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32 pages of results. 101. Arabia. Ch.7 Deserts And Oceans (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... dried up completely. Some changes in ground structure or in ground currents also affect the clouds, which pass over such lands without unburdening themselves. Notes. 1 H. St. J. B. Philby, Arabia (1930), p. xv. 2 Described by Bertram Thomas; cf. C. P. Grant, The Syrian Desert (1937), p. 53. 3 B. Moritz, Arabien, Studien Zur physikalischen und historischen Geographie des Landes (1923). 4 Described by C. M. Doughty and by B. Moritz. The latter's book, Arabien, contains a close-up photograph of a harra. 5. R. Schwinner, Physikalische ...
102. The Queen's Brother. Part 1 (Oedipus and Akhnaton) [Velikovsky]
... the father of Queen Nefretete. This was also assumed by earlier authors-for instance, Weigall7 and Borchardt. Ay bad the same title, "god's father," or "Divine Father," as Yuya before him, and this title, as Aldred conclusively brought out, signifies "father-in-law of the king." 1 On his role in Syrian and Palestinian politics, see Ages in Chaos, I, 296-97. 2 A. Erman-H. Ranke, Aegypten und aegyptisches Leben im Altertum (1923), pp. 133-34. 3 Pendlebury, Tell el-Amama, p. 54. 4 Ibid., pp. 55-56. 5 C. Aldred, "The End of the el-Amarna ...
103. Contents: Ages in Chaos by Immanuel Velikovsky [Books]
... (282). The last letters of Ahab (285). Chapter Eight: The El-Amarna Letters (Concluded) Iarimuta (292). Samaria (Sumur) under the oligarchs (294). The "King's City," Sumur (295). Shalmaneser III expels King Nikmed (296). Shalmaneser III is opposed by a Syrian coalition under Biridri (Biridia), the commandant of Megiddo (298). Shalmaneser III invades Amuru land and is opposed by the king of Damascus (302). The Phoenicians leave for a new home (304). Who is the dreaded "king of Hatti" of the elAmarna correspondence? (307) Idioms of the ...
104. Persians And Greeks Invade Egypt. Part I Ch.2 (Peoples of the Sea) [Velikovsky]
... ,[8 ] but the clothes of the Persians, which impressed contemporary Greeks? In the days of Herodotus, in the mid-fifth century, the Persians "wore on their heads loose caps called tiaras, and on their bodies sleeved tunics of diverse colours, with scales of iron like in appearance to the scales of fish". The Syrians in the army of Xerxes wore "helmets upon their heads made of brass, and plaited in a strange fashion which is not easy to describe".[9 ] Ammianus Marcellinus, describing much later the armour of the Persians, tells us that they were clad from head to foot in pieces of iron fashioned like feathers.[ ...
105. Ramses II and his Time by Immanuel Velikovsky [Books]
... . The Personality of Nebuchadnezzar . Changing History . Chapter VI: THE "FORGOTTEN EMPIRE": TESTIMONY OF ART Yazilikaya: "The Inscribed Rock" . Archaeology and "Hittite" Monuments . "In the Deepest Darkness" . Gordion . The Dark Age of Anatolia . The "Gold Tomb" of Carchemish . The Herald's Wall . The Syrian City States . The Lion Gate of Malatya . "The Land of Their Nativity" . The Secret Script of the Chaldeans . A Dagger and a Coin . Mitanni . Chapter VII: EXODUS OR EXILE Nebuchadnezzar Visits Ramses II . The Brick Kiln of Tahpanheth . Ramses' Marriage . The Israel Stele of Merneptah and the Lamentations of Jeremiah ...
106. Ramses II and his Time by Immanuel Velikovsky [Velikovsky]
... . The Personality of Nebuchadnezzar . Changing History . Chapter VI: THE "FORGOTTEN EMPIRE": TESTIMONY OF ART Yazilikaya: "The Inscribed Rock" . Archaeology and "Hittite" Monuments . "In the Deepest Darkness" . Gordion . The Dark Age of Anatolia . The "Gold Tomb" of Carchemish . The Herald's Wall . The Syrian City States . The Lion Gate of Malatya . "The Land of Their Nativity" . The Secret Script of the Chaldeans . A Dagger and a Coin . Mitanni . Chapter VII: EXODUS OR EXILE Nebuchadnezzar Visits Ramses II . The Brick Kiln of Tahpanheth . Ramses' Marriage . The Israel Stele of Merneptah and the Lamentations of Jeremiah ...
107. The Battle In The Sky, Part 1 Venus Ch.3 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... this day they say that blasts of fire issue from the thunderbolts that were thrown." The struggle left deep marks on the entire ancient world. Some districts were specially associated with the events of this cosmic fight. The Egyptian shore of the Red Sea was called Typhonia.(4 ) Strabo narrates also that the Arimi (Aramaeans or Syrians) were terrified witnesses of the battle of Zeus with Typhon. And Typhon, "who, they add, was a dragon, when struck by the bolts of lightning, fled in search of a descent underground,"(5 ) and not only did he cut furrows into the earth and form the beds of the rivers, ...
108. On the Recent Discoveries Concerning Jupiter and Venus [Books] [de Grazia books]
... Worlds in Collision follows almost three pages of a description of the battle between Zeus and Typhon, quoted from Apollodorus: Zeus pelted Typhon at a distance with thunderbolts... '] The Egyptian shore of the Red Sea was called Typhonia (Fn: Strabo, vii, 3, 8). Strabo narrates also that the Arimi (Syrians) were terrified witnesses of the battle of Zeus with Typhon... who... when struck by the bolts of lightning, fled in search of a descent underground. ' [Restituted in full, the passage quoted by Gaposchkin reads as follows:] One of the places of the heavenly combat between elementary forces of nature ...
109. The Stone of Shamir (Vox Populi) [Journals] [Kronos]
... 5 ) This pseudo-Democritus may have flourished in the third century, but might have been a contemporary of' Pliny in the first century since the latter mentioned two persons named Democritus. Nevertheless, pseudo-Democritus belonged to the Alexandrian school of Neoplatonists and was not the philosopher. Democritus of Abdera. who first propounded an atomic theory. There is a Syrian manuscript dating from the fifteenth century at the University of Cambridge (Ms. M.M . 6.29), containing a treatise attributed to Zosimos, who was one of the most important Alexandrian Greek alchemists living at the end of the third and beginning of the fourth century, and who considered pseudo-Democritus as a great authority. ...
110. The Orientation of the Pyramids [Journals] [Pensee]
... the world order took place as late as the 8th century before the present era. With the recurrent alterations in the world order, the sunrising point on the summer solstice was inevitably displaced, and such displacement was observed and registered by the sages of all ancient civilizations; it can be traced in altered orientation of the foundations of Greek and Syrian temples- a subject discussed in Worlds in Collision, where works of J. N. Lockyer and F. G. Penrose, among others, are cited. Only recently the excavators of the Shechem temple (Jordan) found another such change in orientation: old foundations were not re-used when new foundations, less massive, were laid on ...
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