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145 pages of results. 231. Menelaos in Egypt [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... ) formed the historical Dodecarchy, the Twelve Kings who ruled Egypt before the rise of Psammetichus. It will also be shown that the 12th Dynasty, which ended with the female ruler Sebeknofrure, was identical to the early half of the 18th Dynasty (i .e . before Thutmose III) which ended with the female ruler Hatshepsut. Thus ... so important that he sent a decorated throne to Delphi to commemorate the event. Why go to such lengths if the alliance was with an obscure Ionian princeling, as is normally believed? This, then, is a small sample of the truly enormous body of evidence that could be brought to bear. What it tells us, in very ...
232. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... relativity. It appears that something unusual happens to gravity at the time of an eclipse. Sensitive gravimeters give readings which fluctuate wildly and swinging pendulums begin to move erratically. Normally, the plane in which a pendulum swings rotates slowly with respect to the room it is in as the Earth rotates during the day, but during an eclipse it ... Melanesian origin. A letter to New Scientist suggests that this could be explained if Melanesians raided established Maori coastal areas, just as the Vikings did in northern Europe, with male raiders slaughtering the local males and either raping the women and leaving, or actually settling themselves Evidence continues to appear to show that man arrived in the Americas much earlier ...
233. "A Ghastly Sight of Shame". Part 2 (Oedipus and Akhnaton) [Velikovsky]
... the deceased could have been higher. Could the dead have been thirty years old? "It is highly improbable that he could have attained thirty years if he had been normal." Normal, however, the skeleton was not; the cranium exhibited "in an unmistakable manner the distortion characteristic of a condition of hydrocephalus." The numerous ... their royal bones from most of the graves of the Valley of the Kings near Thebes. "Alasi" wrote Davis, "Dr. Smith declared the sex to be male. It is only fair to state that the surgeons were deceived by the abnormal pelvis and the conditions of the examination." Professor Gaston Maspero, the noted Egyptologist ...
234. An Empirical Approach to Collective AmnesiaA [Journals] [Kronos]
... birth by normally weaned mothers. Earlier research is cited showing similar transfer of behavioral and physical effects from "daily handling during weaning" and from "intervention before mating in female rats" (p . 1162). Other studies are reviewed in which "exposure of female rats to various drugs before impregnation has been shown to affect their progeny ... 208, 6 June 1980, pp. 1161-1163) have demonstrated conclusively the vertical transmission of an experientially acquired trait from mothers to progeny in laboratory rats. Compared with those normally weaned, rats prematurely separated from their mothers display a significant predisposition to develop gastric erosions when later subjected to stress. This trait appears in normally weaned progeny of mothers ...
235. Amenhotep III and Tiy. Part 1 (Oedipus and Akhnaton) [Velikovsky]
... a jealous and revengeful woman. And be displayed other strange traits. Amenhotep the Magnificent, given to luxury and overindulgence, was the only pharaoh who had himself portrayed in female clothes. Pharaohs were never represented in civil dress, much less in female attire. Cyril Aldred, in a recent issue of the Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of ... intense displeasure on the part of the gods. Thus there is a certain incongruity among Greek tragedians, who presented the Laius affair as sinful and his introduction of love between males in Thebes as deserving horrible retribution. This is another argument for regarding the land of the legend's origin as not Greece and the people among whom it originated as not ...
236. Metamorphic Evolution [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... water. As Sigmund A. Lavine points out, among hippos, "Mating takes place in water. "9 He goes on to show that, "often hippo females choose to have their babies in the water. A hippo born under water learns to swim before it can walk, it must rise quickly to the surface [like ... able to `catalyze the fruit fly evolutionary process such that what has been seen to occur in Drosophila (fruit fly) is the equivalent of many millions of years of normal mutations and evolution'. Even with this tremendous speedup of mutations, scientists have never been able to come up with anything other than another fruit fly. More important ...
237. Oedipus and Akhnaton [Journals] [Pensee]
... another without transformation, and the Egyptian Akhnaton transformed into the Greek Oedipus is no exception. In addition to the link between the two Thebes, Velikovsky calls attention to the female Sphinx, whose riddle Oedipus solved. The varieties of sphinxes are virtually infinite, but Velikovsky makes a good case for its specifically Egyptian origin in the Oedipus legend. ... the Oedipus complex" whereby men have a desire to possess their mothers and kill their fathers. This combination of latent urges is fortunately buried so deeply in the case of normal people, that few of us would have been aware of it had it not been for Freud. Velikovsky, a profound psychoanalyst, has discovered the Egyptian prototype of ...
238. Letter [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... the fountain top, or hidden behind a thorn-hedge, where she must patiently await his coming, without any possibility of helping him along. In the same way our "female half" within us can do NOTHING to bring our male-half, our "rational brain", come to understanding on equal grounds with our"soul-half". Our ... to House IV, where he is reigning over the family , our "tent", representing the power of our conscience and our descent, at the top of the male triangle. This is also very old knowledge out of the depth of time. NEL KLUITMAN Campestro (Ti) \cdrom\pubs\journals\workshop\no6 ...
239. The Climate Hypothesis [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... the isotopic fraction of nitrogen and carbon locked up in the tusks, for these isotopes are found in different percentages in various plants eaten by the proboscideans. "For a female elephant, birth events are also recorded in the tusks. The tusk rings reveal how many times in her life she reproduced and the length of time between births. ... pregnancy a female grows little [or narrow] tusk [rings], because the calcium normally used in the tusk formation is diverted to bone formation in the fetus. This pregnancy produces a readily observable gap in the tusk's growth record .. .. "In October of 1996 at an annual gathering of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontologists held ...
240. Night of the Gods: Polar Myths. The Pole Star [Books]
... : "celle dont nait le huitieme des Cabires, personnifiant l'ensemble du monde sideral, parait etre l'Etoile polaire." Note here that the Polar deity is supposed to be female. He adds that the Seven Titanides122 are the stars of the Little Bear. To this we shall return under the head of "The Kabeiroi." The feats ... here bear with the figures for all of them. The two I, liang I are (1 ) a straight line called Yang I the symbol of the yang (male) principle, and (2 ) a broken line - - called Yin I, the symbol of the yin (female) principle. So that we see that ...
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