A Journal of Interdisciplinary Synthesis

Vol. X, No. 3 Summer 1985


1 Still Facing Many Problems (Part II) C. Leroy Ellenberger
25 The Scars of Mars - I Donald W. Patten
42 Guidelines to the Saturn Myth David Talbott
53 The Baalim Dwardu Cardona
59 Child of Saturn (Part V) Dwardu Cardona
70 The Earliest Arrival of Celts in the British Isles Roger W. Wescott
76 Velikovsky and Historical Anti-Naturism Duane Vorhees
83 Forum Danino, Ascough, Kogan, Heinsohn, Cardona, Danino, and Cardona
100 Vox Populi Thompson, Carroll, Ginenthal, Forshufvud, McCanney, and Ellenberger
24 Contributors
Cover iii Notices
Cover Illustration: A close-up picture of the Martian satellite Phobos taken by Viking Orbiter I from a range of 120 kilometers (75 miles). Photo is reproduced by courtesy of the Public Information Dept. of JPL of Pasadena, California.


Lewis M. Greenberg

Executive Editor
Warner B. Sizemore

Senior Editors
Dwardu Cardona, C. Leroy Ellenberger, David Griffard, Henry A. Hoff
C. J. Ransom, Lynn E. Rose, Raymond C. Vaughan, and Roger W. Wescott

Associate Editors
Ev Cochrane, Doeko Goosen, Frederic B. Jueneman
Earl R. Milton, Bernard Newgrosh, A. Mann Paterson,
Jan N. Sammer and George R. Talbott

Contributing Editor
Joseph May, and Irving Wolfe

Copyright © June, 1985, KRONOS PRESS, a division of Cosmos & Chronos.
ISSN: 0361-6584