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1443 results found.
145 pages of results. 21. The Two Major Censuses in the Book of Numbers [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... , as the Hebrews were preparing to invade Canaan. Both censuses counted the number of males over 20 only. Females and males under 20 were excluded. These censuses were for military purposes and are not to be thought of as ... 133, and Levi to 137. Levi's brother Joseph lived to be 110 and Moses to 120. Longevity was normal in that era, probably due to appreciably different atmospheric conditions. [4 ] Table II HISTORICAL CHRONOLOGY FOR THE ... 39 or 40 years later, as the Hebrews were preparing to invade Canaan. Both censuses counted the number of males over 20 only. Females and males under 20 were excluded. These censuses were for military purposes and are not ...
22. Velikovsky's Sources Volume Three [Books]
... ' is probably related to the practice of incestuous marriage in societies in which "the imperial power descended through the female line" (Langdon p.25). The same thing could apply to Isis and Horus, though, ... was no water for such transportation. The time of advancing low water, terminating heavy transportation of this sort, normally in the eighth to the ninth month of the calendar, thus fell two months later in Uni's times (para ... 323). In the Middle Kingdom a hitherto misunderstood inscription (para. 735ff) narrates how an unfortunate official, dispatched to the mines of Sinai, arrived there in the third month of (calendar) winter, when he ...
23. Maturation of Newborn Female Rats Under Elevated Levels of Carbon Dioxide [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... From: Catastrophism and Ancient History IV:2 (July 1982) Home | Issue Contents Maturation of Newborn Female Rats Under Elevated Levels of Carbon Dioxide Donald W. Patten A hypothesis was presented in Catastrophism and Ancient History ( ... in overall size. An experiment on chickens (with a lifespan of 4 to 5 years) from hatching to normal death could require 15 years, if any experimentation were to be dramatically successful. This was beyond our working parameters ... weeks, (2 ) females are easy to recognize as arriving at sexual maturity by observation of vaginal opening (males are much more difficult to assess), and (3 ) they met our ten-week time parameter. Rat cages ...
24. The Mixtec Tree of Origin [Journals] [Aeon]
... Although Furst's interpretation is somewhat conventional, it does help in explaining some of the image's elements. The naked first female, referred to earlier, is not visible in other renditions of the image because, for whatever reason, those ... is a large female head with "long unbound hair and red bangs'." Hair of this nature is normally attributed to vegetation deities as a symbol of generative function. This head has some unusual features: a fang and ... protruding tongue. And while the head is "unquestionably female, she nevertheless wears a blue tubular earplug, a male characteristic worn by no other female on the Vienna obverse." "This unusual juxtaposition of male and female symbols ...
25. Samson Revealed [Journals] [Aeon]
... betrayed and ultimately destroyed by Delilah, so does Heracles announce in the Trachiniae that: "A woman, a female in no way like a man, she alone without even a sword has brought me down." (32 ... , according to de Santillana and von Dechend, is to be understood as brave, swift, impetuous, and male. With this portrait we would agree, as would many an astrologer no doubt. (26) Yet the ... have been? Clearly a god, and a planetary power, for such were the gods of old. As Brave-Swift-Impetuous-Male, as the Nazirite Strong One, he has all the countersigns that belong to Mars, and to none other ...
26. Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... When it comes to frogs, I am afraid Mr. Knowles must be unaware of the typical amphibian life-history. Female frogs do not normally lay their eggs unless in the presence of a male, which means they would be naturally ... ; given that the time of the Exodus was abnormal, so perhaps female frogs may have been stimulated to lay premature eggs without finding a mate; still development could not take place because of the dried-up rivers. Frog eggs develop ... tadpoles, and tadpoles require water even more acutely than their parents! Plagues of frogs are more credibly explained by the poor, thin-skinned creatures being driven from their normal hiding places in pond and river and damp environs, in a ...
27. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... The males in this area now display in solitary splendour. Evidence for the efficacy of sexual selection, where the female chooses a male, has been shown in the cichlid fishes in Lake Victoria. The female of one species discriminates ... though with a life of their own. Light displays associated with electrical storms are often far from what is considered normal. Sometimes they emit a yellow-green light and of interest in this respect is the phenomenon of a mysterious green glow ... rapidly adapt supposedly genetically-fixed behaviour. Black Grouse in Sweden have suffered environmental change and their normal lekking sites, where males gather and display in a group, are no longer viable. The males in this area now display in solitary ...
28. The Riddle of the Earth [Books]
... depicted as a goddess of the underworld. VOLCANIC FERTILITY 81. I have spoken already of the volcano as the female element in the great scheme of the Cosmos, and we discover it as the receptive organ which conceives and brings ... 1st, occurred the Tokio earthquake which synchronised with cold and wet weather, although prior to that it had been normal. Perhaps it would be permissible to go so far back as the Chile earthquake of November, 1922, a ... organ which conceives and brings forth, gives birth to various conglomerate rocks after contact with the heavenly fires of the male gender, the meteor. An ascertained fact that cannot be denied is the fertility of a volcanic area. In ...
29. Velikovsky's Sources Volume Five [Books]
... ! 25. That fragrance of thine which is in men, the loveliness and charm that is in male and female, that which is in steeds and heroes, that which is in the wild, animals with trunks (elephants ... couvade (is when a child is born, the father takes to his bed, whilst the mother resumes her normal domestic duties); (vi) the presence of cataclysmic traditions (i .e . Deluge Myths; traditions ... hate us! 25. That fragrance of thine which is in men, the loveliness and charm that is in male and female, that which is in steeds and heroes, that which is in the wild, animals with trunks ...
... all motherhood is divine, and all life and change in nature are mentally represented as a spontaneous, and exclusively female, conceiving and bringing forth. In the second period, which is still anterior to the idea of marriage and ... a movement in the regular order of nature, or from one in violation thereof? Was it to them a normal and ever on-going change, or was it the record of a natural catastrophe? Our hypothesis would lead us to ... and self-sufficing. This form of religion prevailed during the remote period anterior to the time when it was discovered that males had any participation in the procreation of the species. The religious symbols of that far-off age were " les elevations ...
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