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214 results found.
22 pages of results. 121. Night of the Gods: Polar Myths. The North [Books]
... is nailed to the ceiling of each seeping room so that lying down with the head to the North may be avoided. The megalithic tombs of Japan also all open towards the South, so as, it may be presumed, to have admitted of burial in the North. The Ainu, on the other hand, who appear to be aborigines who were driven off by the Japanese, bury with the feet to the North and the 2,000,000 of aboriginal non-Aryan Ghonds of India do the . same,107 for the home of their gods is there. At the funeral ceremony in ancient India, as described by Mr. Rajendralala Mitra,108 three trenches dug ...
122. Night of the Gods: Polar Myths. The Pole Star [Books]
... Groot's statement that " Taoism is the, only purely Chinese religion that has created gods "191 is quite in accordance with the views here held and if the ' familiarity that breeds something like contempt' have any value then Shang Ti, to whom they give more titles and avatars and human connexions than any Confucianist, must have been an aboriginal Taoist god. But for Tao and Taoism we must now mark out a separate heading, although it has been impracticable to keep them out of previous Sections. TAO AND TAOISM (Tao-kux). The 25th chapter of the treatise on Tao and Tell attributed to Lao-tsze says Man has for his law the Earth, Earth has the heavens ...
123. "The Seasons Alter": Catastrophism in A Midsummer Night's Dream [Journals] [Kronos]
... virtually everywhere in human history.(l ) We may conclude, as Jung did with dreams, that man as a species shows a tendency to produce such narrative archetypes. One of these archetypal patterns is the fertility play, a genre whose roots go very far back into our past and which is accessible to any understanding from the most aboriginal to the most sophisticated because it embodies certain action sequences and characterial relationships which are universally understood and responded to. In the typical fertility play, we are presented with an opening situation which appears to be stable, but contains within itself the seeds of dangerous disruption. There is usually a conflict which has reached an impasse and threatens to ...
124. O-Kee-Pa: Catastrophe Myths and Rituals of the North American Mandan Indians [Journals] [SIS Review]
... biblical Flood. George Catlin, on the other hand, found that among more than 100 Indian tribes he visited in North and South America, not one existed which was unfamiliar with the tradition of a past flood disaster: Indian traditions are generally conflicting and soon run into fable; but how strong a proof is the unanimous tradition of the aboriginal races of a whole continent of such an event! - how strong a corroboration of the Mosaic account. ' [2 ] However Catlin was far from being a bible fundamentalist. In his view, the Indian flood traditions validated the historicity of past natural disasters, not the authenticity of biblical theology. The flood legends of America's natives ...
125. The Origin Of The Moon [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... was captured recently by the Earth and set into its present orbit. In "Earth Without a Moon," Velikovsky states: Democritus and Anaxagoras taught that there was a time when the Earth was without the Moon. Aristotle wrote that Arcadia in Greece, before being inhabited by the Hellenes, had a population of Pelasgians, and that these aborigines occupied the land already before there was a Moon in the sky above the Earth; for this reason, they were called Proselenes [people who lived before the Moon existed]. Apollonius Rhodius mentioned the time "when not all the orbs were yet in the heavens, before the Danai [Argives] and Deukalion races came into existence ...
126. Society News [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Society News Editor's Notes C&C Workshop 1994:1 has turned out as a bit of a bumper edition, with interesting contributions from SIS members Down Under. The Polar Configuration' proposed by Saturnian theorists in the USA does not seem to have caught on elsewhere.; will Alan Beggs' investigation based on the legends of the Australian aboriginals change this? We also have an abridged version of Gordon Williams' Our Tilted Earth, which was reviewed in the last edition. Phillip Clapham reads up on mythology and history from a wide range of sources; in this issue we have an important contribution from him on the Cosmic Winter debate and the first of a series of shorter ...
127. Index of Titles
... : Slide Presentation & Notes by Wallace Thornhill Aitchison, Eric: ASSYRIAN HISTORY: THE BLACK HOLE' Aitchison, Eric: The Mosaic Calendar and the Sabbath Aitchison, J. Eric: Assyria: is the Conventional Profile Believable? Aitchison, J. Eric: Saul, David and Solomon AITCHISON, J. E.: The Pleiades in Aboriginal Mythology Albert W. Burgstahler, Euan W. MacKie: Ages in Chaos in the Light of C14 Archaeometry Alfred de Grazia : The Palaetiology of Fear and Memory Alrutz, Robert W.: The Newark Holy Stones AMES, NASA-: Compendium Announcement, Conference: The Canadian Society For Interdisciplinary Studies Ashton, Roger: Brhaspati Ashton, ...
128. Velikovsky and Tangun [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... of "2333 B.C ." is compounded by the fact that, even in the Korean tradition, no other events are alluded to from the time of the founding until the seventh century B.C ., a "dark age" of some two millennia.[2 ] It is not even known if Tangun is an aboriginal myth or a late creation. According to an early twentieth-century Canadian missionary, James Scarth Gale (Rutt 1983:93,323), at least by the eighth century A.D . Tangun's name was invoked as a "guiding genius for Korean inspiration," but Gale's own source for that claim has subsequently vanished. The oldest ...
129. He Who Shines by Day [Books] [de Grazia books]
... ) declaring that Hephaestus and Athena are of the same father. They are of the same nature. "In the days of old the Gods shared out the earth among themselves... Hephaestus and Athena, for instance, being brother and sister... obtained this our land as their joint portion... They raised its aboriginal population to the status of a great nation." It was protocatastrophic Attica, much larger in extent, before the disasters that ended an epoch. When Poseidon (god of deluges and waters and chief god of Atalanta, the Moon) struggled to possess Attica, he had to contend with both Hephaestus and Athena. We find in ...
130. Child of Saturn (Part VI) [Journals] [Kronos]
... a mysterious daily cycle of changes while evolving further into an even more resplendent being. All this was the end result of the fiat lux of Genesis 1:3 . It was the Lux Divina by which the Romans described, not Saturn, but Venus.(13) - Why Venus? 29. Mater Dei One can picture our aboriginal ancestors, standing or squatting outside their primitive shelters, staring wide-eyed at this newly created glory and wondering what it was. The strange resemblance it bore to their own human form must have early impressed itself on those primigenous minds. And for that reason, primarily, the Saturnian configuration was easily anthropomorphized. In fact, the anthropomorphism of ...
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