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214 results found.
22 pages of results. 141. Evidence From the Moon, Newgrange and Stonehenge Indicates Lunar Disturbance [Journals] [SIS Review]
... 9). These include the gutter and tadpole' features (fig. 10) [8 ]. Cup-and-ring Motif; Gapped Concentric Circle Motif; Cup-and-Ring with Gutter Motif Rock markings noted in Archaeological Journal (1901) (1 ) Churinga Ilkinia, or sacred rock-drawings of a group of the Honey Ant totems of the Warramunga tribe of Australian aboriginals (2 ) Cup-and-ring marks from Cochno, Scotland (3a) Warramunga tribal design. (3b) Slate carving, Crannog Dumbuck, Scotland (4 ) Cochno, Scotland. (5a) and (5b) Warramunga designs (5c) Plum-tree totem design (6a - 6d) Cup-and-ring marks at Auchintorlie, Scotland (7 ) Cochno ...
142. The Saturn Theory [Journals] [SIS Review]
... that the planet Venus was associated with the very same forms in Mesoamerica, where the observation and worship of our sister planet formed an obsession, strongly supports the conclusion that such images have their origin in the ancient appearance of the planet. The same conclusion is supported by the fact that cultures as distant and disparate as those of the Australian Aborigines, Maya, Polynesians and Chinese described Venus by epithets signifying Great Eye', Great Star' and luminous flower'[15]. How are we to explain this curious state of affairs where Venus is associated with the very symbols seemingly depicted in prehistoric sun' images? Surely not by reference to the current solar system, for Venus ...
143. Thoth Vol I, No. 5: March 14, 1997 [Journals] [Thoth]
... produced abundance of their own accord. The Hopi Indians proclaim that in the earliest time they were a marvelously contented race, at peace with their brothers. They knew nothing of sickness or conflict, and all things were provided by Mother Earth without any requirement of labor. But these are just the American Indian versions of the story. The aborigines of Australia insist that their first ancestors enjoyed a Golden Age, a Paradise of abundant game and without conflict of any kind. Northern Europeans once celebrated this earliest age as the "Peace of Frodi," a mythical Danish king. Throughout this peaceful epoch no man injured another and a magical mill ground out peace and plenty for the ...
144. Darkness and the Deep [Journals] [Aeon]
... have seen that such an origin is, or was, believed in even by tribes in the heartland of India, by the peoples of the Fertile Crescent, by those whose world is enclosed by the sandy wastes of the Egyptian desert, in fact by the peoples of the entire world regardless of their geographical environment. Even among the Aranda aborigines of Australia, living in one of the world's most arid regions, far from sea or lake, we find the belief that the "earth" emerged slowly from an endless ocean. (125) But our journey is not yet over. Among the Kenta pygmies of Malaya, tradition states that, "in the beginning," ...
... combined sophistry of all time cannot shake it. An account of that great catastrophe is found in the mythological narratives and traditional history of nearly or quite every people and tribe of Adam's race. It is found among the Egyptians, Chaldeans, Greeks, Cythians and Celtic tribes. It has been discovered among the Peruvians' and Mexicans; the aborigines of Cuba, of North America and the South Sea Islands. Even the inhabitants of Alaska preserve a tradition of the deluge; and all point unmistakably to the deluge of Noah. Recent investigations in the ruins of Ninevah, Babylon and in ancient cities of Egypt confirm it by tablets preserved as veritable books. Tradition as she sits amidst ...
146. The Social Impact of Velikovsky on our Generation [Articles]
... basic canon of works that I would consider essential to Pope's maxim: The proper study of mankind is man'. I thought this was strictly explorative work - Jacques Ellul and the nature of technological society; Lewis Munford and his thesi.s of the symbiosis of man and his use of tools; searching for the spiritual truths of the aboriginal natives of this continent, the James Bay Cree, the Oglala Sious, the Yaqui sorcerer, the potlatch, the Hopi ceremonialism; learning to keep bees and not sell honey; Arthur Koestler; developing a detailed awareness of the ecological crisis from Rachel Carson to the politics of the 1970's, from Edward Hall's The Hidden Dimension to Buddhist ...
147. The Eye Goddess [Journals] [Aeon]
... Venus, in turn, was compared to an "eye" by peoples throughout the ancient world. The Maya, for example, knew Venus as Nohoch Ich, "Great Eye". [41] Polynesian islanders half way around the world described Venus as Tamata-nui, "Great-Eye." [42] Similar ideas are apparent among the aborigines of Australia, who referred to Venus as Mimungoona, "Big Eye." [43] Fig.5 : Central Mexican (Aztec) symbol depicting rayed star held to signify the planet Venus. (From the Vienna Codex.) Fig.6 : The Egyptian god Ra (or Re) and his symbol. It was ...
148. Poleshifts, Catastrophes, And Myths [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... became instilled with not only a rejection of, but also a nonconsideration of the possibility that the myths and records of past civilizations might contain important information about what was happening in the sky in pre-modern times. In fact, the similarity between the legends of disparate human cultures are startlingly similar. In scientific publications I have pointed out that Australian Aborigines and New Zealand Maoris have oral traditions of strong rocks falling from the sky causing awful fires and many deaths, and this scenario is common in the myths of other peoples. On one hand astronomers have prided themselves in instructing geologists that impact catastrophes were responsible in part for shaping of the planet, but on the other hand, they ...
... readings attempted to explore a basic canon of works dictated by Pope's maxim: "the proper study of mankind is man." I thought I was doing strictly exploratory work (Jacques Ellul and the nature of technological society; Lewis Mumford and his thesis of the symbiosis of man and his use of tools; searching for spiritual truths of the aboriginal natives of this continent, the James Bay Cree, the Oglala Sioux, the Yaqui sorcerer, the potlatch, the Hopi ceremonialism; learning to keep bees and not sell honey; Arthur Koestler; developing a detailed awareness of the ecological crisis from Rachel Carson to the politics of the 1970's, from Edward Hall's The Hidden Dimension to Buddhist ...
150. The Golden Age and Nova of Super Saturn [Books] [de Grazia books]
... behaving like the great inactive demiurge brooding over the Pangean chaos, who then becomes activated as Super Uranus in the troubled phase, and creates the world, as mankind, born on the sixth day, received and perceived the Cosmos. Whereupon a more detailed account begins, relating the Hebrew experience with Saturn as distinct from the more general, aboriginal human experience. When the gods changed, humans bowed to the changes. This repeated behavior over thousands of years is a significant motif in religious history. The lamentations over the death of Saturn were worldwide. Because Saturn "died" in what was an historical period, although little of its civilization remains, the hysterical and obsessive mourning ...
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