mitanni-Media over Nineveh (see below, 4(1 ) - a 7th century date for the Amarna period. Accordingly those Kassite kings are Chaldaeans of the late Assyrian and neo-Babylonian period. The Assyrian Amarna correspondent Assuruballit, thus, must be the last Assyrian king Assuruballit. Assur-nadin-ahhe, his forefather and receiver of tribute in gold from Egypt (Amarna tablet 16), is Esarhaddon (688-669 BCE) who conquered Egypt. Though in accord ...
82. Heinsohn and the Hyksos (An Answer to Martin Sieff) [Journals] [Aeon]
... places the Exodus at the end of the Early Bronze, ca. 1500 BCE. Heinsohn was giving 1500 BCE as the beginning of the Early Bronze, and hinting that he intended to lower this key date even further. The crisis came when Heinsohn- working from conclusions forced upon him by his Mesopotamian chronology- lowered his date for the Amarna period (and the end of the Late Bronze Age) down to the late 7th century BCE. This drastic step was followed by an even more startling departure from Velikovsky's revision. Heinsohn identified the mysterious Hyksos- cruel conquerors of Egypt and masters of a mighty empire- as the Assyrians. Like Martin Sieff, I had accepted Velikovsky's ...
83. Forum [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Thutmose III. In the newly proposed chronological scheme Thutmose III is put in the time of the Judges around 1200 BC. Thutmose was well known from his annals to have attacked the Holy Land about fifteen times. This certainly is not reflected in the Bible at the time of Judges. 3. The third and most significant reason is the Amarna Age, which is dated by Rohl and James to around 1050 BC and the time of Saul and David. The Bible has many stories dealing with these kings - in which the Egyptians are hardly mentioned. Further, there are figures in the Amarna Letters that do seem to appear in the Bible around the time of Jehoshaphat, like ...
84. Summary and Closing Address [Journals] [SIS Review]
... apparently the bottom of the pit had been started by Psusennes I, the walls of the same place had been constructed by Shoshenq III after a gap of apparently two centuries. He also looked at the end of the 20th Dynasty and the overlap of the various Ramesses as part of that contraction process. Eric Aitchison then spoke about the El Amarna Letters and came to the conclusion that many El-Amarna correspondents were unknown to history, they were not alter egos of famous people. He mentioned extensively the work of F.J . Giles and the detailed analysis of both the small and the larger aspects of the Amarna Letters and used that evidence to argue that the interpretations of both Velikovsky ...
85. Moses Pharaoh of Egypt - the mystery of Akhenaten resolved [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... way to the Delta when he conquered this Hyksos headquarters. However, using Futterman's arguments it would be possible and appropriate to identify Akhetaten with Avaris.) 7) Like Akhenaten Osarseph/Moses is remembered for banning the worship of the Theban gods and worshipping in used open-air temples oriented [sic] east, exactly like the Aten temples of Amarna. ' Osman demonstrates that most of the difficulties in discovering the true state of affairs derives from the reluctance of both Egyptian and Jewish writers - especially the latter - to admit that their respective heroes (for the Egyptians at least in the sense that Akhenaten was rightfully a pharaoh even if he became the fallen one of Amarna) were ...
86. Mitcham's Questions in Question [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... ." While "From of old" is a good idiomatic translation, it has more the connotation of "never before" than does the original. What Amenhotep III may have been saying was "We haven't done that for a long time, and we're not going to start again with you." On a Velikovsky-type placement of the Amarna period, this exchange would have taken place some 120 years after Solomon married Pharaoh's daughter. Or he might have been saying, "Long-standing Egyptian policy requires that I turn down your request." And if we are talking about a time after that of Solomon, such a policy would make much sense. Bear in mind that it ...
87. Michael Carmichael: Censing the God: Psychoactive Substances in Ancient Egypt [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... Egypt I chose Michael as a lecturer after watching the Sacred Weeds TV documentary series to which he was a consultant and researcher. One episode focused on the prevalence of blue water lily imagery in Egyptian art and culture, and it was this he concentrated in his talk. Michael ran through a series of slides, almost exclusively from Egypt's controversial Amarna period. This began with the pharaoh Akhenaten around 1378 BC and included the 12-year reign of the boy king Tutankhamun. Tiles, friezes and jewellery from this era frequently portrayed not just the psychoactive mandrake plant, but also the blue water lily. Drugs such as mandrake would have been burnt on incense holders and the fumes absorbed through the ...
88. The Mysterious Smenkhkare [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... portrayal of Nefertiti as on a level with Akhenaten simply shows the theological viewpoint of the late 18th dynasty. Regarding the pronomen, why discard the well-known identifying portion Nefertiti? Also there are some orthographic differences in the way the signs are drawn. There are several problematic items for this interpretation, however. A stele in Berlin shows (in Amarna style) a junior king pouring a drink for another king. This has been variously interpreted as the junior pouring for Akhenaten (supporting this speaker's position) or Akhenaten pouring for Amenhotep 3 (so supporting the coregency thesis). Additionally, though the senior is clearly male, the other is less definite. Another, unfinished relief shows ...
89. Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... the h' you see in transcriptions of cuneiform represents the guttural Hebrew het and at times the guttural ayin- the Cambridge Ancient History has tried to make this clear by transliterating this sound as kh, as in Khammurabi). I've always wondered why Martin Sieff and Peter James, at the time that they were championing 9th century dates for the Amarna period, missed the fact that Yawa is mentioned twice there (EA 154 and EA 230). If we want to get into alternative readings of cuneiform, why not start with the alternative reading of the syllable la in the name Labaya' (la-ab-a-a, generally) as mu, giving us Mu'abaya', or The Moabite' ...
90. A Further Note on the Archaeology of Jericho [Journals] [SIS Review]
... seventh century BC. When we apply the revised chronology, we find that these Late Bronze remains, which Kenyon thinks mark the Canaanite city, are in fact the missing traces of Hiel's Jericho. The pottery which marks Jericho's LBA occupation depends for its dates on the chronology of Egypt's XVIIIth Dynasty. Much of it is pottery characteristic of the Amarna Period, which is conventionally dated c. 1370-1350 BC. Thus Kenyon assigned dates of c. 1400-1325 BC to the Late Bronze occupation (5 ). In Velikovsky's chronology, however, the Amarna period belongs in the ninth century BC, to the time of Elijah and Elisha (6 ). This is precisely the time, according ...
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