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206 pages of results. 231. David, Solomon & Archaeology: Revised Chronologies Compared [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... : Revised Chronologies Compared by Jeremy Goldberg The starting point for this article is Velikovsky's roughly half-century old observation that the Exodus can very attractively be dated to just before the Hyksos invasion of Egypt (rise of Dynasty 15). As readers of this journal know very well, the main sticking point ever since has been chronology: since the accepted Egyptian chronology dates the start of Dyn.15 to c. 1650 BC or a bit later, while I Kings 6:1 appears to date the Exodus to c. 1450, Velikovsky's scenario appears impossible without a major downdating (lowering) of Egyptian chronology. Starting in the 1970s, extensive support for some such chronological shift has been ...
... procedure as applied to the bristlecone pine and the refusal to allow independent unbiased analysis of some of the basic data. Sorensen concludes "that' at this time there are no compelling reasons to accept the bristlecone pine chronology as valid" So although the trend of the calibration curve is consistent with catastrophic theories, there is no reason to force Egyptian history to fit a chronology based on the bristlecone pine calibration. ASH The need to make carbon dating correspond to the accepted dates for Egyptian history is part of what originally created a desire for a calibration curve. In its present form, carbon dating cannot easily be used conclusively to support the revised or conventional chronology. However, it ...
233. Plagues and Comets [Books] [de Grazia books]
... infant Moses' survival and salvation in the bulrushes of the Nile, advances through Moses' encounter with the Burning Bush whence speaks Yahweh, ascends rapidly with the plagues of Egypt that follow his threats as Yahweh's messenger, and reaches a climax in the parting of the waters to let the Israelites escape and the closing of the waters upon the Egyptians. Thereafter the incredulous reader can only sigh as one after another lesser miracle occurs - water from tapping a rock with a wand, manna from heaven, tablets engraved by Yahweh, a little Ark with a bench on which Yahweh perches when he pleases, and a tent in which he dwells. Overall is the panorama of the people ...
234. Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... to be informed that a statement of fact in the main body of a paper is false. In any case, if Rees gives any credence at all to Midrashim such as The Prayer of Asenath' and Sefer HaYashar' (which contains this information as well), why not accept it at face value? I could understand it if Egyptian records held no mention of a king matching the Midrashic description. But note the following in Hallo and Simpson's The Ancient Near East - A History, p. 228: "Pepi II, on the other hand, appears to have had the longest reign in Egyptian history and perhaps in all history. The Turin Royal Canon credits him ...
235. The Antiquity of the Egyptian Decans [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Workshop Vol 2 No 2 (Nov 1979) Home | Issue Contents The Antiquity of the Egyptian Decans Michael G. Reade, D.S .C .IT IS generally supposed that the decans represent stars, probably ones chosen to mark the hours of the night by their risings. The indications are that a full set of decans comprises 36 stars, even if this does imply that the day and the night should have been divided into 36 equal parts instead of 24. Insofar as there is an orthodox explanation for this total number of decans, it is that stars were chosen which differed in their heliacal risings by 10 days, 10 days being the ...
236. A Review of Wells's Review of Sun, Moon, And Sothis [Journals] [Aeon]
... " of the Osiris Series; it is in fact Volume II of that series. This is but the first of many errors in the review. I shall discuss them more or less in the order of their occurrence. The frequent insults that Wells aims at me will be ignored- mostly. Wells says that I claim that "the Egyptian calendar year of 365 days was derived from the synodic period of the planet Venus" (which is approximately 584 days). Later, he says "based on" instead of "derived from." Both versions are false. I of course believe, along with nearly everyone else, that the 365-day year was "based on ...
237. Typhon and the Comet of the Exodus: Rockenbach's Lost Source [Journals] [Aeon]
... fixed star but somewhat darkish, much like Saturn. The tail was very long, somewhat bent in the middle, of a burning dark red colour, like a flame penetrating through smoke." [5 ] According to Servius, there was more to be found about comet Typhon in the works of Campester and Petosiris, the Roman and Egyptian astrologers, both of whom lived in the early centuries of the Christian era. [6 ] So many ancient sources have, however, been lost that it is now difficult, if not impossible, to trace the origin of this report. When it next surfaces, we find it listed in a book on comets which was published ...
238. Notes and Queries [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review 1996:2 (May 1997) Home | Issue Contents Notes and Queries Ancient Egyptian Stoneworking Techniques Q. On a visit to Glasgow, I visited the Burrell Collection - and there I saw some quite perplexing exhibits. They were vases dated to Egyptian predynastic times (earlier than 3000BC in conventional dating). They were beautifully round and smooth, each vase having a nicely formed lip around the top and two small handles, perfectly symmetrically placed, one on each side. If the vases had been pottery, formed from clay, the workmanship would have been impressive - but these had been cut from stone: gabbro, basalt, diorite ...
239. "King Living in Truth". Part 1 (Oedipus and Akhnaton) [Velikovsky]
... replacing the supreme god Amon by the god Aton. The usual interpretation has it that Amon-Ra was the sun god and that Aton was also the sun god, but in a different aspect: the solar disk, or the material substance of the sun. These theological subtleties on the part of modern scholars, who ascribe them to the ancient Egyptians and see in the change a great religious reform, are not convincing. Anyway, Amon was not a solar deity, and besides, there was an idea and a philosophy of life and an ethical concept in Akhnaton's reform. Amon was the same as Jupiter, worshiped by all the nations of antiquity. In Greece his name was ...
240. Thutmose III: A Different Perspective [Journals] [Aeon]
... In terms of choice then, the northern allies had Hazor, Megiddo, Jerusalem, or Gezer as fortified cities after Solomon's reign. The topography of Jerusalem makes it an excellent defensive position but not one for an open battle. Gezer appears to be too far south for the allies' supply system to support and was most probably loyal to Egyptian interests due to its proximity. Megiddo is thus an obvious choice. South of Megiddo was open territory, devoid of any suitable defense fall-back. Waiting for the enemy at Megiddo had other attractions, especially if the defenders knew that the opposing army, having already secured Gaza as a base, was approaching from the south. Inactivity keeps ...
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