A Symposium on Myth and Science

Volume I, Number 4 July, 1988
Copyright (c) 1988 and Published by:
The Kronia Group, 12001 S.W. Steamboat Dr., Beaverton, OR 97005. USA


On Models and Scenarios

By David Talbott. Suggested interdisciplinary ground-rules for combining myth and physical fact in a new synthesis. Page 5

Solar System Studies: Part Two

Engineer Fred Hall reviews evidence that the Earth once moved in a planetary system much different from the present. Page 16

The Polar Column: A Physical Model of Myth

Fred Jueneman, contributing editor for Research and Development, describes a theoretical two-planet system in which the two orbs share a common rotational axis, producing the mythical world mountain. Page 36

The Saturn Myth: A Tentative Physical Model

Physicist Robert Driscoll submits a preliminary model for a polar configuration in which the Earth is caught in an interplanetary wind jet between two gas-giant planets or "Proto-Jovians." Page 50

Mars in Upheaval

By Charles Ginenthal. Numerous physical evidences of Mars' catastrophic past are presented in a preliminary summary. The result is a portrait of a planet wrenched by external forces in geologically recent times. Page 60

The Organization of the Solar System

Co-authors Donald Patten and Samuel Windsor challenge the conventional nebular hypothesis, while laying the groundwork for a new approach to the origins of the solar system. Page 77

Heracles and the Planet Mars

Mythologist Ev Cochrane examines one of the world's best-known warrior-heroes, finding repeated and persuasive links to the planet Mars and the polar column. Page 89

The Israelite Conquest of Canaan

Reviewing archaeological sites in Israel, Gunnar Heinsohn identifies "Middle Bronze" strata (usually dated around -1950 to -1750) with the early Israelite kingdom of 1050 to 900, seeing the ensuing "Hyksos" strata as that of the invading Assyrians. Page 106

The Hyksos Were Not Assyrians

A critical response to Heinsohn's treatment of the land of Israel, by Martin Sieff, an admirer of Heinsohn's work on Mesopotamia. Page 119.

Volume 1, Number 4


Ev Cochrane has devoted the past nine years to catastrophist research. He is an Associate Editor of KRONOS and a frequent contributor to that journal.

Robert Driscoll studied physics at Caltech and mechanical engineering at Case Tech. Now retired, he is a member of the American Physical Society.

Charles Ginenthal presently teaches science to the handicapped in New York City and is the author of a forthcoming book, Sagan and Velikorksy.

Fred Hall, engineer, is now retired from the Stanford Linear Accelerator Laboratory.

Gunnar Heinsohn, professor of social sciences at the University of Bremen in Germany, is the author of Die Sumerer gab es Nicht.

Frederic Jueneman, an analytical chemist, is an associate editor of KRONOS and a contributing editor/columnist for Research and Development.

Donald Patten has written over a hundred essays on Earth history and is the author of two books, The Biblical Flood and the Ice Epoch and the Long Day of Joshua.

Martin Sieff is a foreign desk editor for the Washington Times and a frequent contributor to discussions of ancient chronology.

David Talbott was the publisher of Pensée magazine's series "Immanuel Velikovsky Reconsidered." He is the author of The Saturn Myth.

Samuel Windsor is a consulting engineer in private practice and is a contributor to Catastrophism and Ancient History.

AEON -- A Symposium on Myth and Science

In the pages of this symposium -- AEON -- we present a continuing discussion of unusual theories about man, the earth and the heavens. More than one of the theories presented here will challenge deeply-held premises of modern scientific thought, while offering new vistas in the quest for knowledge.

Under the present topic, "The Cataclysm," we explore the evidence for global catastrophes and interplanetary upheaval in the recent past, seeking out the implications for the affected disciplines. The symposium is designed to encourage independent investigation, to speed up the process of communicating findings to others, and to foster a wider debate as to the interpretation of new data.

AEON will pursue an interdisciplinary approach. In addition to providing a service to researchers in catastrophist studies, we offer the general reader the possibility of sharing in exciting discovery.

AEON is not an institutional journal with a finished product. The papers presented here are still in evolution, looking for comment and criticism from others. Publication in this symposium will, as a rule, involve little or no refereeing and minimal editing, with the primary responsibility for technical accuracy and proofreading resting on the contributors themselves.

Specialists in the affected fields are asked to challenge the presented views or to offer alternative explanations of the data. While it is extremely unlikely that every paper presented in these symposia will survive the critical process, we are confident that this process will help to bring out many new insights into man and his past.