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36 pages of results. 101. Velikovsky and the El-Amarna period [Journals] [SIS Review]
... years, except during the time when the Scythians had the dominion. Afterwards the Medes repented of their submission, and revolted from Darius, but were defeated in battle, and again reduced to subjection' [21]. R. H. Hewsen could synchronise the Mitanni with the early Medes in Velikovsky's thesis and he wrote, In the Amarna Age, the Empire of Mitanni was of considerable importance and maintained the balance of power between Egypt and the Hittites'. The empire was on the best of terms with Egypt and Mitannian princesses married pharaohs of the eighteenth dynasty' [22]. Velikovsky placed the El-Amarna period in 870-840BC and the Mitannian dynasty ended with Shattuara II in ...
102. Ancient History Revisions: the Last 25 years - a Perspective [Journals] [SIS Review]
... which ruled concurrently in several different parts of Egypt. This warning was studiously ignored. When Schliemann excavated the famous Shaft Graves at Mycenae in Greece in the 1870s, he found they contained some scarabs naming Amenhotep III and his wife Queen Tiy. So, when Petrie found much similar Mycenaean pottery in Egypt at Pharaoh Akhenaten's short-lived capital city of Amarna, such was the confidence in the correctness of Egyptian chronology that it was used to date the entire contents of the Late Helladic graves at Mycenae to not later than about 1300BC. Then, at other sites around the Mediterranean, artefacts and everything else that was obviously contemporary with them were awarded Egyptian dates. Art historians and other scholars ...
103. Distorting and Reconstructing the Past [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... after the destruction of the Old Assyrian kingdom by the Mitanni. These were the Kassites. The Kassite epoch of Babylonia boasted a long series of kings who vied with the Mitanni monarchs in terms of power and authority. Kings with names such as Burnaburiash and Kurigalzu figure prominently in the international correspondences of the period, and we know from the Amarna letters that these men regarded themselves as equals of the pharaoh. The rulers of Babylon during this period were Kassites, and they even gave a Kassite name, Karaduniash, to the ancient land of Babylonia. From our point of view, it will be obvious that the Kassites can be little more than yet another alter ego of the ...
104. Egyptian Influence Upon Early Israelite Literature [Journals] [Aeon]
... does appear as if this may have transpired. Most scholars estimate that the Psalms took on their present form between c. 400 B.C .E . and 100 B.C .E . [110] Psalm 104, [111] bears a striking resemblance to the Egyptian "Hymn to the Aten," composed during the Amarna period (c . 1353-1337 B.C .E .) . [112] During this time in Egypt, pharaoh Akhenaten introduced a peculiar form of monotheism, even though some argue that his religious views were not actually monotheistic, but rather henotheistic, maintaining the worship of a single divinity while not denying the existence of others. ...
105. The Stratigraphy of Bahrein: An Answer to Critics [Journals] [Aeon]
... another phantom in the "Old-Assyrians" or after -1950. 3) The Persian dominance also compromises the "Middle-Assyrians" now dated after the Mitanni. The latter are the Medes controlling Assyria's heartlands from -610 until their defeat by the Persians in -550. Via the Mitanni=Medes of the late 7th century B.C .E . the Amarna period becomes the anchor point for Egypt's chronology. I added to this summary the following statement: The present writer is fully aware that just one excavation site showing an unambiguous sequence of eight layers for the eight eras in our history books would be enough to falsify his historical reconstruction- that is, his historiography of the ancient world independent ...
106. Some Notes on the Revised Chronology (part two) [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Workshop Vol 3 No 3 (Jan 1981) Home | Issue Contents Some Notes on the Revised Chronology (part two)Lester J. Mitcham 7). Velikovsky has not yet published his views on the problem of the 14th century Ashuruballit I being a correspondent of the 9th century Amarna Pharaohs (see Peter James: "Some Notes on the Ashuruballit Problem", SIS REVIEW IV:I , p.18-22 - Ed.). Courville, in noting a genealogical discrepancy involved in accepting the 14th century Assyrian king of this name as the author of these letters, breaks off in his quote from Luckenbill, just short of the explanation regarding Assur-nadin-ahe. ...
107. Heinsohn's Revised Chronology [Journals] [Aeon]
... chronology. For instance, he makes the Hyksos of Egypt equal the Assyrians and dates the Hyksos layers (F through D/2 ) at Tell ed-Dab'a in Egypt between 750 and 625 BCE. (33) These layers contain material typical of the Middle Bronze II B (MB II B) period in Palestine, yet he places the Amarna period (which is archaeologically related to the Late Bronze II A period in Palestine) at about 650 BCE, (34) overlapping the MBII deposits at ed-Dab'a. He also claims that Tell Mardikh II B1 (the tablet layer) belongs to the first half of the seventh century BCE, since it was destroyed by Sargon II/ ...
108. El-Amarna Excursuses [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review 1988 (Vol X) Home | Issue Contents El-Amarna Excursuses EXCURSUS A The Language of EA 252 In his article An Archaic Hebrew Proverb in an Amarna Letter from Central Palestine' JNES 89 (1943), pp. 29-32, Albright records the following notes about the language used by Labayu in his earliest letter to Amenhotep III: -line 8: This strange form, which is found several times in the letters, may be the result of confusion between the verb nasaru (in its rare second form nussuru?) and the word which appears in Hebrew as asar, "to check, resist, arrest." ' -lines 8, ...
109. Some Notes on the "Assuruballit Problem" [Journals] [SIS Review]
... C ) 1979 P. J. James Mr James, Assistant Editor of SIS Review, is a graduate in Ancient History and Archaeology of Birmingham University, where he specialised in Mesopotamian Studies. He is also a Senior Editor of KRONOS. A perennial problem for Velikovsky's chronological revision has been the apparent synchronism between Assuruballit I of Assyria and the Amarna pharaohs. Can this be resolved? In a letter to the SIS Review (1 :3 , p. 23) E. V. GULBEKIAN pointed out the problem of the synchronism held to exist between Assuruballit I of Assyria and the Amarna pharaohs of Egypt. Two letters ascribed to the el-Amarna collection (EA 15 and 16) ...
110. On the Survival of Velikovsky's Thesis in 'Ages in Chaos' [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... is a matter of common knowledge. However, it has become apparent to many- perhaps most- of his opponents that his later proposal for meeting the demand for reconstructing the chronology of the late dynasties will not stand up to scrutiny. It is deemed out of the question to move the nineteenth dynasty out of its conventional position following the Amarna period, as he proposed. Furthermore, he has not taken into consideration the necessary and corresponding movement of the dates for the archaeological ages. His proposal to place dynasties XXI and XXII down in the Persian period, reaching into the fourth century, is also highly questionable. To these objections the writer would add several other shortcomings not ...
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