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22 pages of results. 31. The Reality of Extinctions [Journals] [Aeon]
... man was still living in scattered winter caves, so it does not seem logical to blame a voracious human appetite for these disappearances. If we step back an additional ten thousand years, we come upon an extinction event which accounted for 90% of the giant marsupials in Australia. Again, over-hunting carries no logic as an explanation; the Aborigines already had forty or fifty thousand years of successful livestock management prior to this extinction. This extinction was also a couple of thousand years prior to any sudden decrease in temperature on this continent associated with the last Ice Age. Incidentally, these giant animals are still remembered in the Aboriginal tales of the Dreamtime, but no doubt they would ...
... or myth. Sagan chose diffusion and coincidence while Velikovsky, of course, chose common-observation. Sagan states, "Velikovsky is clearly opting for the common-observation hypothesis, but he seems to dismiss the diffusion hypothesis far too casually; for example, he says (p . 303) How could unusual motifs of folklore reach isolated islands, where the aborigines do not have any means of crossing the sea? ' I am not sure which islands and which aborigines Velikovsky refers to here, but it is apparent that the inhabitants of an island had to have gotten there somehow. I do not think that Velikovsky believes in a separate creation in the Gilbert and Ellice Islands say. For Polynesia ...
33. Thorium Enrichment in Crater Rims: Earth and Moon [Journals] [Aeon]
... in a tiny crater in Australia, it's time to explore other explanations; explanations that could fit both the anomalies on Earth and those on the Moon. So what else could have produced it? Ralph Juergens' suggestion that craters are carved by electric discharge machining, (EDM), might be worth investigating, especially in light of the Aboriginal legends concerning the rainbow snake which emerged from the ground to form the Wolfe Creek Crater. [10] This is especially of interest since this is a motif associated globally with celestial thunderbolts. Can the chemical composition of solids be changed by plasma? Yes, in several ways. EDM can deposit or peel away layers of material in ...
34. The Descent Into Barbarism (The Atlantis Myth) [Books]
... Arcadians lived, in the uplands, before yet the moon appeared, feeding on acorns. 65 About a century before Apollonius Rhodius, no less an authority than Aristotle had considered the same myth of sufficient importance to quote it in his political treatise, The Constitution of the Tegeans.66 He tells us that the barbarous Pelasgian autochthons, or aborigines, who inhabited Arcadia before the coming of the Hellenes, cited as their chief title for the possession of this land the fact that they had lived there before there was yet a Moon in the heavens. The `Hellenes' mentioned would evidently be some of that `small number who survived' (23c) when `in one ...
35. The Shadow Of Death, Part 1 Venus Ch.6 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... the sixth world age or "sun .. . .. the whole world becomes filled with smoke and saturated with greasiness of that smoke." There is "no distinction of day and night." The gloom is caused by a "cycle-destroying great cloud" of cosmic origin and dimensions.(26) On the Samoan islands the aborigines narrate: "Then arose smell . . . the smell became smoke, which again became clouds .. .. The sea too arose, and in a stupendous catastrophe of nature the land sank into the sea.... The new earth (the Samoan islands) arose out of the womb of the last earth." ...
36. Notes on the Androgynous Comet [Journals] [SIS Review]
... need to ponder on the motive which impels the author to prefer Hell on Venus to Hell on Earth, but it is clear that the term "biographical" here indicates the recollection of suppressed occurrences in primeval times (4 ). 3. Another method of reclaiming the past for the present, that of studying the primitive cultures of the aborigines, has scarcely been tried. These peoples at the dawn of history might be supposed consciously to retain conceptions which modern man keeps in his unconscious. It is with one aspect of this that the present paper will concern itself. Charles Dupuis describes in Origine de tous les cultes, ou Réligion universelle (Paris, 1795) how, ...
... i. 3. The passage continues, " There are (now) ten winter months there, two summer months; and those are cold for the waters, cold for the earth, and cold for the trees." This reminiscence of the on-coming of the Glacial Age at the Pole also appears in the Flood legend of the American aborigines, particularly the Lenni-Lenapi, or Delaware Indians, Rafinesque, The American Nations. Phila., 1836: Song III. 14. See also Dr. 0. Schrader, SprachTiergleichung und Urgeschichte.Linguistisch - historische Beitrage zur Erforschung des indogermanischen Alterthums. Jena, 1883. CHAPTER VI. THE CRADLE OF THE RACE IN ANCIENT AKKADIAN, ...
38. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... and their noise, earthquake propagation, tidal waves, dust clouds, etc. In this department the book looks more solid (and is better referenced) than Clube & Napier's Cosmic Serpent. Erratum J. E. Aitchison of New South Wales writes in to correct an error in Workshop 5:1 , p. 40: the Australian Aboriginal comments quoted do not come from the book Australian Dreaming, as cited, but instead from an article "Aboriginal Stellar Myths" by Daisy M. Bates, published in the Australian 26th July 1924, p. 226. \cdrom\pubs\journals\workshop\vol0503\21books.htm ...
39. Obituary: Allan Beggs [Journals] [SIS Review]
... successors and sister publications. His own researched offerings were limited and few saw exposure in the journals. His favourite medium was the electronic postings and the cut and thrust of that near instantaneous process. It was in this medium that many were exposed to Allan. His enthusiasm knew no bounds when he took on an idea. His research into Aboriginal Rock Art motifs and their catastrophist implications was impeccable. Had he continued with this research he could have added much to our understanding of the past. He then became enamoured of the Saturn or Polar Configuration, preaching its strengths to anyone and everyone. His latest obsession saw him arguing for the acceptance of the work of Fomenko. Few ...
40. The Ark Myth [Books]
... from human sight is given in their myths. According to Indian mythology, thedeluge warning was imparted to the flood hero by a horned fish' which eventually grew to gigantic dimensions: in which picture we recognize a phase of the water-controlling satellite. Also the Gipsies tell that their ancestor was warned by a fish'. The Bununs, an aboriginal tribe of Formosa, tell that in the olden days their ancestor saw a crab being seized by a serpent. Reckoning that this foreboded ill they scaled a high mountain (they have no ark myth) and thus escaped from the deluge which soon afterwards happened. The crab', of course, is the former satellite whose sickle-phase was ...
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