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2055 results found.
206 pages of results. 721. Pygmalion, Prince of Tyre, and the el-Amarna Correspondence [Journals] [Kronos]
... , from which the word pygmy is derived.(13) The connotative aspects of the name Pygmalion are not in the least unusual when one considers Velikovsky's case for identifying the Pharaoh Akhnaton with the tragic Greek ruler Oedipus. The latter name means "swollen legs".(14) Nor is the name Pygmalion any more outlandish than the Egyptian Pharaoh known as Psammetichus, a name which means "negus-vendor" and is akin to "lemonade vendor".(15) Thus, Abimilki could have become Pygmalion. Furthermore, there is an outside possibility that the sardonic Greeks may have actually followed a standard linguistic practice if, in fact, they did convert Abimilki into Pygmalion. ...
722. A Stranger on the Throne. Part 1 (Oedipus and Akhnaton) [Velikovsky]
... "natural" malformation. In the Revue Neurologique for 1920, two French physicians, Drs. M. Ameline and P. Quercy, published a paper, "Le Pharaon Amenophis IV, sa mentalite. Fut-il atteint de Lipodystrophie Progressive?" G. Elliot Smith, professor of anatomy at the University of London and author of books on Egyptian royal mummies, most of which he opened and examined, thus reported on this "very curious memoir": "They describe the condition of progressive lipodystrophy as an affection characterized on the one hand by a progressive and complete disappearance of the subcutaneous fat of the upper part of the body; and, on the other, by a ...
723. Kronos by Robert de Telder (Reviewed) [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Review 2001:2 (Jan 2002) Home | Issue Contents Kronos by Robert de Telder Reviewed by Emmet J. Sweeney Aksent, Sliedrecht, Belgium, 2000, ISBN 90-73739-10-1 This book seeks to reconstruct Near Eastern chronology via a frankly fundamentalist interpretation of the Old Testament. It differs from other such endeavours in that it accepts Velikovsky's reconstruction of Egyptian chronology in Ages in Chaos Vol. 1 (though Peoples of the Sea is rejected). The author also seeks to incorporate Herodotus' Egyptian chronology into his scheme and takes the Father of History at his word in placing the 4th Dynasty pyramid-builders immediately before the Ethiopian 25th Dynasty. Essentially, therefore, this is a combination or synthesis ...
724. On Mars and Pestilence [Journals] [Aeon]
... , appears as the base in maraka, a word signifying pestilence, plague, and murrain. (89) Indeed, the word mar becomes personified in Sanskrit mythology as Mar, a god of death, plague and pestilence. (90) It is probable that the same root occurs within Semitic languages as well. (91) The Egyptian word mer, for example, connotes "to be sick" and forms the root of mer-t, "sickness, fatal illness". (92) The Akkadian word marasu signifies "disease," "sickness." (93) According to Astour, this latter word became personified as Maras, the god who brings disease and ...
725. Forum [Journals] [SIS Review]
... presumably built with this material. What has happened to these storehouses, and is there any archaeological evidence that we may consider in relation to these? The economy of Egypt depended then, as indeed it does now, on the river Nile, and it was the annual flooding of its banks and water it provided for irrigation that enabled the Egyptians to grow their crops. As Egypt itself has practically no rainfall, the success of the agricultural programme is entirely dependent on the Nile, and seven years of famine indicates that for one reason or another the Nile must have failed for a period of seven years. The flooding and the flow of the Nile are controlled by the climatic ...
726. The Legends of the Jews: Volume III [Books]
... and let him pass, yea, at his appearance they rose from their seats to do him honor. As he had power over the angels, so too did he rule the sea, which he clove at will and then commanded to resume its former guise, and the treasures of hail, which he employed to sent hail over the Egyptians. Now this man, who was sovereign over the angels and over the forces of nature, could only weep when Israel committed whoredom with the daughters of Moab and Midian. To comfort Moses, God now said: "As truly as thou livest, thou shalt not depart out of this world until thou shalt have avenged those who ...
727. Transcontinental Contact [Journals] [Aeon]
... taken place before Columbus. Actually, they do accept a temporary settlement of Norsemen, usually styled Vikings, as having taken place before that date, but nothing much, if anything, beyond that. More recent discoveries, however, are slowly forcing historians to give an inch. In the mid-1990s, Egyptologists discovered both nicotine and cocaine in Egyptian mummies. The problem here was that the plants from which cocaine and nicotine are derived grew only in the Americas at that time. One of these mummies, dated to the time of Ramesses II, even had tobacco among its wrappings. At first, and as is usual, this was explained as contamination from more modern sources. ...
728. The Feast Of Light. Ch.3 In Fear And Trembling (Mankind in Amnesia) [Velikovsky]
... to repeat, to imitate the events of the past and the fates of planetary gods. I shall not enter here this wide domain, leaving the theme to those willing and able to master the subject. But I shall say a little about one of these cults, the Osirian. This cult and the mysteries connected with it dominated the Egyptian religion as nothing else. The myth of Osiris "is too remarkable and occurs in too many divergent forms not to contain a considerable element of historic truth", according to Alan Gardiner.[2 ] But what historical truth is it? Could it be that of "an ancient king upon whose tragic death the entire legend hinged ...
729. The SIS Tenth Anniversary Tour of Egypt - Report [Journals] [SIS Review]
... to the Nile Star for yet another cocktail party and dinner. Friday 31st August Before dawn the Nile Star had slipped its moorings and effortlessly glided away from Cairo to its next destination of Hawamdieh, a few miles south of the sprawling metropolis. Many fellow travellers had been surprised to draw back the curtains of their cabin windows to find the Egyptian countryside sliding past where previously there had been the hustle and bustle of a Cairo night. Life on board this vessel was a far cry from that of the merchant and his crew plying their way between Memphis and Thebes in pharaonic times. Our journey was to be one of stately progress, admittedly punctuated by hectic sorties ashore, but ...
730. Mythic Mountains by Isaac Vail [Books]
... Puranas give Mount Meru. Simply a mountain arch rising from a narrow base to a broad top. That is approximately a wedge or horse- shoe or heart- shape. In this shape the sun- god is piercing its head with a spear and represents the last conflict of the sun- god with the genius of the canopy. This plainly puts the Egyptian "Set" or Typhon at the pole, and Egyptologists will avoid a vast amount of perplexity if they will concede this and set to work on this concession. Here I must qualify a little original vanity for I think I am the first man to show this necessity. Still another thought, I think this Typhon of the Nile ...
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