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36 pages of results. 61. The habiru as the 'ibrim of I Samuel and the implications for the 'new chronology' [Journals] [SIS Review]
... and Babylonian chronologies in as far as they relate to our revised dates for the New Kingdom in Egypt. I believe the absence of articles on this subject in Review and Workshop is due more to lack of time than inability to deal successfully with the problems of the subject matter. 1. The Habiru- Ibrim Problem 1.1 The El Amarna Letters and I Samuel It was very surprising that Phillip Clapham never said a word about what I consider to be the main argument of my thesis, i.e . the striking literary analogy between the El Amarna habiru and the ibrim of I Samuel. Phillip instead criticised my thesis by asking the question as to when the term habiru ...
62. Assyria, Karduniash, Babylon: A Rational chronology [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... of 8th-6th century Egyptian chronology are resolved and there is clear evidence to support the thesis. Similar analysis can be presented for first millennium Karduniash/Babylon, asserting that there were two centers of power with a Kassite (Karduniash) king, Burraburniash, ruling side by side with Marduk Zakir Sumi (Babylon prince under Assyrian influence) during the Amarna period (865 B.C .) . This approach furthermore must be used by all schools, both conventional and revised, to present Egypt in the Second Intermediate Period. In this case the conventional scholars squeeze this period into 200 years, with three capitals (Avaris, Xois, Thebes), whereas the revised chronology allows about ...
63. Hazor and the anachronisms in the chronology of the Ancient Near East [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Aharon Kempinsky - Amnon Ben-Tor (Hebrew University, Jerusalem) is in charge of archaeological work in Hazor. Kempinsky was especially interested to find Iron Age archives from the time of the Kingdom of Israel in the upper city (1200 to 300 BC) whereas Ben-Tor seems to have given up such hope and focuses instead on finding archives for the Amarna (Late Bronze) period ( -15th/ -14th c.), which saw the Mitanni rule of Asia, and also for the Old-Babylonian period which he (and everybody else) believes to have preceded the Mitanni by about half a millennium. So far there is no archive but individual tablets inscribed in cuneiform were indeed found ...
64. The Stratigraphy of Israel [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... effect on most of Palestine anyway, but with the conquests of Thutmose III who was the first Pharaoh of the New Kingdom to come to stay, to set up an empire with an Egyptian administration. But on reflection why should even this event cause the locals to change their pottery? I believe that MB styles continued at least until the Amarna Period in LB IIA. This explains why there are hardly any LB fortified cities in Palestine to correspond to the Amarna Letters situation when there was widespread strife. The Amarna Period is to be found amongst mainly MB remains, with MB fortified cities and mixed MB/LB pottery. The picture really looks something like fig. 3C in ...
65. Shishak, the kings of Judah and some synchronisms [Journals] [SIS Review]
... era of 10 month years. Introduction The researches of the New Chronologists', possibly due to over-concentration on detail, appear to be straining the overall picture of the chronological relationships between Palestine and Egypt more than seems reasonable. It is worth going back to the original raw data to check whether current trends - especially the attempts to locate the Amarna letters before the time of Solomon and to equate Shishak with either Ramesses II or Ramesses III - are really sustainable. The basic synchronisms between Mesopotamia, Palestine and Egypt (marked by capital letters in Table 1) derive from the histories of the kings of Judah and Israel, as related in the Old Testament books of Kings and Chronicles ...
66. Hittites, Phrygians, and Others [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... Hittites (Late Bronze), the central point made in the article, but rather came into existence after the demise of the Hittites.(2 ) Similarly, Sumur and Gubla of the EA correspondence, identified as Samaria and Jezreel by Velikovsky,(3 ) were almost certainly Byblos and Sumara in Phoenicia. This tends to suggest the Amarna age cannot be relocated in the 9th century, a realization that undermines the series of biblical parallels so cleverly contrived by Velikovsky in Ages in Chaos. In fact, the table of nations (Genesis 10:1 ) even preserves the memory of Sumur in the Zemarites, bracketed with Sidon and Arvad- fellow Phoenicians. In this connection ...
67. June 15, 762 BCE: A Mathematical Analysis of Ancient History [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... this introduction. Let the cold, unbiased mathematics speak for itself. ISRAEL AND JUDAH 1. In Table 1, at the end of this section, the period of years from Asa and Ahab to Queen Athaliah and Jehu (from 897 to 855 altogether) has been structured in such a way as to satisfy the requirements for the revised Amarna Period, as discussed in Ages In Chaos, Chapter 7. The reign of Ahab (897-868) is the key adjustment in this period. It must be lengthened from its usual 22 years to 29 years, (7 ) so that it will overlap the sixth year of Shalmaneser III in Assyria (872) and the first year ...
68. An Answer to "The Danunians and the Velikovsky Revision" [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... simple, and I will not try to teach distinguished Hebraists that one finds the numerals Gath ( = Press), Migdol ( = Turn), Kadesh ( = Sanctuary), Tsur = Tyre ( = Rock), etc., and it is logical to find several "PR's." There remains the problem of the letter of Amarna from the 14th century (B .C .) which speaks of "Danuna," which is previous to the arrival of Mopsus. But this Danuna most likely refers to the people born of the union of the Achaeans and Myceneans who pretended to be heirs of Danaos. And it is exactly in the 14th century that their power ...
69. The El-Amarna Letters and the Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylonia [Journals] [Pensee]
... from the ninth century B.C . These remarkable clay tablets, written in cuneiform, were discovered by accident in the late 1880's at Tell el-Amarna in Egypt, lying buried amid a portion of the ruins of ancient Akhet-Aton, the ill-fated capital of the Eighteenth Dynasty pharaoh Amenhotep IV (Akhnaton). According to Velikovsky's historical reconstruction of the Amarna period, the letters include official correspondence with Egypt from such Biblical figures as Ahab (Rib-Addi), Jehoshaphat (AbdiHiba), Hazael (Azaru), and their contemporaries (ca. 870 - 840 B.C .) . Within this framework, Velikovsky also correlates various conquests and military exploits of the ninth century Assyrian monarch Shalmaneser ...
70. The Memphite Tomb of Haremheb [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 2001:2 (Sep 2001) Home | Issue Contents The Memphite Tomb of Haremheb Geoffrey Martin Summary The tomb for Horemheb at Memphis was prepared before he came to rule Egypt - his final resting place was in the Valley of the Kings. Thus it provides valuable insight into the later years of the Amarna period, while Horemheb was a high-ranking official. A preponderance of traditional artwork is found, though with some portions in the Amarna style. The most informative surviving sections are those depicting his military career during Tutankhamun's reign. Content Horemheb was one of the most senior officials in the court of Tutankhamun, with regent amongst his titles. In this ...
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