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145 pages of results. 171. The Sacred Cow, Part 1 Venus Ch.9 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... two horns, like Astarte (Ishtar) of the horns; and sometimes it was fashioned in the likeness of a cow. In time, Ishtar changed from male to female, and in many places worship of the bull changed to worship of the cow. The main reason for this seems to have been the fall of manna which turned ... figure with two horns, like Astarte (Ishtar) of the horns; and sometimes it was fashioned in the likeness of a cow. In time, Ishtar changed from male to female, and in many places worship of the bull changed to worship of the cow. The main reason for this seems to have been the fall of manna ...
172. The Legends of the Jews: Volume I - Adam [Books]
... the Angel of the Night, Lailah, carries the sperm before God, and God decrees what manner of human being shall become of it- whether it shall be male or female, strong or weak, rich or poor, beautiful or ugly, long or short, fat or thin, and what all its other qualities shall be. Piety ... conceived, the Angel of the Night, Lailah, carries the sperm before God, and God decrees what manner of human being shall become of it- whether it shall be male or female, strong or weak, rich or poor, beautiful or ugly, long or short, fat or thin, and what all its other qualities shall be ...
173. Aphrodite The Moon or Venus? (Continued) [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the council of Phaeacia numbered nine men, who measured the magic circle of the dance and whom we have also associated with a nine-day week.) Aphrodite was the nubile female, par excellence; she wore the Golden Girdle of the Moon, whose magic would incite concupiscence in any man. In addition, she could stand in the place ... : "The later Hellenes belittled the Great Goddess of the Mediterranean, who had long been supreme at Corinth, Sparta, Thespiae, and Athens, by placing her under male tutelage and regarding her solemn sex-orgies as adulterous indiscretions." The Moon, to whom "the sun yields precedence" (4 ) in early Greek myth, has ...
174. Venus, Mars ... and Saturn [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Questions arise at each step of the investigation. How are we to account for the identification of the ancient sun-god with Saturn? Why is the planet Venus typically portrayed as female? Why is Mars consistently described as male and malevolent? Further analysis reveals one anomaly after another. Throughout the ancient world, Venus is consistently associated with terminology otherwise ... and Kali can be shown to share numerous characteristics with Inanna and the others and are thus to be identified with it as well. The planet Mars is everywhere regarded as male and intimately associated with war, disaster and pestilence. Mars was the warrior-hero par excellence, with Heracles, Nergal and Verethragna - the leading heroes of Greece, Mesopotamia ...
... one row of bars that went through all the pillars, into which row ran the ends of the bars on each side of the longer walls; the male with its female being so fastened in their joints, that they held the whole firmly together; and for this reason was all this joined so fast together, that the tabernacle might ... there was but one row of bars that went through all the pillars, into which row ran the ends of the bars on each side of the longer walls; the male with its female being so fastened in their joints, that they held the whole firmly together; and for this reason was all this joined so fast together, that ...
176. The Opening of The Mouth Ritual - Part II [Journals] [Aeon]
... they appear in world-wide mythology, and they include: "Mars...innermost sphere con-tained within the sphere of the ancient goddess [Venus] masculine heart of the female heart pupil of the eye hero emerging from a vase [a heart symbol] hero emerging from the mouth of the sun." [45] That the eyes ... Saturnian configuration as a colossal northern god. the purpose of the rite was to re-animate mummies just as the sun-god Osiris and the polar configuration itself was once returned to "normal." The Myths, Planets, And Gods "Mythology and ritual [for the Egyptians were facets of one reality]." [4 ] We now turn ...
177. "As Above, So Below" Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Straight-Line Phenomena [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... a leading though passive role in planetary building. If the meteor that strikes may be regarded as the male feature in natural phenomena, the volcano may be described as the female counterpart. It is the receptive agent. It attracts the passing meteor, thus their function is that of Mother Earth. Sometimes the volcano assumes the masculine gender or ... function of a volcano is to produce and give birth. It plays a leading though passive role in planetary building. If the meteor that strikes may be regarded as the male feature in natural phenomena, the volcano may be described as the female counterpart. It is the receptive agent. It attracts the passing meteor, thus their function is ...
178. "The Seasons Alter": Catastrophism in A Midsummer Night's Dream [Journals] [Kronos]
... I have forsworn his bed and company. (2 .1 . 61- 62.) We can thus see that the crisis of the male being separated from the female he wants applies throughout the whole world of Athens, human and spiritual. Theseus wanting Hippolyta and being told he must wait, Lysander wanting Hermia and being told by ... Fairies, skip hence, I have forsworn his bed and company. (2 .1 . 61- 62.) We can thus see that the crisis of the male being separated from the female he wants applies throughout the whole world of Athens, human and spiritual. Theseus wanting Hippolyta and being told he must wait, Lysander wanting ...
179. Aristotle's Tragedy: An Example of Collective Amnesia [Journals] [Kronos]
... be good, but neither so exceedingly good nor so minimally good as no longer to be "like ourselves". This means to him that the tragic figure should be male, and he takes this occasion to offer some of his typical comments about women; in particular, he seems to doubt whether a woman could have even the modicum ... is it not implicit that Aristotle and the others in the audience are of like status? It also seems to be implied that Aristotle would like for tragedy to be an all-male affair. He wants the tragic character to be good, but neither so exceedingly good nor so minimally good as no longer to be "like ourselves". This ...
180. Early 21st Dynasty Genealogy and the Consequences of Redating the Installation of HPA Pinudjem 1 to ca. Year 1 of Psusennes I [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the accession of Herihor and Nodjmet I.) [* Papponymy refers literally to the naming of a grandson after his grandfather, but is also used as shorthand for the female version of this. Children named by maternal papponymy (i .e ., after a maternal grandparent) were usually senior (most often oldest male or female) ... of (at least) their mother.] One important implication of the above material concerns the origin of Pinudjem I. Kitchen has recently suggested [54] that Hrere B could be very plausibly identified (by papponymy supplemented by political considerations) as a granddaughter of Hrere A, i.e . a daughter of Herihor and Nodjmet. ...
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