

I would like to thank many of people for their help in producing this CD-Rom disc. Thank you to everyone, it would not be available today without you all. There are many others working on the next version of the CD-Rom, and they will be credited here in due couse.

Eric Crew
Birgit Liesching
David Salkeld

Proof readers
Eric Aitchinson
Sjef van Asten
Geoff Bennett
Phillip Clapham
Ev Cochrane
Terry Cropper
John Crowe
Pam Hanna
Phil Hill
Jane Hilton

Karen Josephson
Roland H. Jurisch
Sarah Lange
Lisa Liel
Birgit Liesching
David Livingstone
Brian Moore
Alan Newby
Jeremy Parnell
Jayesh Patel
Chris Phillips

Bob Porter
David Roth
David Salkeld
Dennis Session
Alan Shaw
Rick Smith
Paul Standring
Betty Tresman
Sjef van Asten
John Walker

Scanning & OCR*
Simon Booth       Cheryl McCulloch
Steve Clarke      Julie A Clay
John Didlock      Jackie Jarvis
Terry MacKenzie   June Palmer
Jayesh Patel      Andy Reade
Adelaide Tresman  
* (Optical Character Recognition)

Personal thanks

And a special thank you to my wife Caroline for tolerating my days and nights at the computer, and our children Adelaide (14) and Cameron (10) who may one day understand what this is all about.

And by no means last, a thank you to my parents Betty and Harold Tresman who both spent much of their time helping to get the Society for Interdisciplinary Studies onto its feet. It was my father who first introduced me to catastrophism in about 1974, my father who scanned more books than anyone else, and my mother who proof-read more journals on this disc than anyone else.