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36 pages of results. 21. EARLY GLASSMAKING AND CHRONOLOGICAL PUZZLES [Journals] [Aeon]
... king were formed of glass.(27) Such glass heads(28) only reappear a millennium later in the XXXth Dynasty ( -380 to -343).(29) Workshops of New Kingdom glassmakers were found in Malkata ( -1490 to -1363), Menshiych (XIXth/XXth Dynasty, -1200 to -1069), Tell el Amarna ( -1359 to -1346) and Lisht (XIX/XXth Dynasty, -1200 to -1069). It seems that suddenly, around -1050, "the Egyptian production of glass vessels comes to a standstill."(30) It is then at least five or six centuries before glass vessels begin to show up again in Egypt. ...
22. The Oedipus Legend and the Amarna Period [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. IX No. 3 (Summer 1984) Home | Issue Contents The Oedipus Legend and the Amarna Period Walter Federn INTRODUCTION There is no reason to doubt that the Oedipus story may have had its origin in some historical events of the Mycenaean Age. Since the only episode of the Oedipus story that can be localized with certainty in continental Greece is the slaying of Laios,(1 ) which may have been a later addition,(2 ) there is no reason to deny the possibility that the story originated among the Ionians of Asia Minor, and for some unknown reason was transferred later to Boeotian Thebes. To account for the appearance of the Sphinx ...
23. Some 'New Chronology' Issues [Journals] [SIS Review]
... to accept that the development of such an alternative scheme is to be the work of years of research ahead, and that such a scheme must await new evidence to come to light in support of it. It is for this reason also that I feel I should present here the following piece of evidence in support of the placement of the Amarna period in the time of the early Israelite Monarchy, as is proposed in the New Chronology. Rohl and Newgrosh have suggested the equation of the el-Amarna character Aziru, prince of Amurru, with the powerful monarch Hadad-ezer, king of Zobah and Beth-Rehob in II Samuel 8 and 10. They argued that Aziru was the Akkadian hypocoristicon [= ...
24. Three Views of Heinsohn's Chronology [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... so-called true Akkadian to West Semitic Akkadian of the Old-Babylonian Martu around the turn of the 3rd to 2nd millennium BC. This procedure, however, is not followed by areas which are Egyptologically (i .e . Sothic) dated. The Hyksos of Middle Bronze II Palestine got their Egyptian dates from being predecessors of New Kingdom rulers of the Amarna period who received letters from Palestine. The same happened to the Old-Hittites whose successors wrote to Amarna as well as to Ramesses II. There is no doubt that the Hyksos and the Old-Hittites were true contemporaries whatever the absolute dates eventually assigned to them. Both territories take some 700 years to learn Semitic cuneiform though Old-Akkadian rulers are well acquainted ...
25. The Chronology of the Early Egyptian New Kingdom [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... year the Temple in Jerusalem was despoiled by a pharaoh known in the Bible as "Shishak." 6 Amenhotep Il was a contemporary of Asa, king of Judah (913-873 B.C .) , who defeated an Egyptian force lead by "Zerah the Ethiopian." 7 The identification of Abdi Ashirta and Aziru of Amurru in the Amarna letters with Ben Hadad and Hazael, kings of Syria, dates these letters, some of which were addressed to Amenhotep II and Akhenaten, to the third quarter of the 9th century B.C .8 The strongest link between Egyptian and Hebrew history in this period is provided by the Egyptian invasion of Judah in the fifth year of ...
26. Syria and Ugarit [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... the problem. For the moment I will regard Azaru of Amurru as a separate individual from Hazael of Damascus. In noting that Nikmed would have had to be reigning at Ugarit as late as 845- the earliest possible date for the beginning of Hazael's reign- James fails to synchronize the reign of Nikmed in connection with the destruction of the Amarna period,11 and also to prove the chronological possibility of Azaru being identical to Hazael. The True End of Ugarit The city itself survived the destruction of the Amarna Age12 by about one and a half centuries, its end being associated with Hittite loss of power. In order to synchronize Nikmed with the end of Ugarit and with the ...
27. Rejoinder to Velikovsky [Journals] [Pensee]
... it should not be used in the way Velikovsky proposes. It is not acceptable methodology to simply compare literary accounts and if they seem similar, to declare them contemporaneous regardless of their archaeological contexts. This is what Velikovsky does, for example, when on the basis of supposed similarities in the names and events recounted in biblical texts and the Amarna letters he asserts that the Amarna texts belong to the same era as the Hebrew Divided Monarchy. As I tried to show in my article, the archaeological contexts of the Israelite Monarchy and the Amarna Period in Egypt will not allow any such synchronization. If archaeological chronology has been based on texts which it turns out were dated incorrectly, ...
28. Oedipus and Akhnaton [Journals] [Pensee]
... welded the world into one ecumene since the Stone Age. In Neolithic times, men were in touch with their kind across the greatest distances of land and water. No one should look askance at Velikovsky's bridging the gap between the hundred-gated Thebes of Egypt and the seven-gated Thebes in Boeotia during one of the most international periods of history (the Amarna Age), when the Aegean and Egypt were in close touch with each other. At that time Egyptian wares appear in Greece, and Mycenean wares in Egypt- as we know from archeological discoveries. To round out the record, we have rich written documentation from Egypt (including the international correspondence from Amarna) and from Greece where the ...
29. Recent Developments In Near Eastern Archaeology [Journals] [SIS Review]
... quite a lot of excavation reports have been coming out of inland Syria, from the Euphrates eastwards. This area is part of northern Mesopotamia and includes the basin of the River Habur (or Khabur) which flows south to join the Euphrates. The Habur is thought to have been the heartland of the Mittanian kingdom which is known from the Amarna letters, dated in the mid 14th century on OC (Old/Orthodox Chronology), when its ruler was Tushratta. An earlier king, Saushtatar (OC c.1420BC), had ruled from the Mediterranean right across the North Mesopotamian plains to Assyria and beyond to the Zagros Mountains. Numerous ancient sites line the banks of the ...
30. The Amarna Iconoclasts - Who were the Real Criminals? [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 2001:2 (Sep 2001) Home | Issue Contents The Amarna Iconoclasts - Who were the Real Criminals?Penny Wilson Summary This talk explored the extent to which Akhenaten's reputation as "criminal" in the eyes of his successors was justified. By looking at the nature of his beliefs and actions towards those who differed, as compared with the backlash after his death, can they be called heretical or criminal by ancient Egyptian standards? Content The reason for this talk was that, on first looking at Akhenaten's life, the speaker was struck by a moment of pity for him. Having planned and intended so much, it only took until the ...
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