A Journal of Interdisciplinary Synthesis

Vol. XII, No. 2 Spring 1987


3 Seti's Foreign Connections George Robert Talbott
21 Noah's Ark: I - The Ship on Ararat Dwardu Cardona
35 The Mark of the Beast Milo Kearney
39 Young Velikovsky: From Bergson to Berger Duane Vorhees
49 The Greenland Ice Cores Lynn E. Rose
59 The Milankovitch Theory of the Ice Ages Lynn E. Rose
73 Forum John D. Weir, Lynn E. Rose and Raymond C. Vaughan
76 Vox Populi C. Leroy Ellenberger, Richard M Smith
79 Notices
2 Contributors
Cover: The Watery Abyss of Nu


Lewis M. Greenberg

Executive Editor
Warner B. Sizemore

Senior Editors
Dwardu Cardona, David Griffard, Henry A. Hoff, C. J. Ransom,
Lynn E. Rose, Raymond C. Vaughan, and Roger W. Wescott

Associate Editors
Ev Cochrane, Doeko Goosen, Frederic B. Jueneman
Bernard Newgrosh, A. Mann Paterson,
Jan N. Sammer and George R. Talbott

Contributing Editor
Joseph May

Copyright © April, 1987, KRONOS PRESS, a division of Cosmos & Chronos.
ISSN: 0361-6584

Address all correspondence, manuscripts, and subscriptions to:
KRONOS Subscription Department
P. O. Box 343
Wynnewood, PA 19096

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$22.00 A year (Institutions) $28.00 Overseas airmail (Institutions)

Kronos is now published three times per year.