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1443 results found.
145 pages of results. 41. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... substantially increased fertility rates. A stable, structured society developed which appears to have been completely egalitarian although males and females had differing roles. Along with other Neolithic sites in the Near East, this site was abandoned around 7, ... pp. 25-29 Most earthquakes occur near the Earth's surface and are explained by brittle fracture and frictional sliding caused by normal tectonic movements near plate boundaries. However up to 30% of earthquakes occur at depths so great that rock should ... sedentary tasks around the home base allowed them to watch over their offspring. Hunting, mining and ploughing became the male roles, not through superior ability but simply because women were not free to perform them. East or west? ...
42. A Harbinger of the Exodus? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... number approximately as many again [4 ]. Egyptian limitations on male births did not apply to girls, so female Israelites would probably outnumber males: whence if Exodus 12:37 is taken literally, the Israelites would have totalled ... translated by assuming an Aramaic derivation. Dhorme notes that it was in the 5th century BC that Aramaic became the normal language of Jewish communities in Egypt, supporting his 500-450 BC dating. Faced with this scholarly conclusion - and Dhorme's ... by two mathematically-minded redactors. About six hundred thousand' is itself an almost certainly misleading figure. Tribal strengths were males of twenty years old and upward, all that are able to go forth to war in Israel' [Numbers ...
... and canary-bird, that the male transmits his sex to the greatest number, and that the preponderance of males over females exceeds that which prevails where the parents are of the same species. Hunter's opinion. The celebrated John Hunter has ... a member. NODULE. A rounded irregular-shaped lump or mass. Etym., diminutive of nodus, knot. NORMAL GROUPS. Groups of certain rocks taken as a rule or standard. Mym., norma, rule or pattern ... experiments respecting cross-breeds between the he-goat and ewe, the dog and she-wolf, the goldfinch and canary-bird, that the male transmits his sex to the greatest number, and that the preponderance of males over females exceeds that which prevails where ...
44. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... male dominated society with violent outbursts and sometimes hunt and kill monkeys, whereas bonobos have an egalitarian society in which female relationships are more important and males seldom fight. It is now suggested that humans are descended from a line more ... confirming theories that cosmic rays originate in supernova explosions. Meanwhile a large burst of X-rays from a bright star which normally gives out an unvarying stream of X-rays remains unexplained, as also a sudden X-ray beacon from the centre of our ... 112-113 Bonobos are genetically almost identical to common chimpanzees but are smaller and have different behavioural characteristics. Chimpanzees have a male dominated society with violent outbursts and sometimes hunt and kill monkeys, whereas bonobos have an egalitarian society in which female ...
45. Quantalism: the Big Picture [Articles]
... laymen tend to assume. But the manner in which our near kinsmen, male orang-utans, obtain sexual access to females is actually described as rape by some primatologists. The only non-human animals that enslave members of related species are ants ... this superlative nominal to be an instance of poetic hyperbole analogous to Shakespeare's "most unkindest cut" and have semantically normalized its translation into English as "thrice great." Many, furthermore, have treated the adverb trís as a ... is not as common among animals as laymen tend to assume. But the manner in which our near kinsmen, male orang-utans, obtain sexual access to females is actually described as rape by some primatologists. The only non-human animals that ...
46. Maya Cosmos: A Saturnian Interpretation (Part II) [Journals] [Aeon]
... " [40] Many of the earliest gods of mankind were portrayed as either sexless or containing both male and female characteristics. The reason seems to be that this is how the Saturnian configuration appeared from Earth as the planets and ... among most people of ancient Mexico." [42] The title of the famous Quiché epic Popul Vuh is normally translated as the Book of Council, because the root of popol means "mat," and early Maya rulers ... life." [40] Many of the earliest gods of mankind were portrayed as either sexless or containing both male and female characteristics. The reason seems to be that this is how the Saturnian configuration appeared from Earth as the ...
47. Velikovsky's Sources Volume Six [Books]
... and the author of disorder, destruction, darkness and death. We see the antithesis between the primeval male and female deities, which had resulted in the strife between life and death, transferred to a sacred desperate conflict between the ... sun, after which comes a rather beautiful description of the reversed sun's horses descending into the seas from which they normally rise, at dawn: "What can have forced you, Sun, from your heavenly road ?/ What ... and civilisation and the author of disorder, destruction, darkness and death. We see the antithesis between the primeval male and female deities, which had resulted in the strife between life and death, transferred to a sacred desperate conflict ...
48. The Love Affair as the Mask of Tragedy [Books] [de Grazia books]
... and "is" now Jupiter. And Athena? Well, Athena "is" Hephaestus, the only planetary female, so she is here in fact and deed. Hephaestus-Venus will stay married to the Moon. We know how ... sights and human babel and ejaculations, uttered by many tongues, over hours and days of time. A "normal" adult would probably have been reduced to bodies of expression such as follows: The worst is happening.. ... goddesses stayed away, "out of shame", we sing. The goddesses are not ashamed; it is male conceit. Their names are taken by the male gods whenever they please. Artemis "is" Apollo. Hera ...
49. Night of the Gods: Axis Myths [Books]
... , all the heavenly gods, the Kami, designate two of their number, Izanagi and Izanami, male and female, brother and sister, to " 'make, consolidate, and give birth" to the land of Japan ... purely native, all the heavenly gods, the Kami, designate two of their number, Izanagi and Izanami, male and female, brother and sister, to " 'make, consolidate, and give birth" to the land ... the turning of the sword into the ploughshare, we have the mythic sword of the god Susa no Wo the Impetuous-Male of Japan, which sword is called the grass-cutter (kusanagi no tsurugi or tachi), and in it we ...
50. The Molecular Revolution [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... have to be taken into account [28]. For example, male apes are often significantly bigger than their female counterparts so, given the very incomplete fossil record, this makes it very difficult to draw definite conclusions about trends ... so presumably diverged somewhat earlier than 5 Myr ago [2 ]. The gene-mapping techniques which have been applied to normal nuclear genes, as discussed above, have also been used to investigate the much shorter stretches of DNA found in ... between sexes and possible geographical variations would all have to be taken into account [28]. For example, male apes are often significantly bigger than their female counterparts so, given the very incomplete fossil record, this makes it ...
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