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1443 results found.
145 pages of results. 201. A Comprehensive Theory on Aging, Gigantism and Longevity [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... higher elevations), and with the latitude (20 to 30 percent more in higher latitudes). But its effects on life seem to be negligible. The concentrations are normally measured in parts per 100 million. Life insurance data do not show a pattern of longevity coinciding with diminution of ozone on anything except a miniscule scale, if at ... day; those found frozen on the New Siberian Islands still had undigested semi-tropical, woodland-like vegetation in their digestive tracts, and even unswallowed quantities in their mouths. One Beresovka male mammoth revealed a quick-frozen erection, which, medical people will understand, suggests a very quick tissue freeze after death. Not only did these animals die suddenly; their ...
202. Night of the Gods: Polar Myths. The Navels [Books]
... Hercules, by Nonius htarcellus, and of course Tutunus (also an alias of Priapus) must here be included, with the tutulus worn on the flamen's headdress and the female coiffure. Tutela, a goddess whose tall-pillared temple was at Bordeaux, and Tutelina, Tutilina or Tutulina, who picked up the stones (lung from heaven by Jupiter ... is reputed the hub, the nave, of the universe. All these may very well be offshoots from a lost primeval cosmic conception, which I am here endeavouring to male clear, of the northern terrestrial navel or nave, which turned on the cosmic axe-tree. The Navel, nabhih, became in the Vedas, by (as will ...
203. SERVANT OF THE SUN GOD [Journals] [Aeon]
... a whole provides more than enough data to confirm the predicted equations, as I intend to show. In other instances the symmetry may be less apparent. One would not normally assume any generic connection between the motifs of "exposure" at birth (# 10), divine head or animal head on a pole (# 43), ... , axle of the turning world wheel. Personification of the world pillar; or centrepost of the temple or palace. God who raises heaven in the beginning. Heaven-sustaininggiant. Male serpent or dragon of the deep. God or hero who is a sword, dagger, spear, arrow, mace, hammer, axe (handle), harpoon ...
204. Mankind's Delusion. Ch.1 Of Racial Memory (Mankind in Amnesia) [Velikovsky]
... as all aberration? Is the ubiquitous murder of the father by the son the "historical truth"? And if so, which historical truth would resuscitate neurosis in the female? Or are males alone affected by the delusions of the human race? Freud lacked the final insight. During the years when a scourge by the most evil of ... caused hearts to throb with fear and faces to pale, the Jew Freud, in once happy Vienna, now for five long years (1933-38) doomed any day to see Hakenkreutz banners on the streets and storm troopers banging on the door, was called by his "id" and by his "superego" alike to listen to a ...
205. When Earth Was Not Yet Created: An Account of Sumerian Cosmogony [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... the gods were formed in their midst: 10 Lahmu and Lahamu were brought forth The two planets which were brought forth between the Sun and Tiamat bear a male and a female name, both stemming from the Semitic root Ihm (" to make war"). The ancients bequeathed to us the tradition that Mars was the god of war ... it was that the gods were formed in their midst: 10 Lahmu and Lahamu were brought forth The two planets which were brought forth between the Sun and Tiamat bear a male and a female name, both stemming from the Semitic root Ihm (" to make war"). The ancients bequeathed to us the tradition that Mars was the ...
206. The Uranians [Books] [de Grazia books]
... Danavas had been quarreling about. For out of the shattered mountains, or out of a cave, or variantly out of Vritra's belly, emerged the cosmic Waters, motherly females who liked to escape confinement. They came out now like lowing cattle, flowing over the body of their former restrainer and lord Vritra, to acknowledge Indra as their ... phallus, vulva, naked females, and the human hand - but these in large numbers. The female signs were concentrated in the central composition or in lateral cavities. Male animals and male symbols appeared at the entrance and back of the caves. Both sexes appeared in the central display. The human hand is profusely displayed at entrances and ...
... The artist shows the earth, identified by the lines of latitude and longitude in a rather unusual view. Seen from outer space, it appears to be flooded since the normal land masses are missing or submerged and the patient stands on an island reaching upwards, perhaps in distress. Above the earth is what appears to be a mass of ... . Beckel Address to the Convocation Dinner I. Velikovsky Cover: Painting was made prior to the publication of Worlds in Collision, the work of a 30 year old Canadian male who utilized painting and drawing as an aspect of his therapy for neurosis. The artist shows the earth, identified by the lines of latitude and longitude in a rather ...
... The mother goddess' identity problem will vanish just as soon as one allows the symbol of the enclosed sun to serve as a concrete reference. Mythically, the male and female powers combine in the image of the enclosed sun . The band is the radiant womb of the mother goddess, in which the sun god shines as masculine power, ... simplicity. The mother goddess' identity problem will vanish just as soon as one allows the symbol of the enclosed sun to serve as a concrete reference. Mythically, the male and female powers combine in the image of the enclosed sun . The band is the radiant womb of the mother goddess, in which the sun god shines as masculine ...
209. Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... opinion as fact than recent writings which are more scholarly. Nevertheless, the old suggestions of meaning (sympathetic magic, totemism) and the new (graffiti, male/female symbolism linked with location, art for art's sake) are equally unproven. This being the case, we should not use Prehistoric Art to illustrate the state of mind ... of stating opinion as fact than recent writings which are more scholarly. Nevertheless, the old suggestions of meaning (sympathetic magic, totemism) and the new (graffiti, male/female symbolism linked with location, art for art's sake) are equally unproven. This being the case, we should not use Prehistoric Art to illustrate the state ...
210. Sandal-straps and Semiology [Books] [de Grazia books]
... established that the ankh was not only a widespread symbol, a religious symbol of wide dedication, but also a manifestation of androgyny, that is, a representation of the female vulva and the male phallus, and furthermore was securely identified with a cometary form, especially Venus, with ominous indications that the comet being discussed was a head that ... dropped its tail, the victim of this accident being not only the two-sexed god concerned, but also the Earth on which the tail in the form of Phaeton, Typhon, Lucifer and Pallas descended with disastrous consequences. Lowery, the Editor, partly out of deviltry and partly out of pedantry, pulled Rix up sharply. Citing dictionaries of ...
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