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2055 results found.
206 pages of results. 601. The Spiral and Birth [Books]
... this connexion to the view of "the learned ecclesiastical historian Mgr. Duchesne", who has pointed out that according to an ancient belief "the world began and the sun and moon were created at the spring equinox". A sect of the Montanists dated the equinox on the twenty-fourth of March.1 Budge,2 dealing with the Egyptian festivals at Henen-su writes in regard to the birth of the new year: Other festivals were those of Bast, which were celebrated in the spring of the Egyptian year and those of the "hanging out of the heavens ", i.e ., the supposed reconstituting of the heavens each year in the spring. The god Khnemu ...
602. The Spiral and Birth [Books]
... this connexion to the view of "the learned ecclesiastical historian Mgr. Duchesne", who has pointed out that according to an ancient belief "the world began and the sun and moon were created at the spring equinox". A sect of the Montanists dated the equinox on the twenty-fourth of March.1 Budge,2 dealing with the Egyptian festivals at Henen-su writes in regard to the birth of the new year: Other festivals were those of Bast, which were celebrated in the spring of the Egyptian year and those of the "hanging out of the heavens ", i.e ., the supposed reconstituting of the heavens each year in the spring. The god Khnemu ...
603. Egyptian Treasures in Europe [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 2000:2 (Dec 2000) Home | Issue Contents Egyptian Treasures in Europe www.egyptiantreasures.org A series of 12 CD-Roms featuring 15,000 antiquities. Volume 1 ($ 45) has 1000 Highlights from 10 museums, including: 1000 Objects, 1648 pictures, 53 minutes spoken commentary per language, 7 languages, 15 panorama's, 29 Rotating Objects, 342 Glossary items. Vol 2 ($ 69) features 1,500 object from Brussels. Email: support@ccer.nl or fax + 31 30 2540413, or details on Web site. ...
604. A Critique of "Ramses II and His Time" [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Testament (J . B. Pritchard, ed.), Princeton, 1950; (2 )1992: (3 )1969. BA The Biblical Archaeologist. BAR Biblical Archaeology Review. BASOR Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research. IEJ Israel Exploration Journal. JARCE Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt. JEA Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. JNES Journal of Near Eastern Studies. PEQ Palestine Exploration Fund's Quarterly Statement. A Critique of "Ramses II and His Time"Peter James Mr James is an Assistant Editor of S.I .S . Review and a Graduate in Ancient History and Archaeology of Birmingham University, where he specialised in Mesopotamian Studies. He is ...
... on board a Phoenician ship to purchase finery and that the captain abducted her, taking her to Egypt. What is more to the point is that she became, through Epaphus, the legendary grandmother of Danaus and Egyptus, the true Ionians. Herodotus, in a curious passage in which he declares that the Dorian kings were Greeks and also Egyptians, gives the Dorians a pedigree from Perseus, son of Danaë, daughter of Acrisius, a descendant of Danaus. He says, "If we follow the line of Danaë, and trace her progenitors, we shall find that the chiefs of the Dorians are really genuine Egyptians."3 It is difficult to know where the Egyptians ...
606. Historical Day Cycles and Ancient Calendars (Forum) [Journals] [Aeon]
... From: Aeon VI:6 (Dec 2001) Home | Issue Contents Forum Historical Day Cycles and Ancient Calendars Eric Aitchison From North Lambton, Australia, writes: The recent offering from Roger Ashton on the Egyptian cycle of 320 days [1 ] has stirred my interest. I have long cherished the concept that Velikovsky was incorrect in his claim of an increase in the length of the year from 360 to 365.25 days circa 687 BC. Thus, in 1995, I volunteered to give a short paper at the Braziers Conference under the auspices of the British Society for Interdisciplinary Studies. [2 ] Subsequent to that presentation, the paper was expanded to contain the ...
607. A Reply to Stiebing [Journals] [Pensee]
... 21...there was blood throughout all the land of Egypt. Papyrus 2:5-6 Plague is throughout the land. Blood is everywhere. Exodus 7:20...all the waters that were in the river were turned to blood. Papyrus 2:10 The river is blood. Exodus 7:24 And all the Egyptians digged round about the river for water to drink; for they could not drink of the water of the river. Papyrus 2:10 Men shrink from tasting-human beings, and thirst after water. Exodus 7:21...and the river stank. Papyrus 3:10-13 That is our water! That is our happiness! ...
608. Paradise -- The Lost Frontier: Early Voyages to the Forbidden Isles [Journals] [Aeon]
... and where the original Paradise was, people from most religious traditions regarded it as an earthly region of eternal bliss. Its legendary location was not a secret: Paradise was believed to be situated across the Great Sea. Asians looked eastward to the rising sun and believed that the "Isle of Immortals" was in that direction. Romans, Egyptians, and Greeks looked westward to the setting sun and believed that the "Fortunate Isles" would be found somewhere across the Atlantic Ocean. It was not, therefore, the location of Paradise that was in doubt; the principal concern had to do with worthiness. According to most religious beliefs, this sanctuary from the tribulations of mortal ...
609. Chapter V: the Yearly Path of the Sun-god [Books]
... Chapter V The Yearly Path of the Sun-god LET us, then, imagine the ancient Egyptians, furnished with the natural astronomical circle which is provided whenever there is an extended plain, engaged in their worship at sunrise, praying to the "Lord of the two Horizons." The rising (and setting) of stars we will consider later; it is best to begin with those observations about which there is the least question. In the very early observations that were made in Egypt and Babylonia, when the sun was considered to be a god who every morning got into his boat and floated across space, there was no particular reason for considering the amplitude at which the ...
610. Akhenaten as Moses [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... to his departure. Akhenaten's motives, and some details of his religious beliefs were examined. Content Before the middle of the 19th century, essentially nothing was known of Akhenaten. However, it was known from the Old Testament that Moses had been born in Egypt. Manetho, writing in the 3rd century BCE, mentions that Moses was an Egyptian king around the time of Amenhotep 3. So it is reasonable to enquire whether the account of Moses is historical or fictional, and seeing if a good match can be found for him in this period of Egyptian history. The Amarna movement is often portrayed as a primarily political move by Amenhotep 3 and Akhenaten to challenge the power of ...
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