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... , and in the consent of all, called Anthropoi." The Earliest Race! The Adamites! The Atlanteans! He continues: "They were the first to introduce worship of the gods, sacrifices, and all means whereby men honour the deities." They claimed, moreover, to have been the first to civilize and teach the Egyptians, and declared that Egypt was originally covered by the sea and later by "slime and mud", after which he adds: "They say that many laws of Ethiopia were transported into Egypt, the colonies keeping the statutes and ordinances of their ancestors; that, by holding their kings to be gods, placing their chiefest study ...
792. Magi, The Quest for a Secret Tradition by Adrian Gilbert [Journals] [SIS Review]
... , are supposed to be the repository of much ancient or esoteric knowledge. Adrian Gilbert investigated this and has recently arranged for publication of a reprint [2 ]. Most extant versions are in Greek and associated with the works of Plato. Some commentators believe that the corpus contains essentially Greek thought. Gilbert, however, believes that it is Egyptian and much older and that this knowledge was later incorporated into Gnostic and other early Christian teachings, subsequently dubbed heretical'. Gilbert was fascinated by the Wilton Diptych, a painting commissioned by Richard II portraying the latter with John the Baptist. The king's birthday was 6th January which is the feast of John the Baptist and of Epiphany, ...
793. Response to Bimson [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the Indo-Iranian mariyanna), who bear Median/Persian names and who occupy extremely important positions thoughout Syria/Palestine. This alone suggests that the Mita had not much earlier conquered the whole region. Question 3: How does John explain the mountain of evidence of every variety brought forth by Velikovsky, Heinsohn and myself which demonstrates that the entire Egyptian New Kingdom (18th – 21st Dynasties) belongs in the first millennium, between the 7th and 4th centuries? What about the evidence of pottery, glazing and glasswork, for example, which shows that the material of the 18th and 19th Dynasties is virtually indistinguishable from that of the 7th/6th centuries? Heinsohn has written at length ...
794. Radiocarbon Dating The Extinction [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... materials carbon 14 dated from the tomb of Tutankhamen which he claimed was dated close to the 7th century B.C ., by the British Museum: "In spring, 1971,...the British Museum processed palm kernels and mat reed from the tomb of Tutankhamen. The results according to Dr. Edwards, Curator of the Egyptian Department... was -899 and -846 respectively. These dates were never published!8 Worse than that, when an inquiry was made to the British Museum regarding this information, the British Museum denied ever having carried out the tests via radiocarbon. Therefore, one can see quite clearly how wretched the upholders of the establishment are when ...
795. A Letter From An Egyptologist. File III (Stargazers and Gravediggers) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Stargazers]
... . Maspero. In this capacity he had under his care all the antiquities- monuments in the field and in the museum, the famous Cairo Museum included- and every excavation made in Egypt, by whatever agency or learned society, was under his supervision. Following the national revolution in Egypt Drioton returned to his other post as chief curator of the Egyptian Department of the Louvre Museum in Paris. I had never before corresponded with him, but in Cairo he received a complimentary copy of Ages in Chaos. Cairo, May 29, 1952 Dear Doctor, You have so kindly sent me a copy of your fine book, Ages in Chaos, which I received this morning, and which ...
796. Notes on this issue: Pensee IVR X [Journals] [Pensee]
... (p . 21) comes forth with another one of those chapters from the unpublished sequels to Ages in Chaos. This one, titled "The Scandal of Enkomi," examines findings which, he says, caused a reputable archaeologist no small embarrassment. Objects found at Enkomi on the island of Cyprus showed close affinities with both Greek and Egyptian relics dated, conventionally, several centuries apart. The excavator, choosing the lower (Greek) date for Enkomi, was bitingly overruled by experts who relied on Egyptian dating. In Velikovsky's view the dual affinity of the Enkomi artifacts should have been expected: the Egyptian chronology needs to be lowered by several hundred years. Dr. William ...
797. Dirkzwager's Revision Questioned [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... should not be overlooked: "The forms of name Mut-udj-ankhes,Djed-Mut-es-ankh, for Nimlot's mother have virtually-the same meaning and may be considered variants of little consequence.(6 ) On this basis we may conclude that Namlot "C " is known from several documents which Dirkzwager has neglected. It is less easy, however, to prove from Egyptian sources that Shoshenq "I's" father was a Namlot, and yet this is the link Dirkzwager prefers (to Namlot "C ," son of Osorkon "II"). One of Dirkzwager's supporters, Phillip Clapham, assumes that Ptah-udj-ankhef is non-existent in the reign of Takelot "II."(7 ) Clapham considers this to ...
798. Sargonids and Achaemenids [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... in the Philistine city of Ashdod, how he was defeated and fled to the territory of Egypt, "which belongs (now) to Ethiopia", from whence he was eventually delivered in chains to Assyria. (19) It would appear that this event took place before the conquest of Samaria and the defeat of the combined Ethiopian and Egyptian armies at Rapihu. Upper Egypt was apparently occupied by Shabaka shortly after Darius/Sargon's seizure of the throne, and whilst the Great King was apparently content to leave those regions to the Nubians, the situation changed when the Ethiopian pharaoh began to conspire with Persia's vassals in Lower Egypt and Palestine. Other evidence, of an entirely different ...
799. A Collective Amnesia, Part 2 Mars Ch.6 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... come a deluge of fire, were attacked for construing too narrowly the promise of the Lord.1 Both sides overlooked the most prominent part of their traditions: the history of the Exodus and all the passages about the cosmic catastrophe, endlessly repeated in Exodus, Numbers, and the Prophets, and in the rest of the Scriptures. The Egyptians in the sixth pre-Christian century knew about the catastrophes that overwhelmed other countries. Plato narrates the story which Solon heard in Egypt about the world destroyed in deluges and conflagrations: "You remember but one deluge, tho ugh many catastrophes had occurred previously." The Egyptian priests who said this and who maintained that their land was spared on ...
800. Peoples of the Sea by Immanuel Velikovsky [Books]
... ). Mariannu (65). The Ore of the Land of'Atika" (69). Chapter IV: ON LANGUAGE, ART, AND RELIGION 73 Semitic Influence on the Language and Religion of Egypt (73). Art: Hunting Scenes (76). Temple Architecture and Religious Art (78). Reciprocal Influence of Persian and Egyptian Religion and Art (81). Chapter V: FROM RAMSES in TO DARIUS III 84 The Later Ramessides (84). "The Little One" in Support of the Pharaoh (87). The Last of the Native Pharaohs (91). A Comedy of Errors (93). Relocated by Eight Hundred Years (104 ...
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