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69 pages of results. 21. Chapter 7 Iron, Diorite and Other Hard Rock [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... CONTENTS Charles Ginenthal, Pillars of the Past 197 CHAPTER 7 IRON, DIORITE, AND OTHER HARD ROCK Heinsohn cites Herodotus, the Greek historian, about the pyramids being built, and since hardened iron is needed to cut and engrave hard stone such as granite or diorite, the Egyptians of the Old Kingdom could not have built the Giza pyramids and others during the Copper Age. The only critic to deal with this scientific-technological aspect of Heinsohn's work, Dwardu Cardona, has discussed this matter in A Return to the Two Sargons and Their Successors.1 That being the case, Cardona's work will be cited in extenso. He writes: "How the Egyptians were able to work ...
22. Fingerprints of the Gods: do ancient relicts point to an advanced civilisation 15,000 years ago? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... anywhere else in the New World except Tiahuanaco but we find it in Egypt - for example in the temple of Dendera in Upper Egypt. Figure 5 Building a traditional reed boat on the island of Suriqui, Lake Titicaca. Boats of a near-identical design, though on a much larger scale, were used on the Nile in Egypt in the Pyramid Age. On Lake Titicaca in Bolivia we see an ancient skill of building reed boats with these rather high distinctive prows (Fig. 5). The people of the area state that the knowledge of building this kind of boat was brought to them long ago by the gods, whom they called the Viracochas and again I am struck ...
... , and that practically there were three schools of thought. To all three schools sun-worship was common, but we may clearly separate them by the associated star-worship. We have found worshippers of northern stars, east and west stars, and southern stars. The northern star-worshippers we may associate with Annu, the east and west star cult with the pyramid fields at Gîzeh, and the southern star-worshippers with Upper Egypt. What we have to do in the present chapter is to see whether the orientation of the structures helps us with any suggestions touching the question whether we have to stop at the places named and acknowledge Egypt to be the true cradle of astronomical science; or whether the facts ...
24. Velikovsky's Sources Volume Three [Books]
... . p.l65 Section 18- The Ermitage Papyrus p.169 Section 19- Papyrus Anastasi IV p.172 Section 20- The Harris Papyrus p.173 Section 21 - The Book of the Dead p.175 Section 22 - Wainwright p.164 Section. 23- W. Max Müller p.191 Section 24- The Pyramid Texts p.193 Section 25- J.H .Breasted & the Calendar p.196 Section 26- The Canopus Decree p.202 Section 27- Horapollo; Rawlinson p.203 Section 28- Antefoker p.205 Section 29- El Arish p.210 Section 30- Senmut p.216 Section 31- More from ...
25. Pyramid Builders and Hyksos [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Chronology and Catastrophism Workshop 1994 No 1 (Jan 1994) Home | Issue Contents Pyramid Builders and Hyksos by Michael G. Reade Revised chronologies for Egyptian history appear almost all still to be based on the assumption that the traditional sub-division into consecutive Old, Middle and New Kingdom eras is sound. Even Dr Velikovsky's original revision relies on this hypothesis (e .g . his placement of the Exodus between the end of the Middle Kingdom and the start of the New Kingdom). One exception appears to be Emmet J. Sweeney's recent paper The Pyramid Age[1 ], though papers by Professor Heinsohn and Jesse E. Lasken are also relevant. Were the ...
26. Book Shelf [Journals] [Aeon]
... From: Aeon IV:2 (Aug 1995) Home | Issue Contents The Book Shelf Robert Bauval and Adrian Gilbert, The Orion Mystery: Unlocking the Secrets of the Pyramids (Crown: New York) 1994 Reviewed by Frederic Jueneman There is a revolutionary recidivism taking place today within the scholarly Egyptological community. While most all of the ideologies of dynastic successions and chronological sequences still remain conventionally intact, a few arguments about the fundamental elements on which these tenets were originally based are being aired. It is a healthy sign to have a breath of fresh air occasionally permeate an otherwise hoary and stuffy academic atmosphere, but, still, such fresh breezes often leave more questions unanswered ...
27. Quantitative Aspects Of Ancient Cosmology [Journals] [Kronos]
... Antiquity,(2 ) and I discussed his anti-Platonic bias as well as his unsupported low opinion of Egyptian mathematics. Another and still more blatant case of prejudice is found in Richard J. Gillings' book Mathematics in the Time of the Pharaohs. (3 ) This prejudice attains an unbelievable climax in Gillings' APPENDIX 3, "Great Pyramid Mysticism". Like Neugebauer's book, that of Gillings contains important data where the author is factual. Neugebauer and Gillings remind me of Alexander of Macedon who while burning cities and their inhabitants, still travelled with a clique of scholars who gathered useful information about foreign lands. Too bad Tyre could not have been studied without being burned to ...
28. The Pyramids: an enigma solved [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Chronology and Catastrophism Workshop 1991 No 2 (Jan 1992) Home | Issue Contents REVIEWS The Pyramids: an enigma solved by Joseph Davidovits and Margie Morris (New York: Hippocrene Books, Inc., 1988) The question of how the pyramids and other monumental Egyptian works were constructed has long been the subject of speculation which has been fuelled by many problems. Given the hardness of the stone and the lack of iron or bronze in the Egyptian Old Kingdom, how were the massive blocks (and statues and coffins) cut with such precision and with no visible tool marks? How were such massive blocks transported and raised, especially in only a few decades ...
29. Open Forum, chaired by David Fairbairn [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Kingdom and Middle Kingdom as such never existed separately. The Persians for example really were about quite recently, Cheops, or Khufu, was about some time in the 8th century BC and that's why advanced geometry and various other things could be used to construct these buildings because they don't belong to the Stone Age, they actually belong to the Pyramid Age. If you look at the origins of monotheism, the beginning of the 4th Dynasty, the period of the great pyramid building age, is clearly an age which has just recently witnessed cataclysmic upheavals in Egypt and the Pyramid Texts are proof of that. If you look at the first king after the end of the Early Dynastic ...
30. Fingerprints of the Gods by Graham Hancock [Journals] [SIS Review]
... many strange facts. It follows the chronology of his travels, visiting many of the sites of ancient monuments which have puzzled archaeologists and historians. Some readers may be irritated but I found it an exhilarating journey from place to place, showing us the author's thought processes en route. I'm not sure he should publicise his illegal climbing of the pyramid at Giza but the resulting photos taken by his intrepid wife Santha are a spectacular contribution to a beautifully produced book. He starts by quoting directly from Charles Hapgood's book Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings [1 ], which provides the starting point for Hancock's quest as well as the evidence for the findings that (a ) about 11 ...
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