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2055 results found.
206 pages of results. 801. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... exact nature, time and place of these episodes. ' The author reconstructs the true route of the Israelites' out of Egypt and concludes that Mount Sinai is the volcanic Mount Bedr in Arabia. Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark – by Laurence Gardner. Harper Collins. £18.99 Research into Templar records, Rosicrucian archives, the Egyptian Book of the Dead' and modern quantum physics, leads the author to the conclusion that the powers of the Ark of the Covenant as described in the Bible were due to super-conductive mono-atomic gold. Genesis of the Pharaohs – by Toby Wilkinson. Thames and Hudson. £18.95 The leader of an expedition to Egypt's Eastern Desert ...
802. The Historicity of the Homeric Poems and Traditions [Journals] [SIS Review]
... 20th Dynasty in Egypt c. 1200-1070 BC rather than its previously assumed end at around 800 BC. This, of course, resulted in a major rewriting of early Greek history and the introduction of the c. 350-year Dark Age, with all its problematical consequences for the Greek historian. Petrie announced his dramatic conclusions in an article entitled The Egyptian Bases of Greek History' which included the following somewhat pompous statement: ". .. now the main light on the chronology of the civilizations of the Aegean comes from Egypt; and it is Egyptian sources that must be thanked by classical scholars for revealing the real standing of the antiquities of Greece. Without the foreign colonies on the ...
803. Letters [Journals] [SIS Review]
... , all the same, in the past the appearances of constellations were not exactly the same as now. Every artist who tries to depict how the ancient astronomers imagined bears, dogs and hunters in the sky makes slight variations. There is no guarantee that the Orion of the present looked anything like the Orion of the past to the ancient Egyptians. To join Alasdair Beal on a more realistic level: that the Egyptians probably discovered precession after the pyramids were built is very likely true but I would like to discuss how the pyramids might have been aligned by direct observation as proposed by Clapham. If we use the Einstein concept of thought experiments in this case, I would suggest ...
804. Probable Visibilities of Venus at the Time of the Supposed Spin Rate Acceleration of the Earth [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... event" recorded by Varaha Mihira and shown as occurring 60 days before superior conjunction of Venus. A potentially viable speculation is that it marks the heliacal setting of Sirius, at the start of a period when Venus threatened possible interference with Orion (= Osiris), possibly even a clash between Sirius itself and Venus, which at least the Egyptians would have seen as potentially catastrophic (possibly upsetting the rising of the Nile and the ensuing growing season). If this hypothesis is verifiable, it offers a potential astronomical dating of the event (look for the years in which Sirius set heliacally 60 days before a superior conjunction of Venus - they recur once in every 240-year period, ...
805. Myth, Mandala, and the Collective Unconscious [Journals] [Kronos]
... the mandala image in dreams and fantasies of middle-aged patients consistently coincidental with a new phase of psychic growth toward self-realization and individuation. He attests the strength of the image in the collective unconscious by its worldwide appearance in mythological-religious sculpture and iconography. Jung cites the symbol of Christ and the Four Evangelists, the vision of Ezekiel, and the "Egyptian sun-god Horus and his four sons," as primary examples of the collective theme. "There are, moreover, such objects as the wheel and the cross that are known all over the world . . . Precisely what they symbolize is still a matter for controversial speculation."(12) Velikovsky has indicated that the Egyptian god ...
806. The Last Supper [Journals] [Aeon]
... bread and water were also used. As J. R. Harris informed his readers, this bread and water was considered to be Osiris himself. [16] The similarity of this belief to that concerning the bread and wine of the Eucharist has been noted by Lewis Greenberg. [17] That Osiris was the Saturnian deity of the Egyptians need not be repeated to the readers of this periodical. But can we, from this alone, conclude that Jesus and his disciples were celebrating a Saturnian festival during their last supper together? The evangelists Mark, Matthew, and Luke all tell us that Jesus was gathered with his disciples to celebrate the feast of Passover. [18 ...
807. The Two Sargons and Their Successors (PART ONE) [Journals] [Aeon]
... while chairs from Egypt in the 3rd millennium pose no problems, there is no known civilization of that early date in Ethiopia that could have furnished tables and colored ivory birds. According to the accepted scheme, the kingdom of Napata in Ethiopia was not founded until after the 11th century B.C . Before then, Ethiopia had been an Egyptian province; but even this did not stretch further back than the Egyptian 18th Dynasty which was founded circa 1500 B.C . There is, of course, no obstacle to an Assyrian conquest of Egypt and Ethiopia in the 1st millennium B.C . and, in fact, such a conquest is known apart from any mention of ...
808. Akhetaten - Horizon of the Aten [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... . The palace pattern was to have public rooms in the centre of the structure, with private areas and possibly sanitation off to one side. There have been suggestions that staircases went up not to a flat roof but to a 2nd or even 3rd storey above the ground floor. The everyday religious life of people shows certain differences from the Egyptian norm. It is clear from paintings and the like that a crucial theme was to interact - if only by observation - with the royal family, who in turn were responsible for the interaction with the Aten. Tomb decorations are often quite specific about the relative location of the person and the king and queen, whereas in other times ...
809. Chapter IX: Other Similar Shrines Elsewhere [Books]
... less similar to Stonehenge are found along a line from the east on both sides of the Mediterranean. [6 ] Stonehenge, from the North It will be seen that the use of the marking stone to indicate the direction in which the sun will rise answers exactly the same purpose as the long avenue of majestic columns and pylons in the Egyptian temples. In both cases we had a means of determining the commencement and the succession of years. Stonehenge restored Hence, just as surely as the temple of Karnak once pointed to the sun setting at the summer solstice, the temple at Stonehenge pointed nearly to the sun rising at the summer solstice. Stonehenge, there is little doubt ...
810. More Than One Typhon [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... to have been cometary Venus in disguise. The comet called Set, on the other hand, which the Greeks also alluded to as Typhon, was NOT Venus. This is why I said the matter is a little bit complicated. The complication, however, arose simply because the Greeks, for reasons of their own, referred to the Egyptian Set as Typhon. DE Davis wrote: If I read Worlds in Collision right (and it's easy to be dazzled by Velikovsky, and thus get confused as to what is evidence and what is reconstruction...) The chain of reasoning for linking the Exodus events with Venus is: (1 ) Venus = Athene = Pallas ...
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