A Symposium on Myth and Science

Volume One, "The Cataclysm"
No. 2, February 1988.
Copyright (c) 1988 and Published by:
The Kronia Group, 12001 S.W. Steamboat Dr., Beaverton, OR 97005. USA


Reopening the Sumerian question

Jan Sammer, former research assistant to Immanuel Velikovsky, introduces the revolutionary work of Professor Gunnar Heinsohn of Germany, challenging the foundations of Mesopotamian chronology. page 5

Heinsohn, Velikovsky and the Revised Chronology

A personal perspective on the Heinsohn theory, by Clark Whelton, Assistant to the Mayor of New York. Heinsohn's findings, he thinks, may answer some of the most troublesome questions left unresolved at Velikovsky's death. page 8.

The Chaldeans of Sumer

Washington Times foreign desk editor Martin Sief takes an expansive look at Heinsohn's claims, offering some speculations of his own. Page 12

Did the Sumerians and the Akkadians Ever Exist?

Professor Gunnar Heinsohn summarizes his findings, listing the many anomalies removed by placing the "Sumerians" and "Akkadians" in the first millennium.B.C. as alter egos of the Chaldeans and Assyrians. Page 18

The Signature of Catastrophe

Engineer James Strickling asks us to reconsider the conventional geological column. As usually presented it speaks for uneventful evolution. But the actual record indicates unexplained, catastrophic breaks between levels. Page 53

Stars, Galaxies and Electro-Gravitic Theory

Following up on his introduction of electrogravitic theory (presented in issue number one), Charles Ginenthal reviews some of the ways the theory can be tested. Topics range from binary stars to spiral galaxies. Page 69.

Aeonic Aphorisms

Twenty-five pithy insights concerning man, myth and catastrophism, by Roger Wescott, Professor of Anthropology at Drew University. Page 87

Velikovksy and the Problem of Planetary Identification

Ev Cochrane, associate editor of KRONOS, explains why it is sometimes difficult to identify the planets among the gods. A discriminating approach can eliminate much of the confusion and perhaps correct some of the mistaken identities. Page 89

On Testing the Polar Configuration

A look at the methodology for verifying or refuting the theory of the polar configuration, with illustrations of the "predictive ability" of the model. By David Talbott, author of The Saturn Myth. Page 95

Volume I, Number 3


Roger Ashton is an interdisciplinary researcher and student of Sanskrit literature. Topics of his published articles range from classical Asian music to the butterflies of Delhi.

Dwardu Cardona, a Senior Editor of the journal KRONOS, has also published in Topper, The Ubyssey, Pensée, The Sourcebook Project, Frontiers of Science, and the SIS Workshop.

Ev Cochrane has devoted the past nine years to catastrophist research. He is an Associate Editor of KRONOS and a frequent contributor to that journal.

Charles Ginenthal presently teaches science to the handicapped in New York City.

Earl Milton is Professor of Physics at the University of Lethbridge. He is the co-author of Solaria Binaria and a past contributor to Pensée and KRONOS.

James Strickling, author of Origins -- Today's Science, Tomorrow's Myth, is an engineer in the telecommunications industry.

David Talbott was the founder and publisher of Pensée magazine, which produced the series, "Immanuel Velikovsky Reconsidered." He is the author of The Saturn Myth.

AEON -- A Symposium on Myth and Science

In the pages of this symposium -- AEON -- we present a continuing discussion of unusual theories about man, the earth and the heavens. More than one of the theories presented here will challenge deeply-held premises of modern scientific thought, while offering new vistas in the quest for knowledge.

Under the present topic, "The Cataclysm," we explore the evidence for global catastrophes and interplanetary upheaval in the recent past, seeking out the implications for the affected disciplines. The symposium is designed to encourage independent investigation, to speed up the process of communicating findings to others, and to foster a wider debate as to the interpretation of new data.

AEON will pursue an interdisciplinary approach. In addition to providing a service to researchers in catastrophist studies, we offer the general reader the possibility of sharing in exciting discovery.

AEON is not an institutional journal with a finished product. The papers presented here are still in evolution, looking for comment and criticism from others. Publication in this symposium will, as a rule, involve little or no refereeing and minimal editing, with the primary responsibility for technical accuracy and proofreading resting on the contributors themselves.

Specialists in the affected fields are asked to challenge the presented views or to offer alternative explanations of the data. While it is extremely unlikely that every paper presented in these symposia will survive the critical process, we are confident that this process will help to bring out many new insights into man and his past.