A Symposium on Myth and Science

Volume II, Number 5
Copyright (c) 1991 and Published by:
AEON, 2326 Knapp, Ames, IA 50010, USA


Intimations of An Alien Sky

Dwardu Cardona presents evidence that the ancient skies differed radically from those of modern times. A case in point is the surprising prominence of the planet Saturn in sources throughout the ancient world. PAGE 5

Timna and Egyptian Dates

Dr. Heinsohn discusses the stratigraphy of Timna and argues its decisive importance for a true understanding of Egyptian chronology. PAGE 35

Some Comments on Heinsohn's Revised Chronology

Dr. Stiebing offers a detailed criticism of the radical historical reconstruction offered by Gunnar Heinsohn. PAGE 45

The Death of Heracles

Ev Cochrane explores Sophocles' Trachiniae for clues to the mythological history of the planet Mars. PAGE 55.


Fred Jueneman presents the strange story of Halton Arp, a leading astronomer ostracized for his unconventional views. PAGE 73


Leroy Ellenberger, David Salkeld, Derek Shelley-Pearce, Dwardu Cardona, Samuel Windsor, James McCanney, and Ev Cochrane. PAGE 83

Volume II, Number 5


Dwardu Cardona, former Senior Editor of the journal KRONOS, has also written for various other publications.

Ev Cochrane has devoted the past eleven years to catastrophist research. He served as an Associate Editor of KRONOS and was a frequent contributor to that journal.

Fred Jueneman, an analytic chemist, served as an Associate Editor with KRONOS and remains a contributing editor/columnist for Research and Development.

Gunnar Heinsohn, Professor of Social Sciences at the University of Bremen in Germany, is the author of Die Sumerer gab es Nicht.

William Stiebing is a professor of history at the University of New Orleans. He is the author of numerous publications, including Ancient Astronauts, Cosmic Collisions, and Out of the Desert.

AEON -- A Symposium on Myth and Science

In the pages of this symposium -- AEON -- we present a continuing discussion of unusual theories about man, the earth and the heavens. More than one of the theories presented here will challenge deeply-held premises of modern scientific thought, while offering new vistas in the quest for knowledge.

Under the present topic, "The Cataclysm," we explore the evidence for global catastrophes and interplanetary upheaval in the recent past, seeking out the implications for the affected disciplines. The symposium is designed to encourage independent investigation, to speed up the process of communicating findings to others, and to foster a wider debate as to the interpretation of new data.

AEON will pursue an interdisciplinary approach. In addition to providing a service to researchers in catastrophist studies, we offer the general reader the possibility of sharing in exciting discovery.

AEON is not an institutional journal with a finished product. The papers presented here are still in evolution, looking for comment and criticism from others. Publication in this symposium will, as a rule, involve little or no refereeing and minimal editing, with the primary responsibility for technical accuracy and proofreading resting on the contributors themselves.

Specialists in the affected fields are asked to challenge the presented views or to offer alternative explanations of the data. While it is extremely unlikely that every paper presented in these symposia will survive the critical process, we are confident that this process will help to bring out many new insights into man and his past.