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36 pages of results. 51. Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Chronology and Catastrophism Workshop 1995 No 1 (June 1995) Home | Issue Contents Letters Saul, David and the Amarna Pharaohs I was fascinated by the correspondence in Forum' in C&C Workshop 1994:2 on the subject of the Amarna correspondence and the respect - or not - in which Saul and David were held. One point - which seemed to me telling - is that during the reign of David a Pharaoh died - he is referred to in the Bible as Nahash' - and David sent consolatory letters to his successor, by the hand of Ambassadors'. These were treated with considerable contempt by the Pharaoh concerned (II Samuel X) ...
52. C&C Review 1988 Issue (Volume X): Contents [Journals] [SIS Review]
... for a major disruption at or around 2300 BC, Moe Mandelkehr has amassed a wealth of geological data in support of his thesis. His impressive catalogue of data constitutes a challenge both to uniformitarians (who have to explain the disruptions) and to catastrophists (who have to indicate their source). David Rohl & Bernard Newgrosh: The El Amarna Letters and the New Chronology 23 A successful revised chronology for the ancient Near East must take into account the evidence of the El Amarna Letters. This paper re-examines their witness and compares it to the best source on Palestine - the Old Testament - finding dramatic parallels in the Early Monarchy period. Thus, the controversial New Chronology' receives ...
53. A Chronological Note on the Kassites [Journals] [Aeon]
... scanty "as regards the period of Kassite domination in Iraq." Therefore, "the bulk of our information derives, in fact, from sources foreign to the Kingdom of Babylon, such as the el-Amarna correspondence found in Egypt."(24) IV The Kassite king Burnaburiash II (1380 to 1350 BCE) corresponded (cf. Amarna letters 6-11, 13,14) with Aldinaton (Amenophis IV 1367 to 1350 BCE) and, looking at Mesopotamia, had Assuruballit I of Assyria (1365 to 1339 BCE) as his northern neighbor and dependent. It is Egyptian chronology and not the archaeological evidence at hand in the Kassites' domain that was used to date the ...
54. Letters [Journals] [SIS Review]
... der Veen reported on a recent reading of the Bar Hadad inscription which appeared to suggest that Ezra might have been the father of Bar Hadad. Peter pointed out that this would be the equivalent of the final element in Hadad-ezer (the king of Zobah and a contemporary of David) whom Rohl and Newgrosh have tentatively equated with Aziru in the Amarna Letters. This was offered as additional evidence of the Aziru = [Hadad] -ezer equation. Peter's information was based on proposed new readings by P. Bordreuil and J. Teixidor ( 'Nouvel Examen de l'inscription de Bar Hadad', Aula Orientalis 1 [1983], pp. 271-276). However, these readings have ...
55. Forum: The 900-700 BC era - a Conundrum C&C Review 2002:1 [Journals] [SIS Review]
... of minor synchronisms between Palestine, Syria, Assyria, Hatti, Egypt etc. in this era which support the general picture (e .g . the visit of Elisha to Damascus at which he met Ben-Hadad and Hazael of Syria; the equivalence [Editor's note Various authorities claim they are not equivalent.] of Abdi-Ashirta and Aziru of the Amarna letters with Ben-Hadad and Hazael of Syria; the payment of tribute by Jehu of Israel to Shalmaneser III of Assyria; correspondence between Suppiluliumas of Hatti, Aziru and Tutankhamun's widow, etc., etc.) but a far more potent synchronism is one which appears to have gone all but unnoticed in the literature. This is the hypothesis ...
56. The Place of Horemheb in Egyptian History [Journals] [SIS Review]
... to an earlier article on the chronology of the XVIIIth Dynasty [3 ], examines the evidence for placing Horemheb at the close of this dynasty, rather than lowering his dates by over 100 years on the lines proposed by Dr Velikovsky. The position is complicated by the fact that the king lists which have survived from Dynasty XIX ignore the Amarna pharaohs and name Horemheb as the immediate successor of Thutmose IV and Amenhotep III, with Ramesses I and Seti I following Horemheb [4 ]. Since Akhenaten, Smenkhkare, Tutankhamun and Ay are excluded as "uncanonical", it would be reasonable to assume that the Libyan and Ethiopian kings would similarly be omitted from the Abydos and Saqqara ...
57. Dating the Trojan War [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... the following synchronisms: (1 ) Troy VI Myc IIIA, but predominantly IIIb VIIA Idem VIIb1 IIIb or IIIc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - VIIb2 Buckelkeramik (2 ) LC Ib Myc IIb, IIIa1 LC II IIIa2, IIIb end LC IIc IIIB Amarna LC IIa LC IlIa Myc IIIc1 (3 ) Myc IIa Thutmoses IV(?) IIb Amenophis III IlIa2 Amarna IIIb Sack of Thebes and Pylos Isaacson[21] synchronizes Troy VIIb1 with Greek protogeometrical vases and Myc (Mycenaean) IIIc1 with orientalizing vases. I think we can summarize this information in the following scheme: Myc IIb LC ...
58. Velikovsky's Chronology in Question [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... Question Lester J. Mitcham At this time I would like to draw attention to two issues that I believe argue against both Velikovsky's solution for Egyptian chronology and also against alternative models put forward by those who accept/defend his time placement for the 18th dynasty, but who then present their own solution for the later dynasties. Turning to the Amarna letters, Kadashman-Enlil (I ) complains to Amunhotep III: "Thou hast written to [me] saying: From of old, a daughter of the king of Egy[pt] has not been given to anyone. ' " Yet we know that Solomon married a daughter of Pharaoh. Thus Velikovskian scholars must accept that Amunhotep III ...
59. The Danunians and the Velikovsky Revision [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... in Phoenician and Asitawandawa in Hittite hieroglyphic.2 The presence of Danunians in that region, Eastern Cilicia, can be pushed back a century to the time of Shalmaneser III who around -839 fought the Danunians so he could aid Kilamuwa (Kalamu), King of Iaudi-Sam'al.3 This is important to Velikovskian scholars, because a letter from the Amarna Archive (EA 151) stated that the Danunians were in the same general area supposedly five hundred years earlier.4 This is a small support for bringing the time of the Amarna Age to the ninth century. We return to the bilingual inscription. King Asitawandas called his people Danunians and his royal residence, P'r- a city known ...
60. Assyrian History: the 'Black Hole' [Journals] [SIS Review]
... across political and historical events in the broad sweep of the Near East, from Elam in the east to Lydia in the west. My own change in loyalty came when, like others, I began to work on the Hattusilis = Nebuchadnezzar' parallel from Ramses II and his Time. Further disillusionment came when I began to study the El Amarna letters and found there was a lot of information that Velikovsky did not quote or, worse, quoted inaccurately. At the time, I was formulating a revision that was so close to Velikovsky's that I felt he had just missed the prize. Imagine then my horror when I discovered my Black Hole', which is outlined below. ...
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