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2055 results found.
206 pages of results. 821. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Mediterranean, claimed to be very precise, are interesting. The start of the Aegean Late Bronze Age is put back a century, a huge mound in Turkey thought to be the tomb of King Midas contains wood from trees cut down in 718BC, wood in a shipwreck containing a scarab of Nefertiti is dated at 1316BC, conveniently confirming standard Egyptian chronology, and the Thera eruption happened in 1628 BC. However, the dates were determined by radiocarbon dating, matching two blips with volcanic eruptions, the 1628BC being designated as Thera and 1159 BC being associated with an eruption in Iceland. Do we detect circular reasoning? ARCHAEOLOGY Egyptian mummies in drug scandal Equinox Channel 4, 8. ...
822. Health Hazards to Egyptologists: Radon Gas [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS C & C Review 2004:2 Incorporating Workshop 2004:3 (August 2004) Home | Issue Contents IN PASSING Health Hazards to Egyptologists: Radon Gas Nesta Caiger The Ancient Egyptian curse' has been quoted for many years. Of course, some people believe it to be genuine' but most modern Egyptologists do not accept it as being factual'. In spending a lifetime as an Egyptologist and also for many years being involved in British archaeology, I have gained through the latter a full understanding of dangers in the explorations into stone, so am fully aware of the risk of poisoning from a destructive radon gas which has probably been undisturbed by excavation for ...
823. Velikovsky and His Heroes [Journals] [SIS Review]
... in Velikovsky's mind, the Nazis of the Ancient World? But then, where does the anti-Semitism of those modern Nazis themselves stem from? From what source stemmed the exceptional virulence of Jew-hatred in the twentieth century that Velikovsky himself confronted? His own answer was that the Jews were mistakenly identified with the descendants of the Hyksos. Inaugurated by the Egyptian priest Manetho, an extensive anti-Semitic literature followed, and the stories of Manetho were told and retold, and populariced by many writers throughout the Graeco-Roman world. Hatred of the Hyksos, said Velikovsky, burning in the generations of the Ancient Orient, found a target in the Jews. The Israelites, he went on, endured much suffering ...
824. Rejoinder to Dirkzwager [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... the data on Apis 25:4 (26 "1st")- installed in year 26 of Taharqa, died in year 20/21 of Psammetichus I, aged 21 years, the resulting date for the commencement of Dynasty 26, or at least of Psammetichus I, under Dirkzwager's chronology becomes 676. What, from the viewpoint of Egyptian chronology is the result of such a date? Dirkzwager goes on to note that Amasis dates from 584. To this we may add, from his unpublished manuscript, Necho II from 623, and Apries to 582. Since it is accepted that the end of Dynasty 26 is 525- the Persian conquest- this means that, in ...
825. Aeon Volume VI, Number 4: Contents [Journals] [Aeon]
... 145 W. 20th. Ave, Vancouver, B.C . Canada V5Y 2C4 Publisher: Ev Cochrane, e-mail: ev@aeonJournal.com Editor: Dwardu Cardona, e-mail: editor@aeonJournal.com Associate Editor: Frederic Jueneman Science News Reporter: Tania ta Maria Volume VI, Number 4 ISSN 1066-5145 Aug 2003 Front Cover: Egyptian coffins, which would have been involved in the Opening of the Mouth Ceremony described by Ken Moss in this issue. Photograph by Dwardu Cardona, courtesy of the British Museum, London, England. IN THIS ISSUE. Page 5: Forum .Discussions/debates between Mike Twose, Dwardu Cardona, Lynn E. Rose, Richard M ...
826. Early Historic Man -- Catastrophism and Calendars [Articles]
... implements or very few, anarchy, revolts, plagues and migrations. It is at the end of the Middle Bronze that the Hyksos invaded Egypt, it is at the end of the recent Bronze that the Dorians intervened on the scene of Europe. The fact is, there is only one thing that goes wrong, and that is the Egyptian chronology. As you know, I don't have to talk to you about the Sothic cycle in Egypt. It is supposed to be proven that the astronomical chronology of Eduard Meyer from 1904, which slowly has taken over the chronology of Egypt, is based on sure and demonstrated, apparently, astronomical computation. But that computation is based ...
827. Chapter VI: the Probable Hor-shesu Worship [Books]
... , but the lengths given were different from those which would be found to-day. Laplace, who gave considerable attention to this matter, determined what the real obliquity was at that time, and proved that the record does represent an actual observation, and not one which had been made in later years. [2 ] Next suppose an ancient Egyptian wished to determine the time of an equinox. We know from the Egyptian tombs that their stock-in-trade, so far as building went, was very considerable; they had squares, they had plumb-lines, they had scales, and all that sort of thing, just as we have. He would first of all make a platform quite flat ...
828. The Sahara. Ch.7 Deserts And Oceans (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... the Sahara were suitable for human occupation? Movers, the noted Orientalist of the last century, author of a large work on the Phoenicians, decided that the drawings in the Sahara were the work of the Phoenicians.2 It was likewise observed that on the drawings discovered by Barth the cattle wore discs between their horns, just as in Egyptian drawings.3 Also, the Egyptian god Set was found pictured on the rocks. And there are rock paintings of war chariots drawn by horses "in an area where these animals could not survive two days without extraordinary precautions."4 The extinct animals in the drawings suggest that these pictures were made sometime during the Ice Age; ...
829. Matters Arising [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... , the second and third being Artemis and Apollo, born of Leto nine days apart, and the fourth being Dionysius. Dionysius was the "twice-born" and has many of the characteristics of a Venus deity. Leto, while pregnant, was pursued by the serpent Python. Her first child, Artemis, is the Greek equivalent of the Egyptian Bast, a cat deity (= Venus). At Ephesus they worshipped Artemis as a form of Aphrodite.(7 ) It is tempting to see her brother Apollo as the war-like morning star form equivalent to Athena, and therefore to identify him with Venus. Graves has noted that Leto, mother of Artemis and Apollo, was ...
830. "America B.C." and the Revised Chronology [Journals] [Kronos]
... The first is the Pontotoc stele (see p. 159), a bilingual Iberian Punic/Ogam Punic version of the "Hymn to the Aten", which Fell dates to ca. 800 B.C . on the basis of the script.* The other is the Davenport stele (see pp. 261-269), a trilingual Egyptian hieroglyphic/Iberian Punic/Libyan description of the Djed festival, of which Fell has this to say- "The date is unlikely to be earlier than about 800 B.C ., for we do not know of Iberian or Libyan inscriptions earlier than that date. The Egyptian text .. . may merely be a local American ...
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