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220 pages of results.
161. Chaos and Creation [Books] [de Grazia books]
... India [24]. In 1950, Velikovsky tied in the proto-Indian disasters of around 3500 B.P . to the Venusian catastrophe of Exodus times [25]. Archaeology has produced more evidence since then and the question of the mode of physical destruction has been discussed. Raikes (with the present author dissenting) has argued that great ... and preyed upon in the eyes of man), "feminine." Her identity will become more foggy, until, with confusing effects upon art history, science, astrology, and mythological understanding, she will be identified with the planet Venus. Cometary Venus, Pallas Athene was strikingly different from Apollo and Mercury. Her relations with her ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 442  -  21 Mar 2004  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/degrazia/chaos/ch10.htm
162. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... 15.50, cloth £11.25/$23.00 - concessionary prices for SIS members: see enclosure). The date of the Exodus and the archaeological placement of the Israelite Conquest of Canaan are of crucial interest in the debate surrounding Velikovsky's work. In the accepted chronology of the ancient Near East the Exodus fell during ... demolish everything from Abiogenesis to the Yeti with a devotion to orthodoxy bordering on the heroic. Over the past ten years a substantial amount of statistical evidence supporting various aspects of Astrology has been accumulated by serious researchers such as Gauquelin and Eysenck - evidence which even the scientific zealots of the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims for the Paranormal have ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 442  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/review/v0302/38books.htm
... and mythologists, all at the same symposium. The young, but rapidly developing field of archaeo-astronomy (astro-archaeology) offers an example of genuine interdisciplinary synthesis: certain historical and archaeological data become, at the same time, astronomical data. Indeed, this disciplinary merger seems now to hold out the most immediate and substantial hope for resolution of the ... Nor simply by scheduling separate sessions for physicists, mathematicians, historians, and mythologists, all at the same symposium. The young, but rapidly developing field of archaeo-astronomy (astro-archaeology) offers an example of genuine interdisciplinary synthesis: certain historical and archaeological data become, at the same time, astronomical data. Indeed, this disciplinary merger seems now ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 442  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/pensee/ivr08/37sympos.htm
... such as Graf (d .1869) and Julius Wellhausen (d .1918). Compared to the Graf-Wellhausen method, the conclusions of which pre-date practically all the major archaeological discoveries of the past 100 years[1 ], our synthesis, based on genuine archaeological discoveries, is modern. And from the perspective of 20th century data derived ... ancient and precise, and were quite different from the dubious sources which the documentists propose as being of the very fabric of the book of Genesis. Archaeological evidence from both Assyriology (Wiseman) and Egyptology (Yahuda) will be brought forward to show that the book of Genesis is a very ancient document in its greater part - much older ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 442  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/workshop/w1987no1/11book.htm
165. Focus [Journals] [SIS Review]
... which could be made is that some very important articles are omitted, notably those by Prof. Bass on celestial mechanics, Dr MacKie on megalithic astronomy and Israel Isaacson on archaeological evidence. Stephen Talbott has indicated in correspondence that a further anthology is under consideration, so it is to be hoped that these omissions will be rectified. Rustling in ... Montreal University and a contributor to Kronos. "VELIKOVSKY RECONSIDERED"It is ten years since the last book wholly devoted to Velikovsky and his theories appeared, which makes this anthology from the first eight issues of Pensée a major event for the S.I .S . For any reader not fortunate enough to possess a complete set of Pensée ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 440  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/review/v0103/15focus.htm
166. In Defense Of The Saturn Thesis [Journals] [Aeon]
... , is what really lies behind the Saturnian thesis. Moreover, James is also of the opinion that "this succession of World Ages...bears comparison with the archaeological record." [37] This, he tells us, is an indication that "in their choice of metals to represent the successive Ages of mankind the Greeks ... is now- the Earth would have been flat on its back, with the North Pole permanently pointing at Saturn, which would explain the peculiar polar associations in ancient Saturn astrology." [27] Ares/Mars. Is it reasonable to assume that the warlike characteristics of Mars, plus his ability to destroy worlds, stemmed from the ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 440  -  03 Feb 2007  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/aeon/vol0603/029saturn.htm
... nothing but devious propaganda utilized to make the whole world drunk. In the same vein, Arabs and Jews who remember the European carnage only too well, stand accused, archaeologically speaking, of telling lies: you were never there to be massacred in the first place', they are told with archaeological expertise' [5 ]. For ... by two more decades of excavations. For a better understanding of this period, consider the standoff between Israel's finest archaeologists and historians, mentioned above. Israeli archaeologists express no apologies for the material hiatus between the 8th and 11th centuries because the situation to the north and south of their realm looks very much the same. Even one of mankind's ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 438  -  10 Jul 2007  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/review/v2002n2/33forum.htm
168. Earth In Upheaval. File III (Stargazers and Gravediggers) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Stargazers]
... , numerous scientists repeatedly claimed that events of such magnitude and at such comparatively recent dates must have left vestiges not only in folklore, but even more so in geology and archaeology.(1 ) Actually in the Epilogue to Worlds in Collision I wrote: "Geological, paleontologi-cal and anthropological material related to the problem of cosmic catastrophes is vast ... may give a complete picture of past events no less than historical material." My new book, Earth in Upheaval, published in 1955, was a collection of this material, where I brought together evidence from geology, paleontology, and archaeology. I excluded from this new book every reference to ancient literature, traditions, and folklore; ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 437  -  05 Jul 2007  -  URL: /online/no-text/velikovsky/stargazers/316-earth.htm
169. SIS Internet Digest 2001 Number 2 [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From Painted Cave, Burro Flats, California, from Hudson, Travis and Georgia Lee, "Function and Symbolism in Chumesh Rock Art", in Journal of New World Archaeology 6(3 ) 1984. Below: Suggested supernova. Petroglyphs from Northern Arizona (top row) from Eddy, John, "Astroarchaeology" in Insights into the ... Ones, edited by Edward F. Berger, 1981. And rock art from Chaco Canyon, New Mexico (bottom), from Williamson, Ray A., in Living the Sky: The Cosmos of the American Indians, 1984. About the SIS; How to Join Editorial .. 1 Intersect 2001 Conference .. 2 Day1 Fri ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 437  -  01 Sep 2004  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/i-digest/2001-2/index.htm
... at Italy's University of Lecce and directs the Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici, is probably the world's leading expert on prehistoric rock art. He summarized his work in a Biblical Archaeological Review article, (6 ) then wrote a richly-illustrated book, The Mountain of God, (7 ) which described the most credible candidate yet found for the biblical ... Hyksos when, he claims, the brilliant Semite civilization of the Hyksos was destroyed- only to be partially reconstructed more than a 1,000 years later. There is no archeological or literary evidence to suggest such a gap at such a time, and, by arguing so tenaciously for one, Chetwynd only discredits the value of the impressive evidence ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 435  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/velikov/vol0201/emerge.htm
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