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206 pages of results. 281. Quantitative Aspects Of Ancient Cosmology [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. XII No. 3 (Spring 1988) Home | Issue Contents Quantitative Aspects Of Ancient Cosmology George Robert Talbott INTRODUCTION In an earlier issue of KRONOS (1 ) I had cause to reference Neugebauer's The Exact Sciences in Antiquity,(2 ) and I discussed his anti-Platonic bias as well as his unsupported low opinion of Egyptian mathematics. Another and still more blatant case of prejudice is found in Richard J. Gillings' book Mathematics in the Time of the Pharaohs. (3 ) This prejudice attains an unbelievable climax in Gillings' APPENDIX 3, "Great Pyramid Mysticism". Like Neugebauer's book, that of Gillings contains important data where the author is factual ...
282. Some Detailed Evidence from Egypt Against Velikovsky's Revised Chronology [Journals] [SIS Review]
... collected and discussed, as well as its scattered locations. They also show the author's need to be able to assess the validity of the excavators' reports, to examine texts in their original versions, and to draw on a wider knowledge of other material which is already published and relevant to his research. In examining Dr Velikovsky's suggestions concerning Egyptian chronology it is important to apply these procedures throughout, and test his proposals in the light of all we know about the periods he discusses. Domestic architecture is rare among the archaeological discoveries of Egypt. The rising water table of the Nile has caused the flood plain to widen over the years so that all traces of habitation along the ...
283. Some Preliminary Remarks About Thera and Atlantis [Journals] [Kronos]
... to a tiny one; physically transport it from the Atlantic Ocean to the East Mediterranean; change its mode of destruction from quake and flood to massive volcanic explosion; divide the 9,000 years by 10 without any textual justification and despite its "ring of truth" (not as real history but as the very type of thing that Egyptians of that day told the Greeks),(4 ) then, still subtract 500 years from this figure to fit the revised chronology; and explain why an island which is and always has been perfectly visible, and which, in the 6th century B.C ., supported a vigorous population of seafarers was said to be totally ...
284. Chapter II: The Events [The Age of Velikovsky] [Books]
... events, renamed "Red" also, such as Edom (red), Erythrea (erythraios-red in Greek), and Haemus. The fish did not fare any better in this pre-industrial pollution. The fish died, decomposed and smelled just as today. "And the river stank", said the Israelites .4 "And all the Egyptians digged round about the river for water to drink; for they could not drink of the water of the river." 5 The Egyptians agreed with the Israelites when they wrote: "Men shrink from tasting; human beings thirst after water," and "That is our water! That is our happiness! What shall we do ...
285. Velikovsky's Sources Volume Four [Books]
... After all, that scenario was never completely forgotten. If it had been, WIC would never have been written. So that even if some of the details had become a bit fuzzy, surely something ought to have featured alongside Noah and Sodom and Gomorrah in Philo's text. Still on WIC p.287, V writes: "The Egyptian priest, described by Plato as conversing with Solon, supposed that the memory of the catastrophes of the fire and flood had been lost because literate men perished in them, together with all the achievements of their culture, and these upheavals escaped your notice because for many generations the survivors died with no power to express themselves in writing. ...
286. Editorial [Journals] [SIS Review]
... that soon collapses under scientific scrutiny, Velikovsky developed an entirely new scheme, using Biblical chronology as his yardstick. The flaws in the conventional chronology that he pointed to still remain. Velikovsky found a parallel to the Biblical account of the "plagues" that beset Egypt before the Israelite Exodus in the papyrus known as the "Admonitions of an Egyptian Sage", and dated both to the end of the Egyptian Middle Kingdom. (See R. M. Lowery: "Dating the Admonitions", in this issue.) The conventional scheme has no comparable literary evidence to offer, while Biblical scholars still face the difficult problem of reconciling the Hebrew accounts of the Exodus and Conquest ...
287. Night of the Gods: The Pillar [Books]
... but it is so smooth that he slipped down again,10 a tale of the Jack-and-the-Beanstalk order, which cannot, on the (now) burlesque side, be unrelated to the popular custom of our own " greasy pole; ' alias mat de Cocagne. It demands no stretch of the imagination to place in the same category the long Egyptian column of the Harris papyrus "which commences in the upper and in the lower heavens,"11 and that too which the Peremhru (Book of the Dead) calls "the spine of the Earth." The Tlinkeet Indians on the N. W. coast of America say the earth rests on a Pillar.12 The above ...
... , as well as "Tishtriya," the arrow from Ancient Iranit is shot from a bow built up by stars of Argo and Canis Major (Sumerian: mulBAN). The very same bow is to be found in the Chinese sphere , but there the arrow is shorter and aims at Sirius, the celestial Jackal, whereas the same Egyptian arrow is aimed at the star on the head of the Sothis Cow, as depicted in the so-called "Round Zodiac" of Dendera Sirius again. In India, Sirius is the archer himself (Tishiya), and his arrow is represented by the stars of Orion's Belt. And about all of them manifold legends are told. Thus ...
289. Chapter 16 Hittites ? Lydians [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... CONTENTS Charles Ginenthal, Pillars of the Past 489 CHAPTER 16 HITTITES — LYDIANS As the reader may recall, at the very beginning of this book we referred to Ramses II's epic encounter with the Hittites at Kadesh, an event of which we possess both a Hittite and an Egyptian record. On the basis of this unimpeachable connection, the Hittites were joined to the trunk of Egyptian history and placed in the latter to middle part of the second millennium B.C . However, in the previous chapter we looked at several forms of evidence that would instead place Ramses II and his time in the first millennium. The evidence of iron production and metallurgy in general is incompatible with ...
290. Catastrophism and Ancient History [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... Home Page ] 1978 Volume I, Part 1 Paleoclimatology and Infrared Radiation Traps: Earth's Antediluvial Climate, John H. Fermor. Problems of Early Anatolian History, Part I, Marvin A. Luckerman. The Chronology of the Lake Kings of Egypt, Donovan A. Courville. April 1979 Volume I, Part 2 The Chronology of the Early Egyptian New Kingdom, Geoffrey Gammon. A Question of Logic, Lester J. Mitcham. The Danunians and the Velikovsky Revision, Marvin A. Luckerman. August 1979 Volume II, Part 1 A Comprehensive Theory of Aging, Gigantism and Longevity, Donald W. Patten. The 360 Day Year An Ambiguity Resolved, John H. Fermor. ...
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