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686 results found.
69 pages of results. 181. C&C Review 1996:2: Contents [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: C&C Review 1996:2 Texts Home | SIS Review Home Chronology & Catastrophism Review Journal of the Society for Interdisciplinary Studies 1996:2 News 2 Articles Towards an astronomical dating of the pyramids 4 Michael G. Reade questions whether the pyramids really model the constellation Orion. Relation Between the Perpetual Calendar Based on the 128 Years 12 Flavio Barbiero presents an explanation for stone calendars like the Aztec Piedra del Sol' (front cover). Planetary Observations of the T'ang Dynasty 16 Charles B. Raspil investigates Chinese planetary observations between 618 and 906AD. The Genesis of Israel and Egypt 23 Emmett J. Sweeney investigates the very beginnings of Egyptian and Hebrew history and finds ...
182. Laura Lee Archives [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 2001:1 (Jun 2001) Home | Issue Contents Laura Lee Archives 05/02/01 Rand Flem-Ath - Pyramid Connection: What explains the similarities between Egyptian, Chinese and South American pyramids and other sacred sites? Flem-Ath and co-author Colin Wilson suggests these civilizations received templates from Atlantis with geodesic, geological and geometric information. 03/23/01 Gregg Braden - Experimental Evidence for the Quantum Hologram: Gregg outlines three recent experiments that indicate the presence of a field that binds all of creation and operates with the laws of Quantum physics laws. He also sheds new light on ancient textual references to this field, ...
183. Paradise -- The Lost Frontier: Early Voyages to the Forbidden Isles [Journals] [Aeon]
... is based upon the expectation that working models of the universe should be continually tested and revised to suit new information, academicians generally felt no need to consider the possibility that contrary evidence might be valid. In a few cases, such as the recovery of Roman amphorae off the coast of Honduras, or a terra-cotta sculpture found in a Mexican pyramid, it was deemed sufficient in academic circles to brand such artifacts as of no significant consequence. Presumably, incredulous natives had retrieved the artifacts from shipwrecked vessels, whose crews had succumbed, which washed ashore on the coasts of the New World. It was thus assumed that no direct contact had passed between the ancient mariners and the indigenous ...
... is evidence which suggests that the temples so far traced sacred to the southern cult are of earlier foundation than those to the north, and they are associated with Edfû and Philae, which are known to be of high antiquity. This is one point of difference. Another is that the almost entire absence of Set temples and east and west pyramids up the river indicates that, so far as these structures go, we lack the links which astronomically and mythologically connect the Delta with Babylonia either directly or by common origin. From Prof. Sayce it is to be gathered that the most ancient people yet glimpsed there inhabited the region at the head of the Persian Gulf, one of ...
185. Mother Goddess and Warrior-Hero (Part One) [Journals] [Aeon]
... a circle of secondary gods revolving around Atum, and this celestial band was nothing other than the crescent-enclosure, as shown by the hieroglyph for the Great Ennead, a circle with superimposed crescent . Thus, while the pillar was conceived as a masculine power, a heaven-reaching phallus, the band was the womb of cosmic genesis. Accordingly, the Pyramid Texts assert that the chaotic, unorganized waters brought forth by Atum were given form by the "phallus of Shu" and the "womb of Tefnut." (60) In these most ancient cosmological principles, then, we have the answer to a question raised earlier: Why was Venus the only planetary representative of the female divinity ...
186. Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning [Books]
... worship in the north, about 5200 B.C ., of the northern stars being associated with the god An, Annu, Ant, or On, under the supposed government of Set, or Typhon, the god of darkness, recognized under many synonyms. That of the east and west stars was indicated by the Ghizeh temples and pyramids, about 4000 B.C .; while in southern Egypt the worship of the southern stars, as early as 6400 B.C ., perhaps much earlier, was presided over by Horus, a southern sun-god, although later he occasionally appeared as a northern divinity. The rising stars represented the youthful goddesses; those setting, ...
187. Cosmic Catastrophes and the Origin of Megalithic Cultures [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Bocchoris) but can be accommodated in the seventh and sixth centuries. The Mycenaeans used to smooth the underside of their false vaults' (i .e . corbelled roofs, vaults without deflection of pressure by wedge-shaped stones). The Etruscans left them stepped. The same vaults can be found in buildings of only two Egyptian pharaohs: the Pyramids of Sneferu and Cheops. Megalithic boulders and large quantities of granite were used in the pyramid of Cheops. In [4 ] it was demonstrated that this building was erected at the start of the Egyptian Iron Age (iron smelting can be shown to have taken place), just as the late Mycenaeans belong at the start of the ...
188. Letters [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review 2002:2 (Feb 2003) Home | Issue Contents Letters Pyramid Builders, Polar Configurations etc.I have a couple of comments about Eric Crew's letter in C&CR 2002:1 . Firstly he declares that it is unlikely that the pyramid builders' themselves had the technology to construct them because a recent attempt to build a pyramid using modern technology failed. That older technological expertise can be lost is attested by several examples, e.g . British Bronze and Steel Secrets', C&CR 2001:2 , p. 48. There is no denying the technological level of the Romans, or that they constructed their ...
189. Society News: 1999 SIS AGM & SIS Study Group Meeting 19th June 1999 [Journals] [SIS Review]
... , a keen younger member, and Emmett Sweeney, whose past contributions to the C&C Review would be known to many. After a lunch break we were pleased to welcome Janek Pietron who has been studying ancient chronology and alignments and the implications for catastrophic cosmic changes in Earth's recent past. The present perfect cardinal alignments of the Giza pyramids implies that they were built after any cosmic catastrophes. So were they really built around 2500BC, or were they rebuilt in two stages as alignments altered? Pietron considered a variety of myths and origin traditions which gave clues to the cardinal directions in earlier times. He dealt with the geology of the Mediterranean and the Nile Valley and their ...
190. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... 98, p. 26, 4.9 .99, p. 4 Creatures in the past were often of huge size. Even some unicellular animals were of incredible size for that type of life, being up to 16cm across when modern ones are only 2mm. The remains of such nummulites are found in the limestone from which the pyramids are built. The record for arthropods has now been discovered in the form of a centipede over two metres long. Scientists wonder why it became extinct but in modern conditions of gravity and oxygen pressure it is unlikely that it could survive at all. At the other end of the scale for size are tiny creatures called tardigrades which are ...
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